Water Literacy: An Empirical Study with Special Reference to the Apartment Dwellers in Bengaluru Authors: Dr. B.N Balaji Singh Ms.Rekha Aranha Ms. Smitha Srinivasan Ms. Priyanka Sharma
Overview Introduction Literature Review Rationale of the research Research Methodology Objectives Hypotheses Data Analysis and interpretation Findings Conclusion
INTRODUCTION: Water covers 71% of the earths' surface. Annual Per capita availability of water in India was: 5,177 cubic meters -1951 1, 654 cubic meters in 2007 1,545 cubic meters -2011 - Ministry of water resources, GOI Demand for water will increase to 2.8% to reach 1,500 billion cubic meters by 2030. Current supply --744 billion cubic meters – Stress for water in India.
Average depth of bore wells is 800-1200 feet and it's only going deeper - We are staring at a water crisis. (Nandan Nilekani 2014) Ground water in Bengaluru is over-exploited by more than 150%. Bengaluru has no major rivers flowing through it to rejuvenate its ground water table. The only way that we can rejuvenate do so is by tapping rain water more effectively (Nandan Nilekani, Feb 2014).
Total domestic demand (MLD*) Gross demand (MLD) Estimated growth in population and demand of water by the BWSSB Year Population (lakhs) Total domestic demand (MLD*) Gross demand (MLD) 2010 50.52 1,170 1,556 2016 89.05 1,336 1,775 2020 97.40 1,461 1,986 2026 124.27 1,864 2,371 2030 133.44 2,002 2,545 2050 192.54 2,888 3,669 www.iijnm.org/media_uploads/thesoftcopy/2011_2012/summit) * MLD = Millions of Litres per day
INTRO (contd..): With these information as backdrop, the researchers have felt a need to find the Water literacy level among the residents of Bengaluru . “Water literacy means knowing where the water comes from and how do we use it so that to know how long it is going to sustain” ! This research aims to know the awareness about the sources of water and the potability of the water among apartment dwellers. Through this research the researchers desire to communicate and educate the residents about the water conservation.
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RATIONALE OF THE RESEARCH: The rationale for this research is to move the respondents from the position of wasting water to one of using it efficiently. This can be thought of as consisting of the following approach, commonly adopted in commercial sector marketing: 1. Ignorance of the need to reduce water use 2. Awareness of the need to reduce water use 3. Interest in reducing water use 4. Desire to take action to reduce water use 5. Action to reduce water use (Source: David Howarth., et al)
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research Design: Exploratory research Sampling Unit: Apartment Dwellers of Bengaluru. Sample size : 200 respondents Sampling technique: Judgmental Sampling Data collection: Questionnaires, Depth interview, Expert survey Data Analysis : Statistical tests are run using SPSS Hypotheses : Tested by using Chi-square.
OBJECTIVES 1. To understand the awareness about the sources of water used by the respondents for various purposes. 2. To find out whether the respondents are aware of water potability and availability of underground water in their area. 3. To determine the association between level of education and concern for testing the potability of water. 4. To find out the major water usage sources in the households of the respondents. 5. To use the communication strategies to educate the citizens on the importance of water conservation.
HYPOTHESES 1.Ho: There is no association between the gender of the respondent and the awareness about potability of water. 2.Ho: There is no significant difference between the gender of the respondent and the concern for testing the potability of water. 3.Ho: There is no association between level of education and concern for testing the potability of water. 4.Ho: There is no significant difference between the gender and awareness on Underground water supply in the dwelling area.
This hypothesis was tested using chi-square at 95% confidence level. 1.Ho: There is no association between the gender of the respondent and the awareness about potability of water. This hypothesis was tested using chi-square at 95% confidence level. The chi square value i.e. p= 0.074 is exceeding the 5% level of significance, p>0.05. We accept the null hypothesis and hence we infer that gender and awareness of water potability are independent with each other. Majority of both genders agree that water which they drink is potable in nature. SUSCON 2016\Analysis.doc
2. H0: There is no significant difference between the gender of the respondent and the concern for testing the potability of water. The chi square value, p= 0.930 which exceeds the 5% level of significance. Hence we accept the null hypothesis. This suggests that gender and concern for testing the potability of drinking water are independent. The majority of both genders were not concerned about sending a sample of drinking water to the lab for analysis which suggest a low or lack of awareness of quality of water consumed by either genders. SUSCON 2016\Analysis.doc
3.Ho:There is no association between level of education and concern for testing the potability of water Chi square value, p=0.033 is less than the 5% level of significance. We reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternate hypothesis. There is a dependence and association of educational qualification of the respondent with concern for testing the potability of water by sending the sample to lab for analysis. This reaffirms that education of people can increase the water literacy among people. SUSCON 2016\Analysis.doc
4. H0: There is no significant difference between the gender and awareness on Underground water supply in the dwelling area. The chi square value, p= 0.074 is exceeding the 5% level of significance. Hence we accept the null hypothesis. This suggests that gender and Awareness on Underground water supply in the dwelling area are independent . Majority of the male respondents have disagreed with shortage of water in their area of dwelling; while majority of females are not aware of level of water in the area. SUSCON 2016\Analysis.doc
The other 2 major purposes are flushing toilet and washing machine. 4.To find out the major water usage sources in the households of the respondents The maximum number of respondents use water for showering purpose in the household. The other 2 major purposes are flushing toilet and washing machine. Wash basin is also a considerable source of water usage. The water heater comes next while bath tub and dish water are least used purpose for water usage. SUSCON 2016\Analysis.doc
Findings from the study Male respondents -122 and Female respondents -78. Graduates more than post graduates. 50% - piped Cauvery water; 40%- bore well water;10% - water cans. There is no association between the gender of the respondent and the awareness about potability of water among the respondents. Demographic variable i.e. Gender and concern for testing the potability of water are independent of each other. The education level of the respondent has an association with the concern for testing the potability of water. Maximum respondents use water for showering and then is flushing toilet and washing machine for washing clothes, Wash basin is also a considerable source of water usage. Gender and Awareness on Underground water supply are independent. Gender and notice of public information program on water conservation are independent
Conclusion The study concludes that though the residents know about the sources of water, still most of them are in the ignorance stage about the importance of water conservation and potable water. Efficient water usage can be achieved only when the citizens are sensitised through communication strategies like the road shows, articles in the newspaper, creating a feedback system , commitment initiatives through apps,etc. All these efforts would be successful only when the members of the apartment owners association become proactive in conducting meetings and educating the flatmates on the conscious use of water through various communication mediums.