Introduction to Pupil Accounting II Boot Camp 2016 Mary Beth Stein, Traverse City Area Schools Barbette Lane, Wexford/Missaukee ISD 1
Alternative Education Program – 5A Alternative Education Program Pupils Instances for enrollment include: Board Policy/Mandatory Expulsion If a mandatory expulsion, the student has to be kept separate from the general population If a board policy expulsion, the student may attend another school district w/out a reinstatement from the expelling school district, as long as they are enrolled under the non-resident exemptions, or are considered a resident student Court Referred Pregnant or is a parent Dropout or at risk of dropping out If attending from another district, and has dropped out of that district, a release is not needed Pupil identified as more academically successful in a non-traditional setting 2
Alternative Education Program Must meet requirements as any other pupil as discussed including: Enrollment Requirements Apply 1098 hours of scheduled instruction Can apply for a waiver to reduce required hours by application and approval process Pupil Attendance Documentation (count day) 75% attendance Traditional Classroom setting vs. Lab setting 3
Cooperative Education – 5B Pupils who attend classes outside the resident district and a cooperative agreement is in effect FTE can be claimed by more than 1 district, but cannot be greater than 1.00 FTE between districts Travel time (up to 3 hrs/week) can be counted toward instruction Travel waivers are available if travel time is the sole reason for keeping the student below 1.00 FTE Examples: Alternative Ed Educating nonpublic/homeschooled pupils Special Education Career & Technical Education Early/Middle College 4
Home Based – 5C Expelled/Long Term suspension District policy Mandatory expulsion (Section 1311 of the State School Aid Act)
Home Based – 5C Expelled/Long Term Suspension under Local Board Policy Instruction may occur at the pupil’s home or other neutral site Materials must be provided by the district Certified teacher must provide the instruction At least two (2) non-consecutive instructional hours per week Attendance must be taken Credit is earned, awarded and placed on pupil’s transcript FTE is pro-rated based on a % of the 1098 required hours Example: 2 hours per week provided on a 1098 calendar = .07 FTE 6
Home Based – 5C Expelled under Mandatory State Law i.e. – weapons, arson, sexual assault, physical assault against a school employee Instruction may occur at the pupil’s home or other neutral site Materials must be provided by the district Certified teacher must provide the instruction Instruction is one-on-one (If not, FTE is prorated) At least two (2) non-consecutive instructional hours per week Attendance must be taken Credit is earned, awarded and placed on pupil’s transcript These students may be counted for a full FTE (1.00) if the above requirements are met 7
Homebound / Hospitalized – 5D The pupil is unable to attend school for health reasons Written documentation from a physician must be provided – it should state that the student is confined to the home or hospital for more than 5 days for a medical reason Physician is an M.D. or D.O., not psychologists, chiropractors, dentists, NP, PA etc. Pupil must be able to engage in instruction The school district must make arrangements to provide these services w/in three (3) days of the request 8
Homebound / Hospitalized – 5D District Responsibilities Materials must be provided by the district Attendance must be taken Credit is earned and placed on pupil’s transcript by the teacher of record The student must have the ability to receive the service General Education Pupils A certified teacher must provide a minimum of two (2) 45-minute periods of instructional service per week – can be consecutive Special Education Pupils A certified teacher must provide a minimum of two (2) one-hour periods of instructional service per week – non consecutive *NOTE- See PAM 5-D Q&A #8 for counting FTE if unable to provide required time 9
Non-Public Part-Time and Home Schooled – 5E Resident district has first right of refusal If district does not agree to provide instruction to the nonpublic school pupils w/in 60 days of request, nonpublic school can go to district/charter w/in ISD or contiguous ISD with a cooperative agreement Instruction to be provided by a “certified teacher” employed by the district
Non-Public Part-Time and Home Schooled – 5E Requirements The courses must also be offered at the public school that is providing the instruction and during regular school hours Only non-essential elective courses may be provided and claimed for FTE Kindergarten is eligible beginning in Fall 2016 Cap=0.99 FTE The FTE is prorated based on actual hours scheduled and provided divided by 1098 11
Part Time – 5F A public school student in grades 1-12 who is scheduled for fewer than 1098 hours, and does not qualify as a reduced schedule student Example: partial schedule seniors, students enrolled in 2 or more LEAs, ISD or PSA Non-public shared time students should not be identified as part time pupils The FTE is prorated based on actual hours scheduled and provided divided by 1098 12
Post Secondary/Dual Enrollment/Career & Technical Preparation – 5GA Expanded opportunities for high school pupils Students who are taking one or more courses at an eligible postsecondary institution – state universities, community colleges or career and technical institutions See PA Manual for FTE calculations 13
