2015 Estimates Process
Background Good progress on diversifying income Investments in those income streams mean Loss making for last two years 2014/5 Group budget is breakeven
Where does the money come from and go? NUS UK Income Actual Affiliation Fees 4,093.4 Extra 1,500.0 Endsleigh Sponsorship 1,383.0 Other 206.6 Total 7,183.0 Expenditure Actual Donation to Charities (986.0) Core (5,578.5) Infrastructure (618.5) Total (7,183.0)
Strong revenue growth, but not surpluses Overall the group has made significant financial improvements over the last four years, increasing income by over seventy percent and recording small surpluses in each of those years, apart from the last one. In which the Group made a loss of £115k. Individually there was quite some variation in performance
For every £1 Unions give we generate £4 Affiliation fees converter £1
Considerations for 2015/6 Do not envisage significant additional income Pressure on purchasing consortium NUS Extra not guaranteed to increase NUS Media Ltd will still not be in profit Additional cost pressures Pensions – further 5% increase in SUSS contributions Harmonisation – increased pay costs by £150k FTO’s pay increase
Process January February March Initial Estimates developed in January Estimates reviewed by Audit Committee in February Estimates presented to Strategy & Scrutiny in February March Estimates to NEC for approval Estimates to Trustee Board for approval