Building up Basic Ecclesial Communities: Strategic Framework


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Presentation transcript:

Building up Basic Ecclesial Communities: Strategic Framework Amado L. Picardal, CSsR, STD

There are many approaches and ways of building BECs In spite of this, there are basic principles and essential components that we need to take into consideration

Pre-requisites for building BECs

Building BECs: Diocesan Pastoral Thrust The building of BECs should be regarded as part of the process of renewing the local Church. The bishop promotes the BEC vision and program to the clergy, religious & lay leaders. This includes a process of leveling-off and formal acceptance as diocesan thrust (ex: thru diocesan pastoral assembly/synod) A diocesan BEC commission may be formed to assist parishes in building BECs. Other diocesan commissions should be oriented to support the formation & growth of BECs

Building BECs: a parish program The parish priest promotes the BEC vision/ program in his parish (seminars, consultation, parish assembly). A parish formation team is set up and trained that will assist in building BECs. Parish strategic/pastoral plan is made (SWOT analysis, setting parish vision-mission-objectives, adopting approaches & strategy, programming)

Recruitment and Formation of Parish Formation Team (PFT)/Core Group The team should be composed mostly of volunteers who have gone through the process of evangelization and conversion, who have imbibed the BEC vision, and who are highly committed and competent. If the parish can afford it, one or two full time pastoral workers can be hired from among them.

Role of the Parish Formation Team Help develop and implement a parish pastoral plan Help in gathering data about the parish and the local communities and make a strategic plan Assist in Evangelizing the local communities Organize the BECs and help train leaders Help mobilize BECs for social transformation Monitor the development and growth of BECs.

The Diocesan BEC Commission/Formation Team can support the formation of the Parish formation team. Their function is not primarily organizing but training and providing material necessary for BECs formation. They can also link up with other diocesan commissions to help form the BECs in the parishes. External Pastoral Agents can also help form the PFT and provide technical support. They can help the PFT carry out its function of evangelizing, organizing and mobilizing the BECs. Since they are transitory by nature, the external agents should ensure that the PFT become self-sustaining.

Strategic/Pastoral Planning The parish priest together with the parish formation team and other lay leaders should undertake strategic/ pastoral planning. The strategic plan should be based on the results of the environmental analysis and the vision-mission of the parish, the thrust of the diocese. The PCP II vision of a Renewed Church and the BECs can be adopted by the parish. The goals and objectives can be set, the means can be determined, and initial programming be done.

The team will have to decide what is the most viable approach: Pilot areas? Selecting two to four communities for experimentation. Develop these communities as model BECs. Replication can be done afterwards. Simultaneous? All the communities are developed at the same time. Top to bottom approach. Selecting leaders from each community, orient & train them, send them back to their communities for organizing.

A framework for developing BECs Proclamation/ Witness (evangelizing) Formation of the Local Church/ Christian Community (organizing) Human Promotion & Development (mobilizing) A framework for developing BECs

Essential Components in BEC building Evangelizing (Proclamation) Organizing (Forming the Christian community) Mobilizing for Social Transformation (Human Promotion and Development) how and when they are carried out will vary depending on the situation, and the strategies and approach chosen.

Evangelizing Proclamation

The Importance of Evangelization Evangelization is an essential stage in building BECs. It precedes the organizing stage. Evangelization as the proclamation of the Christian message aimed at personal conversion The growth of BECs is the fruit of evangelization

Expected outcome Accepting Christ as center of their life and deepening their relationship with him Personal conversion (concretely expressed in going to confession) Commitment to live out their discipleship in community. Own and internalize the vision of new way of being Church – the BEC. Developing a missionary dynamism

Means of Evangelizing Family-evangelization (Visita Familia) Bible-reflection sessions for neighborhood or family groupings Evangelization seminars for the whole community [basic orientation seminars, Festival of Faith] Men’s Fellowship, Youth Fellowship The liturgy (Eucharist) & popular devotions (novena) as means of evangelizing.

