Magnolia/Midtown District Map Bounded by: Harding Way to the North, Union Pacific Railroad to the East, El Dorado Street to the West Miner Ave to the South
Energy Efficiency Grant The Economic Development Department will kick-off CPUC’s $2.2 million Energy Efficiency Grant in the Midtown Area this summer.
Marketing the Midtown Area Promote Midtown to potential home based businesses, doctors, artists, teachers, and CSUS Staff Focus on local residents To facilitate this, the UOP Jacoby Center is developing PowerPoint presentations for residents and businesses that highlight Midtown’s advantages.
Marketing the Midtown Area Logo design in progress: the word “play” will be changed to “learn” the design has been presented to two neighborhood groups and the Cultural Heritage Board Developing promotional materials with UOP: estimated cost of $600-$1,500 for 1,000 brochures
M idtown a g n o l i a LIVE WALK WORK LEARN The Heart of Stockton Harding Way g n o l ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Railroad Tracks El Doradp St. i a LIVE WALK Miner St. WORK LEARN
Midtown Web Pages The website will be online next week.
Midtown Web Pages The website will include an overall Midtown area map, a historic walking tour, pages for the four neighborhoods, and other additional information.
MAG Residential Revival Sub-Committee The committee is working with Builder’s Exchange to promote Midtown. The Exchange will write periodic updates on the Midtown Area in its weekly newsletter to its members.
Midtown Arbor Day March 20, 2004 Parks and Recreation held an Arbor Day ceremony at the Magnolia Mansion on the CSU Stanislaus-Stockton campus. In preparation for the event, 90 invitations were mailed, and UOP students distributed 200 door-hangers.
Midtown Arbor Day The California Department of Forestry presented the City with its 23rd Tree City USA award and its 7th Growth Award. Certificates from State Senator Mike Machado and Assemblywoman Barbara Matthews were presented to the Midtown Youth Advisory Board.
Arbor Day Tree Planting Event Nearly 25 volunteers, mainly youth from the Midtown neighborhood planted two dozen trees on sidewalk medians throughout the historic district.
Midtown Arbor Day Volunteers and ceremony attendees also enjoyed tours of the Magnolia Mansion and a BBQ lunch donated by UOP, CSUS, the Grupe Company and Stockton Beautiful.
St. Hope Corporation Oak Park, Sacramento On March 30, representatives from the City Manager’s Office, Police, and Planning toured the project sites of St. Hope Corporation, a non-profit dedicated to revitalizing inner-city communities.
Tour of St. Hope Corporation St. Hope Corporation has revitalized the Oak Park area by creating 2 charter schools, and bringing Starbucks, a barbershop, a bookstore, art gallery, bank, and a theater to the neighborhood.
Midtown Neighborhood Watch Third Monday of every month, with an average attendance of 15 neighbors, 12 of them consistent attendees. Meetings are held at the Philomatheon Club.
SNAG Last Wednesday of every month, with average attendance of 10 neighbors Meetings moved to the Philomathean Club beginning in April. SNAG’s annual Easter Egg Hunt, held on April 11 at Eden Park, drew 200 people.
Potential Spanish-Speaking Neighborhood Watch UOP conducted a survey, which found that approximately 40 Spanish speakers in the Midtown area are interested in participating in neighborhood watch. The creation of a new, Spanish-speaking neighborhood watch is being examined.
CHAT: Code Enforcement In the first quarter of 2004, Code Enforcement staff stationed in the Midtown area identified 26 properties violating codes (reporting district 116): 62 violations were cited 17 abandoned or inoperable vehicles were removed
Upcoming Midtown Events April 14th: workshop on the new 3-cart garbage system (Philomathean Club) April 17th: 2nd Annual Fun Walk/Run & Health Fair (First Presbyterian Church) May 1st: Midtown Job Fair (First Presbyterian Church) June 12th: Midtown Youth Fair (Eden Park)