The Aztecs
Aztecs The Aztecs were a powerful civilization from 1400- 1520CE. Their economy was based on agriculture and warriors expanding the empire by capturing goods and prisoners. Their religion was polytheistic.
Aztecs Their capital city was Tenochtitlan. It was built on islands and floating rafts (current day Mexico City). The Aztecs had many important achievements: strict legal system, they used the death penalty education for Aztec children gold and silver jewelry
Aztecs The Aztecs were unpopular with their neighbors because they sometimes kidnapped the neighbors for human sacrifices. The effect of this was that neighboring people led explorers and conquistadors to Aztecs. The Aztecs were conquered by the Spanish conquistador Cortes.
Tenochtitlan The Aztecs migrated to the Valley of Mexico and began their empire around the 12th century A.D. Tenochtitlan became their capital. The name means “Place of the Prickly Pear Cactus.” Their city was built over a lake by building it up on rafts made from reeds and covered with dirt. They were called chinampas. Present-Day Mexico City is built on top of this city.
The Aztec began c. 12th century A.D. Began a long migration that brought them into the Valley of Mexico. They established their capital city at Tenochtitlán. Tenochtitlán- means the Place of the Prickly Pear Cactus. An Aztec legend said that when the people found their new home they would see an eagle perched on a cactus holding a snake. They saw this in lake Texcoco. Their city was built up on rafts made from reeds and covered with dirt. They were called chinampas. Present-Day Mexico-City is built on top of this city. The original was destroyed by the Spanish.
Political and social structure By 1500 there were about 4 million people in the Aztec Empire. Aztec Emperor ruled over the entire Aztec Empire was the supreme leader of the people. He claimed that he was divine. People Made up of commoners, indentured workers, and slaves. Most people were farmers, but they also traded with people in the surrounding areas. Men were to be the warriors, while a woman’s role was to be in the home. Women were allowed to own and inherit property and enter contracts. Women wove textiles and raised children. They could also be priestesses. b2
Aztec social structure B3,4,5,6,7
religion Polytheistic religion based on warfare Huitzilopochtli was the chief god. god of the sun. The Aztec offered him human sacrifice to give him strength to battle the forces of darkness each night so that he could rise each morning. Quetzalcoatl the Feathered Serpent Aztecs believed he had left the valley of Mexico and promised to return in triumph. Human Sacrifice Each Aztec city contained a pyramid where they practiced human sacrifice as a way to postpone the end of the world.
Destruction of the Aztec empire Due to the way the Aztecs treated other people, the Spanish arrived they did not have a difficult time finding allies to fight against the Aztec. Hernán Cortés 1519 Spanish Conquistador who came to the valley of Mexico in 1519 with 550 soldiers and 16 horses. He was at first greeted by the Aztec Emperor Montezuma (Moctezuma). The Spanish later kidnapped the Emperor and made him a puppet. The people rebelled and the Emperor was killed. The Spanish barely escaped. The Spanish returned several months later and discovered many of the Aztecs had fallen ill with smallpox. Cortés and his allies destroyed the Aztec capital and conquered the Aztec people.
Tenochtitlan: The “Venice” of the Americas
Aztec Chinampa or Floating Garden: 15ft. to 30ft. wide
Aztecs Sacrifice Neighboring Tribes to the Sun God
Tenochtitlan - Chinampas
Aztec Sun Stone -- Calendar
Aztecs Sacrifice Neighboring Tribes to the Sun God
Aztec Civilization Located in arid valley in central Mexico Represented by Tenochtitlan Ruled by an emperor Economy based on agriculture and tribute from conquered peoples Polytheistic religion: pyramids, rituals (including human sacrifice)