Post Secondary/Dual Enrollment/Career & Technical Preparation – 5GA District Requirements: Local school districts must provide general information to all pupils enrolled in grade 8 or higher by March 1 of each school year The postsecondary course(s): must be academic in nature or applicable to career preparation course taken must be one not offered by the high school; or a schedule conflict must exist must normally apply toward satisfaction of degree requirements; may not be in the subject matter of hobby-craft, recreation, physical education, theology, divinity, or religious education The school district must pay tuition and mandatory course fees, material fees, textbooks (unless course is for college credit only), technology fees and registration fees up to the pro-rated foundation 14
Post Secondary/Dual Enrollment/Career & Technical Preparation – 5GA Pupil Requirements: The pupil cannot have already earned a high school diploma The pupil has received a qualifying score in all subject areas on the MME or another college-ready assessment Up to 10 college courses count for high school and post secondary credit The pupil cannot participate in intercollegiate athletics while at the post secondary institution A dually enrolled pupil must be enrolled and attending at least one class for high school credit at a public school district This requirement is also true for non public shared time students 15
Early Middle College – 5GB Early/Middle College High School means a public high school designed to allow a pupil to earn a high school diploma while also earning an associate’s degree, a certificate of completion, or up to 60 transferable college credits. An Early/Middle College is established by a consortium agreement between an intermediate district or a public school district and a Michigan public or private college or university. EMC students cannot be homeschooled or non public Please be sure to refer to the PAM for complete details 16
Early Middle College – 5GB How to count Combined number of classes at high school and post secondary institution equals the number of classes at the high school to be counted as 1.00 FTE The combined number of classes meets the requirements for a reduced schedule May count travel time Pupil meets the definition of a full time post secondary student 17
What’s the difference? (More importantly… Why does it matter?) Between a 5th year senior and a 13 year student? 5th year senior Must declare by 11th grade Complete 5th year with a high school diploma AND college credits GAD- Cohort changes No limit to the number of college classes in 5th year 13 year senior (super senior)- satisfying graduation requirements GAD- Cohort remains the same-Off Track Continuing Limited to 2 college courses at a time or 4 college courses during the 5th year
Reduced Schedule – 5H 19 Not allowed: Pupils in grades 9-12 who are not completing the required 1098 hours of instruction at the written request of the parent(s) and approval of district representative based on the best educational needs of the pupil Pupils are eligible to be counted as 1.0 FTE if: Pupils with less than full schedules, but are in school at least 80% of the time (75% for 4-block schedules) 1098 * 80% = 878.40 hours/year 1098 * 75% = 823.50 hours/year Must be considered on a case by case basis Not allowed: A pupil only needs a few classes to graduate An entire group of students (ie all seniors, or CTC students) 19
IEP Reduced Schedule Pupils incapable of attending school for the number of days/hours required may have a reduced schedule as specified in pupil’s IEP Reasons SHOULD be documented by medical or psychological personnel
Schools of Choice (Section 105 &/or 105C) – 5I Participation approved by School Board annually 105 and/or 105c First and second semester/trimester participation Open Enrollment or Limited Enrollment By building, grade, and/or program Confirm students’ address annually 21
Schools of Choice (Section 105/105C) – 5I Limited Notice to the public of the slots available and application period – 15-30 calendar days The school district may enroll from the waiting list up to the end of the first week of school determined by a lottery Unlimited Notice to the public of the application period – minimum of 15 calendar days The school district may continue to accept applications and enroll students up to the end of the first week of school 22
ISD Schools of Choice or Former Sect. 91/91a – 5J Pupils enrolled in a district other than the pupil’s district of residence under Section 91(a) or under an ISD’s Schools of Choice pilot program under former Section 91 shall be counted by the educating district. Pupils enrolled in a district other than the pupil’s district of residence but within the same ISD, and at least 50% of the ISD’s constituent districts continue to participate in the Schools of Choice pilot program under former Section 91 shall be counted by the educating district. A nonresident pupil enrolled in a district under a pilot intermediate district schools of choice program under former section 91 shall continue to be enrolled in the district until the pupil graduates from high school even if the district ceases to participate in the pilot schools of choice program or the ISD pilot schools of choice program is discontinued.
