Indian Veterinary council act 1984 The act was enacted in 1984 (21st Aug.1984) Aim: To regulate the veterinary practice Hence establishment of VCI and State Veterinary Councils Maintenance of Registers of Vety. Practitioners and matters concern
VCI The VCI is a body consists of 27 members 14 nominated 11 elected 2 ex-officio In 1999 Govt.of India nominating members for constituting VCI 1st time.
1st elections was conducted in 1999 and thereafter 2003 2007.
VCI has following committees Executive committee Finance committee Regulation committee Registration committee Examination committee Education committee Disciplinary committee Liaison committee
Objectives To prepare and maintain the Indian veterinary practitioner’ register containing the names of all persons who possess the recognized vety. Qualification To lay down the minimum standards of Vety. education for granting degree To lay down the standards of professional conduct To negotiate with institutions located in other countries imparting trg. In vety. Education for recognition of their qualification on reciprocal basis.
To regulate veterinary practice in the country To advise the central and state Govt. on all regulatory matters To frame regulations To implement the provisions of the act, and rules and regulations
General principles of Vety.Profession The primary objective is to render service to humanity sincere and deligent in caring the sick animals Prompt in discharging the duties The profession expects highest level of character and morals from the persons. Service with devotion Solicitation of client by the vet directly or indirectly through an advertisement in newspaper is unethical
A veterinarian shall not advertise directly or indirectly through publicity materials of manufacturing firms. Shall limit the source of income to the fee received for services render to the client Shall not run or open shop for sale of medicines Shall not give or receive any gift or gratuity for referring or procuring any client for expert service or treatment.
Prescribing or dispensing secret medicines, of which she /he does not know the composition is unethical. Shall observe the laws of the country in regulating the practice of vety. Medicine. ( Drug act, pharmacy act etc.)
Duties of vet to client and Patient A vet should be ever ready to respond to the need of the sick animal/ bird Once under take a case, A vet shall not neglect the patient not withdrawn from the case with out giving notice to the client sufficiently in advance to allow him to secure another vet. Shall not commit an act of negligence
Shall adopt all necessary precautions like sterilization before using drugs The demeanor of vet towards patient shall always be kind tender and full of patience . Every patient shall be treated with attention concentration and consideration. Neither exaggerate nor minimize the gravity of patient condition. In case of highly communicable disease he/she should inform to the client
Duties of Vet. to the Profession Up hold the dignity and honor of the profession May affiliate him / her self with professional societies and contribute to the promotion of the profession Safe guard the profession by not connecting to unqualified persons to treat the patient Incompetent , corrupt, or unethical conduct of any member of profession shall be discouraged Whenever a fellow veterinarian request to attend his patient due to his absence the responsibility of the veterinarian is to treat the patient with utmost care
Duties of Vet to the Public Shall advise the health and husbandry of animals in location where they dwell. Play their part in enforcement of laws & regulations Enlighten the public on zoonotic, food born and communicable diseases Prevent selling of drug or poisonous chemical to the public. Affixing a sign board on a chemist's shop or in a place where Vet. Does not work or reside While dispensing a board / plate writing anything other than his/her name, qualification & reg.No. is not permissible
Before conducting operation /euthanasia not obtaining the consent of the client in writing is a mistake Using agents for procuring patients
Personal Misconducts Improper conduct with patient Conviction by the court of law of offences involving moral turpitude Tampering the professional certificate / documents , reports
Providing false certificates : - Vaccination certificate - Soundness certificate - Certificate indicating results of a test - PM report - Birth certificate - Certificate indicating reproductive defects - Certificate of euthanasia - Quarantine clearance certificate
A vet. Should maintain a register of Veterinary medical certificates issued with all details While issuing a certificate mention correct age, sex, identification marks Keep a copy of certificate issued Undertaking from the owner that he/she is the genuine owner of the patient with signature.
Disciplinary Action Under section 31 of the VCI act VC may give punishment for offences, professional misconduct. They can remove the name from the registered veterinary practitioners register for a specific period