Poinsettia Production Euphorbia pulcherima cv’s: Sparkling Punch, Freedom Marble, Jingle Bells, etc.
Poinsettias Poinsettias are a tropical plant of Mexico and Central America Brought here by a diplomat named Poinsett Took the plant to South Carolina and they were a huge hit!
Poinsettia Facts Poinsettias are beautiful because of the leaves, not flowers Colorful leaves are called bracts Usually grown at Christmas and then thrown away (composted preferably)
Poinsettia flower and bract True Flower
Poinsettias: Friend or Foe Poinsettias are not poisonous. Rumor started in 1919 when an army officer’s child allegedly died after eating a poinsettia leaf. 50 pound child would need to eat 500-600 leaves to feel ill. Want some ranch with that poinsettia? Upset stomach and diarrhea are side effects. Not palatable Still a choking hazard Poinsettias just give me gas!
Poinsettia Photoperiod They are a short-day blooming plant: PHOTOPERIODIC PLANT Most plants are long day or day neutral plants Bloom only at Christmas time (short days and long nights) naturally
How we do it Poinsettias are started from cuttings in July Cuttings are placed in high humidity in the greenhouse We got our poinsettias as plugs (already rooted) from Canada Poinsettias arrived on 08/27/2014
What we need to do We will need to transplant the plugs to 4” pots and 6” pots We will need to pinch the plants (next week) so that there are lots of flowers We need to apply an insecticide to control white flies (late when well rooted) We need to fertilize and give them Epsom salts every week
What do you need? 13 or 26 poinsettia plugs Equal # labels of that plug 4” azalea plastic pots 6” azalea plastic pots Potting soil (or media) that has peat moss, bark, perlite, and vermiculite Go to Edmodo for information about what plug you are transplanting
Aftercare Poinsettias will be grown in the greenhouse and sold for $5-7 per pot. They will also be donated. Poinsettias should last for 6-8 weeks during holiday season. Keep them inside away from drafts and vents. Water them as needed (once they dry out).
Pest Control Today Each of your plants will need to be given Marathon insecticide (later) This insecticide is systemic- kills from the inside, as pest sucks sap. You will wear a glove (later date) to apply the pesticide all over the soil evenly Use ½ teaspoon per pot Spread over the potting soil
Poinsettia Pests Pest Picture Whiteflies Mealy Bugs Fungus Gnats Spider Mites Thrips Fungi
Transplanting Today Potting What goes on label Each plug will need to be put into a new 4” or 6” container This container will be filled with potting soil The plant should be tapped from the bottom The soil levels should align You will then make a label for each plant Front Initials Period Where does it go? Place label with picture showing on edge of pot Make sure it gets a label as soon as you transplant the plug We will keep all of your group’s plants together on bench #3 and #4
Pot Size and Group Enduring Pink Freedom Early Red Freedom Marble Freedom Pink Freedom Pepper-mint Freedom White Ice Punch 4” 39 13 2nd period Grp 1 Grp 2 Grp 3 Grp 4 Grp 5 Pot Size and Group Jubilee Jingle Bells Jubilee Red Prestige Early Red Prestige Maroon Red Glitter Sparkling Pink 4” 39 X 26 6” 13 4th period Grp 1 Grp 2 Grp 3 Grp 4 Grp 5
Irrigation/Fertigation Today Plants will all be placed on the bench and all of the class will water the plants together, immediately after potting When we water and fertilize together, this is known as fertigation
In the Future We will check for pests We have to make sure that they are not exposed to light after it gets dark This means we can’t turn on the lights at night, ever: this will inhibit changing colors (won’t reflower)
In the Future: Pinching Two weeks after transplanting, (9/18 for 4” and 9/13 for 6”) we will pinch We will pinch the plant so that there are only five to seven nodes This means that there will be four to six beautiful flowers and bracts at Christmas
How to pinch… two weeks later.
Remember We must keep the greenhouse clean Keep water hoses off of the ground *especially the nozzle Don’t throw any dead plant matter on the ground, put it outside in the garbage
Aftercare Most common question: How do we get them to reflower? It’s difficult Needs fertilizer Needs to be repotted Can’t get light at night after September Night temps 70-75F, day 60-70F