Special Education Early Childhood – 5K Requirements for Claiming: Instruction by certificated special education teacher IEP that is on file and effective as of count day Must be enrolled in a bona fide special education preschool program listed below (waivers may be obtained through MDE) Classroom programs under Rule 340.1754 Minimum Hrs. For Full Funding* Hours 360 450 Days 144 144 Non -classroom programs under Rule 340.1755 Minimum Hrs. FTE calculation basis* 72 180 during school year Non-classroom programs under Rule 340.1862 (birth-3) Minimum Hrs. FTE calculation basis 72 180 during the calendar year *Note: Failure to provide the minimums results in loss of funding for the entire program 24
Special Education Early Childhood – 5K Attendance must be documented Speech, OT, PT, or other ancillary services may not be counted toward FTE unless the services are provided under the educational supervision of an approved early childhood special education teacher. The pupils IEP must read Rule 340.1755 (see Q & A #5, p. 5-K-5 of the PA Manual) Forgiven hours are prorated based on the number of hours in the program 25
Special Education Transition – 5L Claiming for Membership Enrolled and in attendance during count period Assigned to a special education teacher employed by the educating district that will give meaningful direction Must meet the 1098 hours requirement in order to be counted for 1.00 FTE 26
Special Education Transition – 5L Work Based Learning (see Work Based Education-5P) Work Activity Center Services Instructional + Work Count instructional Work activity must be less than 50% of school time Work activity must be incidental to the instructional program
Special Education Transition – 5L (cont) Transition community learning experience (TCLE) Training Plan and Training Agreement Experiences must be approved by school board Monitored by a special ed teacher employed by the district On student’s schedule and grade/credit earned based on progress TCLE must take attendance and maintain attendance records
Split Schedule – 5M A pupil who attends more than 1 school within the same district FTE may be split between buildings, or not Attendance needs to be kept in the building where FTE is being claimed Travel time is countable towards instruction The total FTE for the pupil(s) may not exceed 1.0 FTE 29
Suspensions and Expulsions – 5N A pupil who was suspended or expelled on count day has a 45 calendar days to return to his/her classes and be claimed for full membership. Short-Term Suspensions-10 consecutive days or less Claiming: Teacher of record must report absence - or - Pupils who were placed in an in-school suspension room must be supervised by a certificated teacher 30
Suspensions and Expulsions – 5N Long-Term Suspensions or Expulsions: Suspensions or Expulsions up to 180 days. For special education pupils be sure to hold a Manifestation Determination Review Claiming: Attendance must be taken where the pupil was served Instruction must be provided by a certificated teacher Instruction must be academic in nature and earning credit toward grade progression or a high school diploma FTE must be prorated based on the minimum required hours of pupil instruction for grades 1-12 31
Suspensions and Expulsions – 5N Permanent Expulsion-mandatory (Weapons, Arson, Criminal Sexual Conduct, Physical Assault to an employee, volunteer, or a person contracted by the school district) Claiming 1.0 FTE under state mandated Teacher: Student ratio= 1:1 2 one hour period per week with certificated teacher under Home Based guidelines (see 5-C) or An alternative Education Program specifically designed to provide Education services to this group of pupils 32
