An Introduction to Self-Reg, Part 2 Dr. Susan Hopkins, Ed.D. Executive Director, The MEHRIT Centre Lead Researcher, Self Regulation Institute @self_reg @susanhopkins5
3 Key Take-Aways for Today 1. Self-regulation vs. self-control 2. The 5 Steps of Shanker Self-Reg 3. Your Self-Reg matters too!
What is Self-Reg? Shanker Self-Reg is a powerful method for understanding stress and managing tension and energy.
KEY TO BREAKING A STRESS CYCLE IS 5 Steps of SELF-REG What is a Stress Cycle Stress system becomes dysregulated Normal braking functions necessary for R&R are impaired KEY TO BREAKING A STRESS CYCLE IS 5 Steps of SELF-REG
Multiplier Effect Stressors interact and exacerbate Stress-reactivity escalates Effect on stress thresholds ALWAYS NEED TO ADDRESS ALL FIVE DOMAINS
The Interbrain and Stress Cycles Harsh, punitive, or judgmental responses fuel stress cycles Similarly, withdrawal leaves a child struggling to cope with stress cycle on his or her own To break a stress cycle, the connection has to be right-brain to right-brain, limbic to limbic
Four Types of Self-Reg Journeys
Shanker Self-Reg 5 interelated and ongoing steps Reframe the behaviour Recognize the stressors (ALL 5 domains) Reduce the stress (load) Reflect: Enhance Stress-Awareness Respond: with strategies reduce tension, restore energy, develop resilience
Four Signs of Allostatic Overload “0-500” reaction in an instant Over reaction to situation Unusually long time to cool off Volatile / Emotional lability
Red Brain Teaching Moments & how to look at these with soft eyes: 1. Yelling 2. Threats we don’t mean 3. Humiliating students 4. Losing our temper 5. Bribing 6. Feeling Guilt for how we responded
Adult Self-Reg Reflecting Dysregulated And Dysregulating? Or Regulated And Regulating?
Step 2: Recognize the Stressors Hitting the “pause button” and asking, “Why am I seeing this behaviour?” and “Why am I seeing it now?” The 5 domains where stress and dysregulation can occur Common stressors in each domain “hidden” stressors The impact of stress on functioning, mood, learning and behaviour.
5 Domains: Stressors Biological Noises, crowds, visual overstimulation, not enough exercise, lack of sleep, sugar, junk food Emotion Cognitive Social Prosocial Difficulty coping with strong emotions, both positive (over-excited) & negative (anger, fear) Difficulty processing certain kinds of information Difficulty picking up on social cues, or understanding effect of behaviour on others Difficulty coping with other people’s stress; sense of injustice
Energy Zappers (sometimes for some !) Bright lights Dim lights Noise Quiet Visual noise Sugar Junk food Salt Sitting still Fingernails on a chalkboard Disappointment Embarrassment Worry Sad stories Injustice Being late Waiting Crowds Guilt Food allergies Allergies Grief Asthma Reverberation Bright colours Social Textures Tags in your clothing
Step 3: Reduce the Stress (Load) Strategies for reducing stressors in all 5 domains Distinguishing between adaptive and maladaptive coping strategies. Changing environments to reduce hidden stressors Creating microenvironments and employing strategies that aid stress recovery, downregulating or upregulating as needed.
Step 4: Reflect & Enhance Stress Awareness The importance of understanding one’s inner state: Recognizing tension and energy levels Recognizing what calm feels like Recognizing how you feel when you are stressed
Step 5: Respond with Personal Strategies for restoration & resilience Understand the difference between responding with strategies for restoration & resilience & step 3 (reducing the stress load) Figuring out what helps you reduce tension and raise energy
Take Some “YOU TIME” Y: YOU decide how you want to spend your YOU TIME YOU TIME is crucial for all of us. Think about the Triune brain. Which part of your brain is "running the show" right now? Hopefully, it's the 'blue brain', but if you are feeling the signs of stress in your brain-body in any way then 'red brain' is involved. So let's restore a little energy. Y: YOU decide how you want to spend your YOU TIME O: Organize this time so that it's 100% for you. U: Unplug technology. T: Tension released (even just a little). I: Individual needs, personal ways to restore M: Be Mindful of what comes up during your YOU TIME. E: Energy tank filled up (even just a little).
3 Goals of Our Self-Reg Session 1. Learn the difference between self-regulation and self control. SELF-REGULATION COMES FIRST. 2. Confirm just how much you already know about self-regulation AS THE EXPERTS OBSERVERS SEEING BENEATH THE BEHAVIOURS & ASKING WHY & WHY NOW. 3. Explore why our stress and our ability to self-regulate is so important. WE MATTER TOO!
Books by Dr. Stuart Shanker
To support your initiative or capacity building TMC Offerings To support your initiative or capacity building Our Foundations Program is a four- course designed and delivered by Dr. Stuart Shanker, which leads to a certification in Shanker-Self Reg. Self-Reg Portal Plus is our online community for people interested in exploring Shanker Self-Reg. The Self-Reg Parent Portal is a moderated online community for parents interested in exploring The Shanker Method.