Jean-Baptiste Lamark: 1744-1829 most famous for incorrectly theorizing on the process of evolution As a giraffe stretches its neck to reach for food, its neck grows longer; this trait is passed to offspring did not realize that acquired traits are not genetic
Tree of Life
SPECIATION: the development of a new species Sometimes the variation among organisms is too great; eventually they could become separate species SPECIATION: the development of a new species
SPECIES: a population of organisms that can produce fertile offspring able to reproduce
MULE X HORSE – Equus caballus DONKEY – Equus assinus
Allopatric Speciation: two populations are separated by geographic barriers such as rivers, mountains, bodies of water, etc. Ex: Albert Squirrel and Kaibab Squirrel
PANGAEA: a proposed supercontinent that formed over 300 million years ago Began separating 200 million years ago
Allopatric Speciation: two populations are separated by geographic barriers such as rivers, mountains, bodies of water, etc. Ex: Albert Squirrel and Kaibab Squirrel Sympatric Speciation: two populations are reproductively isolated; commonly due to polyploidism
Parapatric Speciation: two populations living in the same geographic area become different species due to different selective pressures BEHAVIORAL Ex: Eastern Meadowlarks & Western Meadowlarks have different mating songs TEMPORAL Ex: flowers blooming at different seasons
DIVERGENT EVOLUTION: evolution of different features from similar lineages
DIVERGENT EVOLUTION: evolution of different features from similar lineages
DIVERGENT EVOLUTION: evolution of different features from similar lineages
DIVERGENT EVOLUTION: evolution of different features from similar lineages Divergent Evolution and Homologous Structures show how certain species may have come from the same ancestor
CONVERGENT EVOLUTION: evolution of similar features from different lineages
CONVERGENT EVOLUTION: evolution of similar features from different lineages
CONVERGENT EVOLUTION: evolution of similar features from different lineages
CONVERGENT EVOLUTION: evolution of similar features from different lineages
CONVERGENT EVOLUTION: evolution of similar features from different lineages Convergent Evolution and Vestigial Structures show how different species adapt to similar environments
CONVERGENT different becomes same DIVERGENT same becomes different