Virtual Learning, Distance Learning, and Independent Study – 5-O-A Districts may choose not to offer some or all of the programs in this section Grade Eligibility -Virtual Learning: K-12 -Distance Learning: K-12 -Independent Study: 9-12 Number of Courses allowed (combined) Virtual learning On-site w/certified teacher- unlimited On-site with adult present: 2/semester Self scheduled: 2/semester Distance learning: unlimited Independent Study: 2/semester
Virtual Learning, Distance Learning, and Independent Study – 5-O-A Requirements: Enrolled and attending on the count day Course(s) must appear on the student schedule Course must be academic in nature and approved by the school board The course must generate credit toward a high school diploma or progression The teacher of record must be identified. The teacher may be the instructor associated with the distance learning class and therefore may not be Michigan certified 34
Virtual Learning, Distance Learning, and Independent Study – 5-O-A An on site mentor must be assigned and be employed by the district Limit of two per semester/trimester If self-scheduled, must meet 1 two-way interaction requirements* If blended learning environment, pupil must be physically present on count day , or meet the 10/30 day absence requirement *See Two-Way Participation Timeline. MUST document the communication.
Seat Time Waiver 5-O-B Requirements for Counting Membership Must meet pupil membership eligibility requirements Pupil shall be registered, enrolled and participating in the course Participation is defined as one two-way communication each week for four week count period* *See Two-Way Participation Timeline. MUST document the communication.
Seat Time Waiver 5-O-B 37 Each course shall count as one class for FTE An on-site mentor must be assigned to the pupil. This does not have to be a certified teacher but must be a professional employee of the district. The Teacher of Record must be certified teacher employed by the district. (May serve as the mentor) 37
Seat Time Waiver 5-O-B The District must pay any associated pupil tuition charges, costs, and fees for the seat time waiver course(s) and other online activities on behalf of the eligible pupil, including the costs associated with providing the pupil with a computer and broadband internet access Note: The district may adopt additional requirements for enrollment in virtual learning, distance learning or independent study. May place greater restrictions on pupils (11th and 12th grade only) and/or courses offered. Types of Programs 1. 100% on line 2. Blended learning -At least 50% direct teacher/classroom contact (549 hrs) -No limit on % of district population for enrollment -Grades 6 – 12 38
5-O-C: Cyber Schools “100% online schools”, provide all of a pupil’s instruction through online learning. Cyber Schools are defined as “school of excellence.” See PAM for requirements and instructions on how to count FTE
5-O-D Expanded Online Learning (Sec.21f) Requirements for Counting Membership Enrolled in grades K to 12 Course(s) must be selected from district or statewide course syllabus Course cannot generate more FTE than courses offered in a traditional format Count maximum of two courses/term, semester, trimester. If a pupil has demonstrated previous success with online courses and the school leadership and the pupil’s parent or legal guardian determine that it is in the best interest of the pupil, a pupil may be enrolled in more than 2 online courses in a specific academic term, semester, or trimester
5-O-D Expanded Online Learning (Sec.21f) Teacher of record identified , assigned to course and hold a valid Michigan teaching certificate and responsible for all facets of learning A professional employee (does not have to be a certified teacher) will act as the mentor Participation is measured by two way interaction* District can deny on line course enrollment (See PAM) *See Two-Way Participation Timeline. MUST document the communication.
