Genesis 12-50: The Patriarchs Overview of time period, key events, key figures: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob Other key characters – their wives, Lot, Melchizedek.


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Presentation transcript:

Genesis 12-50: The Patriarchs Overview of time period, key events, key figures: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob Other key characters – their wives, Lot, Melchizedek Origin of Ammon, Moab, Edom Game Deep dive into the sons of Jacob Take a look at the birth stories Take a look at the story of Joseph Take a look at the focus scriptures

Abraham, God’s friend

Abraham Called a friend of God (James 2:23) Contemporary of Job & Melchizedek “And he believed the LORD, and he counted it to him as righteousness” (Gen 15:6) References to him in the New Testament Significant portion of Hebrews 11 Gospels, Romans, Galatians, more


Call of Abram God’s call (Gen 12:1-3) Abram obeys Travels through Canaan Famine causes him to go to Egypt Claims Sarai as his sister Picks up Hagar?

Abraham and Lot (Gen 13)

Abram rescues Lot (Gen 14)

Abram rescues Lot (Gen 14) Abram recognizes authority of Melchizedek Melchizedek is a type of Christ (Heb 7) Without father, without mother, without genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but made like the Son of God, he remains a priest perpetually (Heb 7:3) Abram takes nothing from the king of Sodom

Melchizedek blesses Abram

God’s covenant with Abram

God’s covenant with Abram God’s covenant with Abram (Gen 15) God’s promise to him Abram’s descendants will be as many as the stars of heaven Hagar & Ishmael (Gen 16) Making things happen ourselves instead of trusting God God’s reaffirmation of covenant with Abram (Gen 17) 13 years after birth of Ishmael Institution of circumcision God changes Abram’s name to Abraham God changes Sarai’s name to Sarah Promise that son will come through Sarah

The destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah (Gen 18-19)

The destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah (Gen 18-19) Abraham’s intercession Wickedness of people of Sodom Lot rescued Origin of Moabites & Ammonites

Abraham (Gen 20-21) Abraham in Gerar (Gen 20) Birth of Isaac (Gen 21) Denies Sarah is his wife again God’s protection and blessing on us even in our foolishness Birth of Isaac (Gen 21) Child of promise Ishmael and Hagar sent away

Offering of Isaac (Gen 22)

Offering of Isaac (Gen 22) 3 days journey Was Isaac 33 years old? Complete surrender to God, even that which God promised us “God will provide for Himself the burnt offering” (Gen 22:8) Heb 11:17-19 – Abraham “considered that God is able to raise men even from the dead; from which he also received him back as a type.” Mount Moriah

Offering of Isaac (Gen 22)

Abraham (Gen 23-25) Sarah dies (Gen 23) Purchase of the cave of Machpelah Legal document Servant obtains wife for Isaac (Gen 24) “Do not take my son back there” Laban & Rebekah Abraham dies (Gen 25) Isaac & Ishmael bury him in the cave of Machpelah

Isaac (Gen 25-26)

Isaac (Gen 25-26) Rebekah is barren (Gen 25) Isaac prays for her and she becomes pregnant with Esau and Jacob Contrast with Sarah, Rachel, Leah God’s blessing of Abraham passed on to Isaac (Gen 26:3-5) Isaac denies Rebekah is his wife (Gen 26:7-11) Isaac the peacemaker

Esau and Jacob (Gen 25, 27)

Esau and Jacob (Gen 25, 27) Jacob & Esau born Esau is Isaac’s favorite Jacob is Rebekah’s favorite Esau sells his birthright for a bowl of stew “Esau despised his birthright” (Gen 25:34) Valuing the temporary over the eternal Jacob steals Esau’s blessing (Heb 11:20) Isaac dies 20+ years later (Gen 35:28-29) He and Rebekah are buried in the cave of Machpelah

Jacob (Gen 28-36)

Jacob (Gen 28-36) Jacob flees to Haran Esau threatening to kill him Jacob’s dream Ladder to heaven Jesus is that ladder (John 1:51) God’s promise to Abraham and Isaac passed on to Jacob The deceiver meets his match – Jacob & Laban Jacob & Rachel… & Leah, 14 years of service (Gen 29) 6 more years of service for Laban Laban keeps changing his wages Jacob becomes rich 11 sons & 1 daughter born during 13 year span

Jacob (Gen 28-36)

Jacob (Gen 28-36) Travel back to Canaan Massacre at Shechem (Gen 34) Jacob flees from Laban Jacob meets Esau He wrestles with God and gets a new name – Israel He reconciles with Esau Massacre at Shechem (Gen 34) Renewal of covenant to Jacob (Gen 35) Rachel dies giving birth to Benjamin (Gen 35) Esau is Edom

Ammon, Moab and Edom

So what’s the deal with Leah?

Jacob’s 12 sons by wife

Overview of the story of Joseph (Gen 37-50) Brothers are jealous of Joseph Joseph sold as a slave in Egypt Joseph prospers in Potiphar’s house Joseph prospers in prison Joseph interprets Pharaoh’s dream and promoted to prime minister Joseph’s interaction with his brothers Joseph reconciled with brothers and father Israel moves to Goshen in Egypt

Joseph as a type of Jesus

Reuben Oldest brother Slept with Bilhah, his father’s wife (Gen 35:22) Longed for his father’s approval (Gen 37:21-22, 29; 42:22, 37)

Simeon He was the one Joseph locked up (Gen 42:24) He and Levi massacred the men of Shechem (Gen 34)

Judah Gen 37:26-27 - Then Judah said to his brothers, "What profit is it if we kill our brother and conceal his blood? Come, let us sell him to the Ishmaelites, and let not our hand be upon him, for he is our brother, our own flesh." And his brothers listened to him. His story in Gen 38 Contrast with Joseph’s purity in Gen 39

Judah His brothers listened to him (Gen 37:27) His father trusted him (Gen 43:3-10) He was the leader of his brothers (Gen 46:12,28; 1 Chron 5:1-2) He plead with Joseph for his brothers’ lives (Gen 44:16-34) He offered his life for his brother’s life (Gen 44:33) The Messiah would come through him

Benjamin “Son of my right hand” He left his father in order that his brothers might have life

Jacob His old name associated with the flesh, new name associated with walking in the Spirit Jacob holds on to Benjamin When Jacob releases Benjamin, the fullness of God is released in his life When we release the things we hold on to so tightly, God’s does more than we can think or imagine