Borrowed from Mrs. Valenti’s World History Class Saddleback Valley, CA Thanks Mrs. Valenti!
Aztec Achievements The Aztecs had many achievements in Main Idea 3: The Aztecs had many achievements in art, science, and language.
Aztec Achievements The Aztecs valued learning and sent their kids to school.
Aztecs valued learning. Many Aztec teenagers attended school Aztecs valued learning. Many Aztec teenagers attended school. There were different types of school options. Teenagers from noble families learned about their future responsibilities. Some Aztecs went to schools where they learned how to become a warrior.
Aztec Art Aztec art also included architecture. Carpenters and stonecutters built huge pyramid-shaped stone temples. Hundreds of such temples stood in Tenochtitlan.
Aztec Achievements The Aztecs were famous for studying astronomy and created a calendar much like the Mayan calendar.
Aztec Achievements The Aztecs also knew many different uses for plants. They knew of 100 different plants that could be used for medicine.
Aztec Achievements The Aztecs had a complex writing system using hieroglyphs. They kept extensive written records. These hieroglyphs helped the nobility track who had paid their tribute