Star Chapter [Insert Name Here]
Chapter Officers
Farm/Agribusiness Planning {Select a project, describe the project including number of members involved, include a picture(s) of the activity – maximum of 3 slides}
Farm/Agribusiness Planning {List any other activities the chapter was involved within the Farm/Agribusiness Planning category – maximum 1 slide}
Cooperation/Community Service {Select a project, describe the project including number of members involved, include a picture(s) of the activity – maximum of 3 slides}
Cooperation/Community Service {List any other activities the chapter was involved within the Cooperation/Community Service category – maximum 1 slide}
Leadership {Select a project, describe the project including number of members involved, include a picture(s) of the activity – maximum of 3 slides}
Leadership {List any other activities the chapter was involved within the Leadership category – maximum 1 slide}
Earnings & Savings {Select a project, describe the project including number of members involved, include a picture(s) of the activity – maximum of 3 slides}
Earnings & Savings {List any other activities the chapter was involved within the Leadership category – maximum 1 slide}
Conduct of Meetings {Select a project, describe the project including number of members involved, include a picture(s) of the activity – maximum of 3 slides}
Conduct of Meetings {List any other activities the chapter was involved within the Leadership category – maximum 1 slide}
Recreation {Select a project, describe the project including number of members involved, include a picture(s) of the activity – maximum of 3 slides}
Recreation {List any other activities the chapter was involved within the Leadership category – maximum 1 slide}
Public Relations {Select a project, describe the project including number of members involved, include a picture(s) of the activity – maximum of 3 slides}
Public Relations {List any other activities the chapter was involved within the Leadership category – maximum 1 slide}
State Activities {Select a project, describe the project including number of members involved, include a picture(s) of the activity – maximum of 3 slides}
State Activities {List any other activities the chapter was involved within the Leadership category – maximum 1 slide}
National Activities {Select a project, describe the project including number of members involved, include a picture(s) of the activity – maximum of 3 slides}
National Activities {List any other activities the chapter was involved within the Leadership category – maximum 1 slide}