Welcome to
Thanks for the great snacks !!
Teammates Guests Who has guests at their tables?
Have a prayer request? Fill out a prayer request form found on your table. Then… just leave it on the table, or take it to the back table as you exit. All prayer requests will be sent to all TeamMates members unless they are clearly marked “CONFIDENTIAL”
Little (or BIG) girl and boy. Christmas Village Christmas Village at MBC Jesus in a manger. Smiles of JOY. For each & every Little (or BIG) girl and boy.
Upcoming Lessons Nov 20 – Jack Lea “Discovering the Best Anecdote to Materialism As Black Friday Looms” Dec 4 – Jack Lea & Lee Bennett “Preparing to Celebrate the Birth That Changed the World Forever: ADVENT
End of Opening Slides
3rd & 4th Sundays in Advent Teammates December 18, 2016 Lee Bennett
Introduction “Mary, did you know?”--https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifCWN5pJGIE --- [Paul? Music please.] Review: 1st Sunday in Advent-Prophecy (HOPE) 2nd Sunday in Advent-Preparation (PEACE)
Introduction “Mary, did you know?”--https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifCWN5pJGIE Review: 1st Sunday in Advent-Prophecy (HOPE) 2nd Sunday in Advent-Preparation (PEACE)
3rd Sunday in Advent: Shepherds’ candle (JOY) This one reminds us of a long line of those who JOYfully told others of the Savior’s birth “Three candles burning bright, Chasing away the darkness from light. Three candles burning bright, The blessing of God, giving new light.”
Scriptures & prayers Isaiah 35:1-7 (read aloud); Prayer together: “Holy God, create in us a fountain of joy, stir in us a spirit ready to dance, kindle in us the fire of gladness, set loose in us songs of praise. For You are the One who comes with healing and blessing.—Amen”
Scriptures & prayers Psalm 146 (read aloud) Luke 1:39-45 “Dear God, with joy we acknowledge your care and love for us. With joy, we acknowledge that our help is in you, the Maker of heaven and earth, our Maker and our re-Maker through the life and death of the One born in Bethlehem. Through faith in Him, grant us solid joy that lasts long beyond this Christmas season and that equips us to face the adversities of life. Amen”
Table talk Because of Jesus’ birth, we have access to two sources of joy: circumstances and something above circumstances based on our faith in Him. Tell of a time when you have experienced one or both of these. After the shepherds saw the Christ-child, they hurried off to tell others. Tell of a time when you have also done this.
4th Sunday in Advent: Love Candle “Four candles, burning bright, Chasing away the darkness with light. Four candles, glowing bright, The blessing of God, giving new sight.” Scripture: (read aloud) Isaiah 7:10-14 Micah 5:2 Matthew 1:20-25
Prayer together “God of angels and sheep, God of the poor and meek, in these days before Christmas, quiet us so we may hear where new life is struggling to be born, slow our rush so we may hear the faint sound of angel wings and the words of whispered hope. Open our hearts to the wonder of Immanuel: God with us.—Amen”
Wrapping up (no pun intended) The Little Drummer Boy-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJ_MGWio-vc (about 4 minutes) Reflect on what you have just heard as you head into the final week of intensive shopping! We’ll see you on January 8th, 2017, when we’ll return to the Andy Stanley series, “Following.”
Table Talk Does everyone at our table know John 3:16? “God so loved that He gave…” What has been the greatest expression of love that you have received in your life? What has been the greatest expression of love that you have ever given?