Friday 2/17/17 Notebook Entry: How is your movement from one class to the next an example of Flow?
Water Cycle Flow Chart You will use your notes to create a possible pathway through the water cycle This will be drawn in the form of a flow chart
Let’s check our two column notes!!!!! Work with your team to figure out which slips of paper describe your part of the water Cycle Once your team has decided a statement goes with your part pick up the slip and take it with you! Once you have found all the slips (2-3) your team thinks goes with your part sit down together. When everyone is sitting we will review your choices and check our notes
Sun Heat from me allows liquid water to evaporate into water vapor, which is the main way water gets from the land surface back into the sky I move moving water around the Earth by being the reason winds exist. The winds move clouds and the weather all over the place; all of this mixing up and moving is an important part of the water cycle.
Evaporation I change liquid and frozen water into water-vapor gas by using heat from the sun. When I happen, water is in the form of water-vapor gas. Before I happen, water will be on Earth’s surface in ocean, seas, lakes, and rivers. After I happen, water will be in the atmosphere.
Evapotranspiration When I happen liquid water from the surface of plants turns to a gas. Before me, water is in the ground and inside plants. After me, water will be in the atmosphere.
Condensation I happen because of temperature changes. As warmer air (containing water vapor, remember?) floats up into the sky, where it is cold, I happen and tiny liquid water particles form the clouds. Before water gets to me, it is in the form of water vapor in the atmosphere. When I happen, water is in the form of a liquid. After me, water will be in a cloud.
Clouds I am made of liquid water and float. I float because the air below me has more weight. Before me, water vapor is floating in the atmosphere. After me, liquid or solid water is falling down to earth’s surface because of gravity.
Precipitation I happen when water releases from clouds in the form of rain, freezing rain, sleet, snow, or hail. Before me, water is in a cloud. After me, water can be A LOT of different places (mountaintops, underground, oceans, lakes, rivers, etc.)
runoff I happen when water runs down the land surface due to the pull of gravity. Before me, water is precipitation. After me, what goes into the ground or into a body of water. Water is in the form of a liquid when I happen. Water cannot be in any other form when I happen.
groundwater I am water stored under the surface in cracks and small spaces. Water can be in the form of solid or a liquid when it is in this place. Before me, water is moving down earth’s surface because of gravity. After me, water flows into rivers, lakes and the oceans.
Exit Ticket On one side of the notecard identify the parts of the water cycle you want to include. You need to have at least 5. On the other side draw a rough draft of your flow chart to show what order they would go in.