Les jalons d’une thèse Présentation / Discussion Nathalie Girard, Cyril Faucher, Mickaël Coustaty
Agenda PhD timeline Formations Laboratory criterion PhD Defense Contract doctoral Conference & journal European Label Become Assistant Professor / Full Researcher Research French Evaluation
The PhD Defense between the 36th and 39th* month is recommended General timeline End of the 1st year Report End of the 2nd year Discussion End of the 3rd year: End of the funding The PhD Defense between the 36th and 39th* month is recommended *39 correspond to the average duration of the French PhD
Formations (36 credits required) Transverse Formations: University of La Rochelle => 12 credits During the 3 years of PhD See: http://www.univ-larochelle.fr/Offre-de-formations-transversales.html 2 to be select in proposed formations Domain Formations: Doctoral School S2i => 12 credits During the 1st & 2nd years See S2i website: http://s2i.ed.univ-poitiers.fr/spip.php?rubrique128&lang=fr 2 seminars of 3 days (4 credits/seminar => 8 credits) 2 courses (2 credits/course => 4 credits) ! not available yet ! Specific Formations: L3i laboratory => 12 credits See L3I intranet website 1 international journal 2 international conferences (rank A for laboratory)
Formations (mandatory) At the end of the 1st year (L3i) A seminary to expose your first results At the end of the 2nd year (Doctorial Symposium, ULR) 1 poster 2 pages a 5 minutes talk
Laboratory criterion to defend 1 international journal 2 international conferences > rank A for laboratory (intranet L3I website) Ask your supervisor(s) for a list of conferences and journals in your specific research fields
PhD Defense Templates available at the Doctoral School Using OpenOffice Using Word Using LateX One template available on Lyx (only for the L3i) Electronic deposition (http://www.univ-larochelle.fr/IMG/pdf/Livret_College_2011-2012.pdf) Selection of manuscript reviewers Deadline for manuscript submission 8 weeks before the PhD defense Jury 5 to 8 persons Minimum 2 reporters (must be professors) See ULR website: http://www.univ-larochelle.fr/Informations-pratiques.html
Doctoral Contract & DCACE Every PhD Student have a doctoral contract Need a teaching experience => a rider to your doctoral contract being candidate in 1st or 2nd year September 1 rider => 64 HETD of teaching
Funding Sources University of La Rochelle (materials, PhD, Postdoc) CDA, Charente-Maritime, Poitou-Charentes ANR (French National Research Agency) CIFRE (with a firm) European Projects According to the type of funding the deliverable expected is not the same
European Label Classical thesis with a European label 4 preconditions Reports from 2 professors issuing from 2 Europeans states different the PhD student’s one A jury member must belong to university from another European country A part of the PhD defense must be done in another European’s language The PhD student must have spent 3 months in another country from the European union
European Label - 2 University of La Rochelle encourage you ! Current call 2012-01-13 Documents available: DREDE Head of Laboratory Financial aid (1000 € per month) for 3 consecutive months Must be done during the three first years
How / Why submit to conferences Validation of your work Share your work with the community Submission process Call For Paper (long/short/poster/demo) Submission Acceptance notification - reviews (3 peer reviewer) Camera ready for publication in proceedings Participation to the conference
Conference and journal: differences Audience Quality / severity Review process Impact factor Special issue Don’t miss your national community (Journées, GDR) may be your future chief, postdoctoral opportunities
Becoming an Associate Professor 1st phase (documents submission: mid-december) “Qualification” by Conseil National des Universités (CNU) Section 27: Computer Science Section 61: Computer engineering, signal processing and automatic General criterion: present a good balance of experience between: research skills 1 international journal / Different international and national conferences teaching functions a minimum service (CNU61: 100 HETD – CNU27: 64 HETD*) collective commitments participation to the laboratory life participation to the organization of a conference
Becoming an Associate Professor 2nd phase seminaries in potential opportunities interviews (ranking) « enseignant stagiaire »
Becoming a Full Researcher CNRS, INRIA Excellent research skills in your domain Expose a research project In France: CNRS researcher Need to pass a competitive examination Then become a “Chargé de Recherche” in a CNRS lab
Research Evaluation in France AERES each 5 years ranking: A+, A, B, C L3i: A since 2011 Direct impact on laboratory visibility the recurrent funding from the University