Los Adjetivos Adjectives - Describing things.
Los Adjetivos Adjectives: Describe or modify a nounAdjectives: Describe or modify a noun In Spanish, adjectives come after the noun they modify.In Spanish, adjectives come after the noun they modify.
Los Adjetivos Ejemplos: El muchacho guapo El muchacho guapo La muchacha bonita La muchacha bonita Los alumnos serios Los alumnos serios Las alumnas graciosas Las alumnas graciosas
Los Adjetivos Adjectives must agree with the noun they describe or modify.Adjectives must agree with the noun they describe or modify. They must agree in:They must agree in: 1. Gender - masculine or feminine 2. Number - singular or plural
Los Adjetivos Masculine Singular adjectives and nouns end in -oMasculine Singular adjectives and nouns end in -o El muchacho guapo Feminine Singular adjectives and nouns end in -aFeminine Singular adjectives and nouns end in -a La muchacha bonita
Los Adjetivos Masculine Plural adjectives and nouns end in -osMasculine Plural adjectives and nouns end in -os Los muchachos guapos Feminine Plural adjectives and nouns end in -asFeminine Plural adjectives and nouns end in -as Las muchachas bonitas