Answer Anorexia
Compulsive eating is a symptom of which TWO eating disorders.
Answer Bulimia Binge eating
If someone is binging and purging they are suffering from what eating disorder?
Answer Bulimia
Eating limited types of food in small quantities is a symptom of what eating disorder?
Answer Anorexia
Which eating disorder is common for males?
Answer Binge Eating
What are THREE health risks associated with being overweight What are THREE health risks associated with being overweight? Pick from the list below. High blood pressure Emphysema Type 1 Diabetes Type 2 Diabetes Addiction Cirrhosis Osteoarthritis Alcoholism
Answer High blood pressure Type 2 diabetes Osteoarthritis
How can you prevent cross-contamination. a How can you prevent cross-contamination? a. Use the same knife to cut raw chicken and vegetables b. A clean cutting board c. Prompt washing of countertop d. Put raw meat at room temperature on countertop
Answer b. A clean cutting board c. Prompt washing of countertop
When you are reading medication labels, which of the following is least important? a. To be informed about possible side effects b. To be informed of how to administer c. To be informed of possible drug interactions d. To be informed of the manufacturer e. To be informed of the dosage
Answer d. To be informed of the manufacturer
Which of the following are a result of repeated drug use Which of the following are a result of repeated drug use? There may be more than ONE correct answer. a. Drugs improve your brain function b. The user becomes physically dependent c. The user become psychologically dependent d. The brain will go back to normal in 24 hours e. The user become physically and psychologically dependent f. The user’s body needs the drug to feel good and function normally
Answer E. The user becomes physically and psychologically dependent F. The user’s body needs the drug to feel good and function normally
What is the main ingredient in Marijuana?
Answer THC
Prolonged feeling of helplessness, hopelessness, and sadness can be a sign that you are suffering from: Anxiety Personality disorder Phobia Depression
Answer Depression
The series of muscle contractions that move food through the digestive tract is called: Digestion Gastric Juices Gravity Gastritis Leukoplakia Peristalsis
ANSWER Peristalsis
What is the most important part of CPR What is the most important part of CPR? Breathing (Puffs) Getting the AED Pulse Check Abdominal Thrust Compressions
Answer Compressions
When treating external bleeding, one should NOT: Apply pressure Remove blood soaked bandages Elevate the injury above the heart Wear rubber gloves
Answer Remove blood soaked bandages
What does Universal Precautions include. a What does Universal Precautions include? a. Start rescue breathing immediately b. Wearing gloves WHEN available c. Using a mouthpiece, if available, for rescue breathing d. Washing hands after providing first aid
Answer b. Wearing gloves when available c. Using mouthpiece, if available, for rescue breathing d. Washing hands after providing first aid
Which of the following would help you maintain a healthy weight. a Which of the following would help you maintain a healthy weight? a. Choose realistic goals b. Increased metabolism by regular exercise c. Skipping breakfast d. Going on a fad diet e. Relaxed eating habits f. Eating breakfast
Answer a. Realistic Goals b. Increased Metabolism by regular exercise f. Eating breakfast
An intense and exaggerated fear of a specific object or situation.
Answer Phobia
In this anxiety disorder people feel trapped in a pattern of repeated thoughts and actions. They may do certain tasks over and over, such as washing hands or counting objects.
Answer OCD
In this anxiety disorder a stressful event or situation can cause flashbacks in which the person relives the event.
Answer PTSD or Post-Traumatic stress disorder
You are well prepared for an event or test, yet you feel nervous and anxious. What kind of stress would this person be experiencing? Depression Chronic Stress Eustress Distress Restrictive Stress
Answer Eustress
If a friend is stressed with too many after school activities and a heavy workload what might help them manage their stress? a. Having an energy drink b. Going for a walk or run c. Positive self talk d. Listening to music
Answer b. Going for a walk or run c. Positive self-talk d. Listening to music
What classification of drug is oxycodone What classification of drug is oxycodone? Stimulant Depressant Hallucinogen Opiate
Answer Opiate
What classification of drug is Cocaine What classification of drug is Cocaine? Stimulant Depressant Opiate Hallucinogen
Answer Stimulant
What classification of drug is LSD What classification of drug is LSD? Stimulant Depressant Hallucinogen Opiate
Answer Hallucinogen
Rohypnol is a/an: Stimulant Depressant Opiate Hallucinogen
Answer Depressant
What is another name for Rohypnol?
Answer Date Rape Drug OR Roofies
What are TWO health risks associated with using marijuana?
Answers any of the below! Hallucinations Paranoia Impaired short-term memory, reaction time, concentration and coordination Lung irritation, coughing Heart and lung damage Increased risk of lung cancer Lower IQ Weakened immune system Increased appetite Risk of infertility in females-stillbirth Lowered sperm count in males