To make seeing theory
The supersession of private property is therefore, the complete emancipation of all the human qualities and sense. It is such an emancipation because these qualities and senses have become human, form the subjective as well as the objective point of view. The eye has become a human eye when its object has become a human, social object, created by man and destined for him. The senses therefore become directly theoretical in practice. Karl Marx, 1844 Manuscripts: “we must uncover the world; we live as if coated in rubber.” Viktor Shklovsky Shklovsky, V. (1917). Art as technique. Translators L. Lemon & M. Reis. Retrieved 15 April 2004, from http://
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‘Cinema is the last machine ‘Cinema is the last machine.’ It is probably the last art that will reach the mind through the senses’ Hollis Frampton
Heidegger: All technology is a process of revelation It is both: Means to an end and A Human Activity Envolving: Wit Poesis
We will, as we say, “get” technology “spiritually in hand.” We will master it. The will to mastery becomes all the more urgent the more technology threatens to slip from human control. Nature v Technology v Modern Technology Reveals Itself (physis) Reveals what cannot do so itself Frames us, makes nature its servant, and us as well A flower blooming building a ship hydro-electric dam The Question Concerning Technology’ Martin Heidegger, Translated and with an Introduction by William Lovitt, Harper Torchbooks, 1977. Given as a lecture in November of 1955.
Because the essence of technology is nothing technological, essential reflection upon technology and decisive confrontation with it must happen in a realm that is , on the one hand akin to the essence of technology and on the other fundamentally different from it. Such a realm is art. P. 35
Flowers Blooming: things that reveal themselves
Heidegger’s answer to the problem of Modern Technology is that the Artist must get inside the technology and master it. This is the reason Modernism is deeply invested in Medium Specificity, that is to say, finding out what is specific to an art form. This may no longer be a valid approach, However, here is Vertov showing us in 1929, what cinema, specifically can do.
Because the essence of technology is nothing technological, essential reflection upon technology and decisive confrontation with it must happen in a realm that is , on the one hand akin to the essence of technology and on the other fundamentally different from it. Such a realm is art. But certainly only if reflection on art, for its part, does not shut its eyes to the constellation of truth after which we are questioning. The more questioningly we ponder the essence of technology, the more mysterious the essence of art becomes.