Renewed Evangelization

Renewed Evangelization Men’s Fellowship

Content of Evangelizing Since this is just the initial stage of proclamation, it is not necessary to cover all the topics. Just focus on the essential message that can make an impact. Sample content based on PCP II: - Jesus Christ (Prophetic-Priestly-Kingly Messiah, Lord, Savior) - Conversion & Discipleship - Discipleship in Community: the Church & BECs This is also the time for BEC orientation

Organizing/Forming the BECs Building up the Christian Community

Organizing BECs Goal: to develop sustainable structures, activities, ministries and culture that will facilitate the growth of BECs as Community of Disciples This means concretizing what it means To live in communion To be a prophetic, priestly and servant communities To be a Church of the Poor

Developing the BEC culture BEC becomes a way of life, with established patterns of relationship, behavior and attitude among the members: Communion: sense of belonging, closeness, friendship, sharing Participation: a spirit of active participation in the community activities (worship, listening to proclaiming the word of God, social action/service), in decision-making and implementation of plans Missionary Dynamism: reaching out to others

Forming a Core Group/Nucleus The task of organizing BECs is not only the work of the PFT It needs the active participation of a core group within a community This core group is composed of committed people and potential leaders that have emerged during the evangelization stage. We follow Jesus’ method who called an initial core group of disciples and apostles whom he trained

Function of the Core Group/Nucleus The Core Group is like leaven, light & salt in the midst of the community Filled with missionary dynamism they continue the process of evangelization They expand the BEC, set up structures & activities that enable the BEC to grow The leaders of the BECs will come from among them

Occasional Core Group/ Nucleus Nominal

Cell Cell Cell Core Group Cell Cell

Deepening the Bond of Communion There has to be a regular face-to-face encounter, interaction and communication in order for the members to know one another, deepen their relationship and develop a sense of belonging. This means coming together to share their experiences, work, play, pray and celebrate. All these are necessary to deepen their bond. Friendship and mutual support is an expression of communion. Table-fellowship expresses and deepens their communion.

Sustainable Activities/Structures Prophetic Communities: bible-sharing, visita-familia, men’s fellowship, ongoing catechesis, occasional seminars (Education Committee) Priestly Communities: Celebration of the Word (bible-service), Regular mass (monthly or bi-monthly), Seasonal liturgies, mass-sponsoring, etc. (Worship/Liturgy committee). Servant Communities: Regular meeting & assembly to discuss problems, action planning & evaluation (Social Action/Service Committee)

Emergence & Training of Leaders During the organizing stage, the potential leaders that emerged or spotted will be tested, trained and formalized During the early stage of organizing an informal/adhoc leadership is more desirable to allow the emergence, testing and training of new breed of leaders. The formal election of leaders take place later after the BECs have become mature.

Emergence & Training of Leaders Leadership Training seminars should be conducted Emphasize servant leadership Participative/Collegial Leadership – Council of Leaders, teamwork, regular meeting (planning, evaluation)

Structure of Developed BEC (with cells) Council of Leaders Youth Worship Education Service Temporalities Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell

Inter-connecting BECs and creation of new parish structures The BECs within the parish will have to be interconnected (zones, districts) Meetings and assemblies attended by BEC leaders can be organized Parish-level committees should be formed (WESTY) The PPC should be formed and the BECs should be represented. A parish assembly should be held regularly A gathering of BECs should be organized (fiesta, Easter celebration)

Sample: Parish Organizational Structure PP, pv Parish Office Staff Parish Pastoral Workers Parish Pastoral Council Worship liturgy Education catechetics Service Social Action Temporalities Finance Youth PCL (LOMAS) BEC Zone BEC Zone BEC Zone BEC Zone BEC Zone bec bec bec bec bec bec bec bec bec bec bec bec bec bec bec bec bec bec bec bec

Mobilizing BECs for Social Transformation (Human Promotion and Development)

The Evangelization and Organization of BECs should ultimately lead to mobilization for social transformation The BECs are instruments for renewing the Church and transforming society BECs should not be inward looking communities but have social responsibility. Mobilizing BECs for social transformation is part of the mission of BECs as prophetic and servant communities. BECs are called to participate in the struggle for development, justice, peace and the integrity of creation

Socio-Economic BECs may be mobilized to engage in socio-economic projects that can transform the socio-economic terrain. (IGP, coops, livelihood projects) This should be done only after evangelization and organizing phase Participatory research & planning Linking up with parish/diocesan social action program Networking with NGOs The need for close monitoring and system of check and balance

Political BECs can be mobilized to empower people to participate in the decision making process During elections, BECs can become part of the local network of PPCRV or NAMFREL BECs can become fiscalizers in the LGU (IRA watch) When it is necessary, BECs may be mobilized to protests against government policies that are contrary to common good BECs can be part of the peace constituency – advocating for peace & building zones for peace BECs can monitor human rights violations

Ecology BECs may be mobilized to protect the environment and maintain ecological balance This may mean struggling against companies that destroy the environment (logging, mining, pollution, etc)

Parish/BEC social action structures There should be a parish social action center or committee (PSAC) that initiates and supports social action projects in the BECs. There should also be a service/social action committee in each BEC (BSAC) that oversees the social action projects of the community. These committees should be staffed with committed and competent people who have undergone training/formation required for the social action apostolate.

