Effective Rotary Clubs PP Vijay Sathaye
Effective clubs pursue the Object of Rotary, carrying out activities along each Avenue of Service.
Rotary International is the association of Rotary clubs throughout the world. Rotary International is only effective if its member clubs are effective
Sustain & Grow Membership Effective Rotary clubs should strive to keep current members and bring in new members. To be effective, Rotary clubs need committed, knowledgeable members who wish to provide service.
Sustain & Grow Membership More members results in: More service potential for a club More supporters of The Rotary Foundation A larger pool of workers and future leader Great fellowship
Role of Secretary in Membership Resource for helping to achieve club membership goals Develops and implements a plan for recruiting and retaining club members
Successful Service Projects Effective clubs provide service to their local community and in communities of other countries. ‘Service Above Self”, Rotary’s motto, embodies the ideal of service that a club must practice in order to be effective. Ole of
Successful Service Projects Ole of
Resource for helping club to conduct successful service projects Role in Service Projects Resource for helping club to conduct successful service projects in six priority areas of service by RI
Support Rotary Foundation Effective clubs support the mission of The Rotary Foundation, by participating in Foundation programs. Supporting through financial contributions, effective Rotary clubs ensure that the programs of the Foundation and its mission will continue and grow
Support Rotary Foundation
Resource for helping club achieve Foundation goals Role of secretary in The Rotary Foundation Resource for helping club achieve Foundation goals Educates Rotarians about The Rotary Foundation Develops and carries out plans to support the Foundation
Leaders Beyond the Club Level Effective clubs plan for the future by continually developing potential leaders for office at all levels . District leaders help coordinate club efforts that result output no club could achieve on their own.
Leaders Beyond the Club Level Strong leaders at each level of Rotary ensures that clubs accomplish their goals.
Club Leadership Plan The purpose of the Club Leadership Plan is to strengthen Rotary at the club level by providing the administrative framework of an effective club. Club Leadership Plan
Role of Secretary in Club Administration Committee The club’s secretary should be member of this committee. The club secretary should help fulfill the reporting requirements
Responsibilities and reporting Organize important meetings & special programs Produce the Club Bulletin & maintain Club Website Record and improve Club attendance Promote fellowship among Club Members Maintain records & reporting Any other activity for effective operation of the Club
Responsibilities and reporting
Resources District Governor Assistant District Governors District committee members Club Leadership Plan (EN-245) Club Leadership Plan policy Recommended Rotary Club Bylaws Planning Guide for Effective Rotary Clubs Leadership Development Training Cycle