5-O-D Expanded Online Learning (Sec.21f) Awarding Credit, and Payment of Tuition Successful completion requires the awarding of appropriate grade or credit A district is not required to pay toward the cost of an virtual course an amount that exceeds 6.67% of the minimum foundation allowance for the current fiscal year as calculated under section 20 of the State School Aid Act (MCL 388.1620) A pupil’s school record and transcript shall identify the online course title as it appears in the online course syllabus
Two-Way Participation Timeline
Work-based Education – 5P Paid or unpaid learning experiences through Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs Requirements: Training Agreement in place on the count date Training Plan in place on the count date Attendance must be maintained by the employer or coordinator Work hours may not generate more than one-half of the pupil’s FTE The experience must be offered for high school credit A certificated teacher/coordinator who is employed by the district must visit the pupil’s work site once every 9 weeks (every 30 days for special education students) 44
Section 23a Dropout Recovery Program – 5-Q-A Drop Out Recovery opportunity Year Round provider FTE can be captured even if student was counted in Fall or Spring of that year by another district FTE calculated by month
Experiential Learning – Section 6-A Course Requirements: Grades 9-12 Must receive local school board approval and be in the student handbook Must be part of the pupil’s class schedule and result in credit earned towards a high school diploma and attendance taken Limit to one/semester Must have education development plan(EDP) in place Cannot replace an employee Must be taught by a certificated teacher employed by the school district The primary responsibility of the certificated teacher of the course should be teaching the pupil(s) during the course time frame – the teacher shall not be concurrently teaching another course 46
Experiential Learning – Section 6-A (cont) Allowable A course where a syllabus is distributed, tests/quizzes are given, course is graded and not Pass/Fail Library Asst., Teacher Asst., PE Teacher Asst. Not Allowable Primary function to perform basic tasks (copying, running errands, emptying trash, washing tables) Some exceptions apply
Peer-to-Peer Elective Course Credit Program (former Links Program) 6-B The programs represent one model of 21st Century instructional design that incorporates applied (experiential) learning in a non-traditional manner. It is a strategy for providing ongoing support and modeling by a non-disabled pupil to a pupil with an IEP. Certified teachers at appropriate grade levels MUST be teachers assigned to an elective peer to peer course credit program. Depending on the optional model(s) implemented, teachers may be in a special ed. or general ed. programs. 48
Peer-to-Peer Elective Course Credit Program Four Models General ed elective taught by special ed teacher who is general ed certified in the grade level of the elective General ed elective taught by peer-to-peer teacher certified in general ed in the grade the elective is offered General ed elective taught by a general ed teacher who is also teaching a general ed content course General ed elective taught by special ed teacher who is also teaching a special ed program
How Long do we have to keep this stuff? Michigan Records Retention Policy
Michigan Records Retention Policy Paragraphs 600 -606 Pupil Accounting Membership Reports and Audits Count Day reports LEA-Current year + 3 years ISD-Current year + 7 years Days and Clock Hours Reports- Current year + 3 years
Michigan Records Retention Policy Paragraph 1400A-School records Student Files – Academic Records (CA 60) Active + 60 years Some components may be destroyed sooner
Michigan Records Retention Policy Paragraphs 1602-1603 Guidance Counseling Accomodation (section 504) Plans- Active + 3 years Educational Development Plans- until graduation
Michigan Records Retention Policy Paragraphs 1700-1701 Special Education Special Education Student Files- Until graduation IEPs – Creation date + 6 years
Michigan Records Retention Policy Paragraphs 1800-1802 Early Childhood Education At Risk Student Files for ages 3-5-Becomes part of student records MI School Readiness Program Student Files-Becomes part of the student records Early On-Becomes part of the student records
Michigan Records Retention Policy Paragraphs 2000-2006 Athletics Coach Directory - until superseded Coaches Handbook - until superseded Student Athlete Files - while student is active Student Eligibility Reports - Fiscal year +1 year Officials Contracts - Expiration +6 years Season History - while of value to the district
RESOURCES 58 PAM and PMAM Your ISD Auditor Your district / building administrators The MPAAA – Michigan Dept. of Education – Michigan Legislature – CEPI - CEPI listserv – Records Retention Birth Certificate (if born in MI– May require a fee) - 58
Mary Beth Stein Barbette Lane 231-933-1718 231-876-2264