Walk around London English teacher Galina Koshkina Toki 2016
bring Dear friends! I suggest you practice in determining the tense forms of the verb The Present Simple Tense and The Present Progressive Tense. Read the job on the puzzle and press on the bus with the answer. If the answer is correct, open the way to the next job. Good luck! are opening
Present Simple Present Progressive am watching TV
swims Present Simple Present Progressive
Present Simple hear Present Progressive
Present Simple Present Progressive bring
Present Simple are opening Present Progressive
Present Simple becomes Present Progressive
am going Present Simple Present Progressive
Present Simple Present Progressive bring
Present Simple Present Progressive is catching
Present Simple Present Progressive finds
is singing Present Simple Present Progressive
Resources Автобус http://www.gandoza.com/media/3d-models/london-double-decker-bus-02.jpg Тауэрский мост http://getbg.net/upload/full/524547_tauyerskij-most_london_gorod_1800x1200_(www.GetBg.net).jpg Зонтик http://photo.7ya.ru/ph/2015/7/11/1436635855670.jpg http://www.belvedor.com/images/product/734036_a_big.jpg Лондон http://rf-54.ru/userfiles/catalog/large/151176.jpg Лондон http://igo2london.com/data/Image/000/4548790/__fs__big-ben-london-donald-davis.jpg Лондон http://www.vokrugsveta.ru/img/cmn/2014/04/01/036.jpg Спасибо http://www.desibucket.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Thank-you-picture-sdd-Tnku01233.jpg Шаблон пазлов http://www.indezine.com/bank/puzzlepictures.html