Theme: Linguistics in General Presentation Theme: Linguistics in General
Science of linguistics History of Science Classification of Sciences Interrelation and interaction of sciences Methodology of science
History of science Contemplation Logic discourse (in antic world) Formation of natural sciences (in the 17-18th centuries BC)
Classification of science According to object peculiarities Natural sciences Social sciences The Arts According to aims of cognition Fundamental sciences Applied sciences
Interrelation and interaction of sciences Sciences differentiation Partition of integral cognition into parts (e.g. philosophy comprises physics, agrobiology, mathematics, rhetoric's) Sciences integration Combination of two adjacent sciences into one (biochemistry, biophysics, biolinguistics)
Methodology of sciences Study of ways and methods of scientific cognition of environment and human society
Methodology of sciences General (philosophical) methodology Based on knowledge of general laws of nature and society, relevant and essential to all sciences without any exceptions Special methodology Based on knowledge about peculiarities of an object of cognition of a concrete science
Cognition as a type of human activity Activity is a process of human activeness in his/her interrelation with environment, which is a combination of separate actions and behavior acts
Main types of human activity Converting activity (subtypes: labor activity, revolutionary-reformer activity, humanitarian activity) Communicative activity Cognitive activity - level of practical cognition - level of scientific cognition
Language as an object of scientific cognition Language is an object of linguistics Language has two features: Substantial feature – inherent features of objects, organisms and phenomena. Functional features – characterizes external, relative, acquired features of objects, which are shown with respect to other objects.
Subject of internal linguistics It investigates language as a systematic and structural formation on basis of its substantial features.
Systematic formation Language system has three levels: Phonological Lexical Grammatical
Structural formation Structure of language is a character of relations between language units and levels. Types of relations between units of separate levels of system are called as plans: Paradigmatic relations Syntagmatic relations
Subject of external linguistics It investigates functional features of language. External linguistics is a boundary discipline originated at a turn of two sciences: internal linguistics and human sciences.
Parts of external linguistics Biolinguistics (neurolinguistics) – investigates the relation “language-human biology”. Cognitive linguistics – investigates the relation “language-thought”. Psycholinguistics – is concerned with the relation “language-man”. Sociolinguistics – is a science about relation “language-society”. Ethnolingustics (linguoculturology) – investigates the relation “language-culture”. Paralinguistics – is concerned with the relation “language-non-verbal signs of communication”. Areal linguistics – is a science about the relation “language-territory”
Subject of pragmalinguistics Pragmalinguistics is a comparatively young field of linguistics, originated in the 70s of the last century. Subject of pragmalinguistics is a study of interaction of substantial and functional features of language in the process of real communication.
Language – speech – communication Ferdinande de Soussure was the first to differentiate language, speech and communication.
Aspects of relation “language-speech” Gnoseological aspect 1. Substance (not given in direct observation) 2. Ideal (psychological, spiritual) Speech 1. Phenomenon (given in observation and perception by senses) 2. Material (chain of sounds or letters)
Aspects of relation “language-speech” Ontological aspect 1. Static (passive, product) 2. Invariant (Abstract schemes as a basis of all realization forms) 3. Simultaneous system organization (levels, plans, hierarchy) Speech Dynamic (Active, activity) Variant (Concrete realization forms of language scheme) Line organization (Sequence of language elements in the course of time)
Aspects of relation “language-speech” Pragmatic aspect 1. Code (system of signals used for transferring, storing and editing of various information) 2. Social (Fixation in units and language rules of collective experience in a type of linguistic picture of the world) 3. Tool (means of interaction of people with environment in the process of joint activity) Speech Message (transfer of knowledge about phenomena of environment and relations towards them by means of code signals) Individual (individual, contingency conditional realization of language potency) Usage of a tool by an individual as a natural instrument for transfer and understanding information in voice or graphic form
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