DO NOW Who lived in the Americas before the arrival of Europeans? Include at least group/culture in your response. What were they like?
101: Mesoamerica and Native Americans Unit 1: Exploration and Settlement 9/14
Agricultural Revolution 9,000-10,000 yrs. ago Mesoamericans learn to plant and raise crops (maize) Led to villages and permanent civilizations
Mesoamerican Civilizations Mayans 3,000 + yrs. ago complex civilization developed writing built cities and temple pyramids 365-day calendar
Mesoamerican Civilizations Aztecs frequent war to conquer floating gardens human sacrifice Incas Andes Mountains highway systems
Technology Spreads Agricultural tech. spreads to the American SW and to the Mississippi
The Southwest Farmed like Mesoamerican ancestors (corn) Pueblo
The Pacific Coast Fished, hunted and gathered Built homes w/ forest lumber Many groups
The Great Plains Before 1500 farmers Then nomads, following buffalo herds Sioux
The Far North Inuit Arctic: Alaska to Greenland Adapted to cold, harsh climate Harpoon dogsled
Land Bridge
The Eastern Woodlands Hunted, fished and farmed Algonquian or Iroquoian They practiced slash-and-burn agriculture Cut down forests, burned cleared land Ashes made fertile land
The Eastern Woodlands Longhouses
The Eastern Woodlands Wigwam
The Iroquois Large kinship groups, or extended families, headed by elders Fought one another Five groups formed The Iroquois League to keep peace
Textbook pp. 5-11 Analyzing Geography, p. 5 Analyzing Geography, p. 9 Answer question 2 only Analyzing Geography, p. 9 Document-Based Questions, p. 11 Answer questions 1-2
Explain how Mesoamerican and Native American civilizations were highly advanced. Provide two reasons to support your response.