Active participation of BEC members Social action programs/projects require the active participation of the members They should actively take part in the process of Analyzing their situation, problems and resources Determining what projects/programs to undertake as response to their problems (every program should be a response to felt needs and issues of the community) Planning, implementation and evaluation

Capability/Skills Building The members of the social action committees at the parish and BEC level, as well as the leaders and member of BECs need to learn the following: Environmental (SWOT) Analysis Planning (strategic/operational), implementing, monitoring, evaluation Resource identification and mobilization Management, Entrepreneurship, marketing Skills training (livelihood, handicrafts, sustainable agriculture, etc.)

Encouragement and Support of Bishops and Clergy The BEC-based social action program should be owned by the diocese and the parish. They should be initiated and supported by the bishops and the parish priests. This should be reflected in the strategic/pastoral plan of the diocese and the parish. This should also be reflected in diocesan/parish budget. Bishops & parish priests should monitor the development of the BEC-based social action program

Linkages & Networking with Civil Society The Church and the BECs are not the only ones that are working for social transformation There are civil society groups (NGOs & POs) who are also doing so. They can help develop the social action capabilities of BECs The BECs can work with them on common issues and concerns (cooperatives, ecology, good governance, peace advocacy, etc.) BECs should always be on guard against being used or manipulated by groups with ideological/political agenda.

Concluding Remarks Building BECs is an ongoing process. It is aimed at renewing the Church and transforming Philippine society Like the kingdom of God, it is an “already-not-yet” reality. The strategic framework is a road-map that can help us find our way towards reaching our goal As the BECs grow, the role of the BEC formation team diminishes. Echoing John the Baptist, “they must increase & we must decrease.”

BECs as Instruments of Social Transformation – John Paul II “They take root in less privileged and rural areas, and become a leaven of Christian life, of care for the poor, and of commitment to the transformation of society .” Redemptoris Missio 51

Developing a BEC Culture BEC as a way of life Fr. Amado L. Picardal, CSsR, STD

Community Culture is defined as the way of life of the community which includes patterns of interaction, behavior and the underlying values, beliefs and worldview. It is the kind of environment that prevails in a community. It includes the rituals, symbols and 'myths' (or stories), creed, and code of ethical conduct. It defines what behavior is right and wrong, appropriate and inappropriate.

The community culture also defines patterns of relationship - whether personal/intimate or impersonal/functional. It also defines the boundaries. It also defines how leadership is exercised, and how decisions are made. A BEC without a clear culture cannot grow nor can it be sustained. What follows is an attempt to spell out the elements of a BEC culture

The Seven Pillars of BEC culture Awareness as Renewed Christians (metanoia) Communion (koinonia) Word of God (kerygma, catechesis) Prayer and the Eucharist (leitorgia) Social Action (diakonia) Option for the Poor (anawim) Participative Membership and Servant-Leadership

1. Awareness of ourselves as Renewed Christians We are renewed Christians We have accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. We have turned away from sin and living a new life. We have become aware of the presence of the Spirit in our life, the Spirit that renews us, unites us and empowers us for mission. We have gone through a process of conversion and commit ourselves to live as true disciples of Jesus in community, and continue his priestly, prophetic and pastoral mission.

2. Communion We are family/community, we are close to one another, we live as friends, we care for each other, we share with each other, we take care of each other. We will regularly spend time together to deepen our relationship. As we strive to be close to one another we observe proper boundary and respect for each other. We will never exploit or take advantage of each other. We are a community of equals and we recognize our diversity of temperaments and gifts.

When conflicts arise we will always strive together for dialogue and reconciliation. We are connected to other BECs in the parish, we are part of the bigger community - the parish, diocese, universal church. We will never isolate ourselves from the wider Church to which we are connected. In view of this we affirm our solidarity with our pastors - the priests, bishops and our Holy Father, the successor of St. Peter. We are open to a dialogue of faith and life with people of other faiths and religious traditions - especially other Christians belonging to other denominations and with Muslims.

