1st Star Dust
1st Star Dust
1st Star Dust 2nd Nuclear Fusion
1st Star Dust 2nd Nuclear Fusion
1st Star Dust 2nd Nuclear Fusion 3rd Gas giants
1st Star Dust 2nd Nuclear Fusion 3rd Gas giants 4th Comets Inner Planets Asteroid Belt Outer Planets 4th Comets Fill the ocean
Who cares about the difference between mass & weight? inertia & gravity Newton’s 1st Law Qualitative law Newton’s 2nd Law Quantitative law f=ma
Force = mass X acceleration Who cares about the difference between mass & weight? Newton’s 2nd Law Quantitative law Force = mass X acceleration falling rate Same for all objects f = m * a 2 2
Force = mass X acceleration Who cares about the difference between mass & weight? Newton’s 2nd Law Quantitative law Force = mass X acceleration falling rate Same for all objects f = m * a 2 f = m * a 2 55 15 10 8 f = m a 4 4 55 10 15 8