3. Word of God The Word of God as recorded in the Bible and reflected in the tradition and teachings of the Church is the guide of our life. We come together regularly to listen to the Word and share it. We allow the Word to challenge us and to continually transform our life. We continue to study to deepen our knowledge and understanding of the Word and the teaching of the Church. We proclaim the Word to others and to give witness to it with our life.

We uphold the teachings of the church in matters of faith and morals - including its social teachings that promote peace, justice, freedom, human rights and respect for life. When necessary we will speak out against any manifestation of evil and culture of death in our midst - i.e., abortion, war, capital punishment, injustices, oppression, corruption, violation of human rights, etc.

4. Prayer and Eucharist Our relationship with God and with one another can be deepened through prayer. We will set aside time daily for personal prayer. We come together at least once a week for community prayer or liturgical celebration (bible-service). We will gather regularly as a community to celebrate the Eucharist (depending on the availability of a priest - once a month or every other month).

We will celebrate communally our fiesta and the liturgical seasons - Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter. We will fully and actively participate in the liturgical celebration in our community and the parish.

5. Social Action We believe that faith without good works is dead. As a community we are concerned about our brothers and sisters who are in need and we show our love and care for them concretely. We will meet regularly to assess our concrete situation - social, economic, political, ecological. We will identify the problems, issues and needs that we have to respond to as a community. We will actively participate in the process of planning, implementing, and evaluating programs and projects that will address these problems and needs.

We will be guided by the social teachings of the Church, especially the principle of the common good, total human development, human dignity, justice, peace and integrity of creation. We will collaborate with other communities, groups and people of good will in the struggle for social transformation. We will not allow ourselves to be used and controlled by ideologies, political parties and movements. We reject terrorism and violence as means in bringing about social transformation.

6. Option for the Poor We embrace evangelical poverty We totally depend on God We affirm our commitment and option for the poor. We will always live simply and share with others our time, talents and resources. We will make sure that the poor in our midst will fully participate in the life and mission of the Church and our local community We will strive to become truly the Church of the Poor

7. Participative Membership and Servant-Leadership We recognize the authority and leadership of our diocesan and parochial pastors (bishops and priests) over our community. Through them we affirm our communion with the universal church and our universal pastor - the pope. We will avail of the structures in the parish and the community that enable us to actively participate in the process of decision-making. We recognize the authority of the local leaders of the community. Leadership and authority is to be exercised in the spirit of humble service. Leadership should never be regarded in terms of power, privilege and prestige.

There is no place for an autocratic or dictatorial style of leadership in our community. The leaders will function collegially - as a team or council- and will adopt a participative model. The leaders are to be chosen or elected after a prayerful process of discernment on the basis of their integrity, commitment and competence. The members of the community have the right to recall leaders whose behavior have caused great harm and scandal to the community.

Sample Approaches in Building BECs

Piloting Approach Preparatory Phase Recruitment/Formation of PFT Data-gathering Strategic Pastoral Planning

Piloting Phase (3-5 communities) a. Evangelizing b. Organizing Forming Core group/leaders Developing BEC culture and Structures c. Transforming local situation (economic, political, etc.) (the pilot areas become model BECs or showcases, which can be used as exposure areas – “come and see, go and follow” program)

Expansion/ Replication Phase (evangelizing, organizing, transforming) Creating/Reforming Parish Structures (zones, parish commissions – WESTY, PPC) Ongoing Mobilization for Social Transformation - Parish, Regional Level. Missionary Outreach/ Helping other parishes build BECs (the parish can become a model BEC parish, which can be used as an exposure and training center)

Saturation Approach Preparatory Phase Recruitment and Formation of Parish Formation Team/Core Group Data gathering, Strategic Pastoral Planning Evangelizing Phase (all local communities) Organizing Phase (all local communities) Core group/leadership formation Introduce sustaining activities Expansion – clustering, family groupings Create structures – BEC, Zone, parish levels

Mobilizing for Social Transformation (Human Promotion and Development) Missionary Outreach

Summing up The building up of BECs should be the pastoral thrust of the diocese and every parish. The building of BECs is a gradual and on-going process It is the fruit of evangelization and conversion (not imposition and coercion) The structures, activities, ministries and culture that are developed are meant to concretize the PCP II vision of BECs (communion, priestly-prophetic-servant community, church of the poor) BECs are called to renew the Church and transform society

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