Policies to help disability community political winners October 2016 National Survey
Meet Our Team Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi is President and CEO of RespectAbilty, a nonprofit organization working to empower people with disabilities to achieve the American dream. She works regularly with national, state and local policy leaders, workforce development professionals, media and employers, as well as with disability and faith-based organizations in order to expand opportunities for people with disabilities. She already has met with teams from all 50 states, including 40 governors, on WIOA implementation. She has published dozens of op-eds on disability issues, including in USA Today, Huffington Post, The Hill and other publications. Dyslexic herself, she also knows what it means to parent a child with multiple disabilities. Lauren Appelbaum, Communications Director of RespectAbility. Her role includes managing the presidential outreach and #RespectTheAbility stigma and social media campaigns. Coordinating outreach, she and her team have talked with all of the presidential candidates about the importance of engaging the disability community, reporting all interviews in The RespectAbility Report. She has a lifelong commitment to equality for people with disabilities. You can reach her at LaurenA@RespectAbilityUSA.org
2016 Presidential Campaign Outreach
Presidential Outreach We covered all 22 presidential candidates on the issue of jobs for people with disabilities. We do not endorse any candidate. Jeb Bush Carly Fiorina Martin O’Malley Bernie Sanders Ben Carson Jim Gilmore Rand Paul Rick Santorum Lincoln Chafee Lindsey Graham George Pataki Donald Trump Chris Christie Mike Huckabee Rick Perry Scott Walker Hillary Clinton Bobby Jindal Marco Rubio Jim Webb Ted Cruz John Kasich Members of our team spent much of December, January and February in New Hampshire and Iowa, working with local disability groups to encourage more people to ask all of the candidates these questions. We also succeeded in securing video of the presidential candidates on record. Check out the presidential candidates' responses to the questionnaire: Super Tuesday Disability Voter Guide
Briefings in IA, NH, NV RespectAbility Director of Communications Lauren Appelbaum talks with Stephanie Carlton, senior advisor for the Jeb Bush campaign, in Manchester, NH Representatives of Sanders, Bush, Clinton, O'Malley and Santorum campaigns attend a briefing in Des Moines, Iowa
Meet Today’s Pollsters Stan Greenberg, Ph.D. Stan Greenberg is a New York Times best-selling author and polling adviser to presidents, prime ministers and CEOs globally and right now, is conducting deep research in more than a dozen countries. He was the senior pollster for President Bill Clinton and Vice President Al Gore, British Prime Minister Tony Blair, and President Nelson Mandela. Greenberg's corporate clients include Boeing, BP, Microsoft, and other global companies. Greenberg's new book, American Ascendant: A Revolutionary Nation's Path to Addressing Its Deepest Problems and Leading the 21st Century (November 2015), brings a new lens to our current period of change he likes to the Industrial Revolution. Walter Isaacson, author of Steve Jobs, applauds it and says, he has "a great sense of history as well as deep understanding of the hopes and fears of today's Americans.“ Whit Ayres is a leading Washington, D.C. political consultant with over 30 years of experience in polling and survey research for high profile political campaigns and associations .As Founder and President of North Star Opinion Research, a national public opinion and public affairs research firm located in Alexandria, Virginia, Whit provides message development advice and strategic insights to high level political clients including U.S. Senators Marco Rubio, Lamar Alexander, Bob Corker, Lindsey Graham, and Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam, and association clients including the Boy Scouts of America, the Federalist Society, and the Pharmaceutical Care Management Association.
Methodology National phone survey of 900 Likely 2016 Voters. This survey took place October 21-24 among national likely voters. Likely voters were determined based on stated intention of voting in 2016, and vote history in 2012 and 2014. Data shown in this deck is among all 2016 likely voters unless otherwise noted. Margin of error for the full sample is +/-3.27 percentage points at the 95 percent confidence level. Of the 900 respondents, 65 percent were interviewed via cell phone in order to accurately sample the American electorate.
Half of electorate in disability community Do you, a family member, or a close friend have a disability, such as a physical, mental health, sensory, learning, cognitive or other disability that impacts daily living? 39% with Disability Connection *50 percent of likely 2016 voters are in the disability community = people with disabilities, family member with a disability, close friend with a disability. *39 percent of likely 2016 voters have a disability connection = family member or close friend with a disability. 50% in Disability Community Change to the circle “Do you, a family member, or a close friend have a disability, such as a physical, mental health, sensory, learning, cognitive or other disability that impacts daily living?” No disability connection. 49 percent. People with disabilities, 16 percent. Family member with a disability, 33 percent. Close friend with a disability, 10 percent.
Disability community has high interest in voting How interested are you in the November elections for President, U.S. Congress and other state and local offices? Please rate your interest from one to ten, with one meaning that you have no interest in this election and ten meaning that you are extremely interested. % 10 – Extremely interested “How interested are you in the November elections for President, U.S. Congress and other state and local offices? Please rate your interest from one to ten, with one meaning that you have no interest in this election and ten meaning that you are extremely interested.” No disability connection, 71 percent extremely interested. People with disabilities, 70 percent extremely interested. Disability connection, 73 percent extremely interested.
Disability community more likely to say on wrong track Generally speaking, do you think that things in this country are going in the right direction, or do you feel things have gotten pretty seriously off on the wrong track? +14 +26 +30 No disability connection People with disabilities Disability connection “Generally speaking, do you think that things in this country are going in the right direction, or do you feel things have gotten pretty seriously off on the wrong track?” No disability connection, right track, 40 percent, wrong track 54 percent. People with disabilities, right track 33 percent, wrong track 59 percent. Disability connection, right track, 32 percent, wrong track 62 percent.
Majorities now approve of President Obama Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling his job as president? +21 +16 +6 No disability connection People with disabilities Disability connection “Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling his job as president?” No disability connection, approve, 59 percent, disapprove 38 percent. People with disabilities, approve, 56 percent, disapprove 40 percent. Disability connection, approve, 52 percent, disapprove 46 percent.
Voters more likely to support candidates advocating disability policies Now I am going to read you a list of things our leaders can do to address the challenges facing people with disabilities. For each, please tell me if this stand would make you much more likely, somewhat more, a little more or no more likely to support a candidate for elected office who makes this a priority. ALL 2016 LIKELY VOTERS Ending rape and assault of children and adults with disabilities Ensuring that children with disabilities get the education and training they need to succeed Expanding job and career opportunities for people with disabilities, so they can succeed just like anyone else. “Now I am going to read you a list of things our leaders can do to address the challenges facing people with disabilities. For each, please tell me if this stand would make you much more likely, somewhat more, a little more or no more likely to support a candidate for elected office who makes this a priority.” Among all 2016 likely voters: Ending rape and assault of children and adults with disabilities, 67 percent much more likely. Ensuring that children with disabilities get the education and training they need to succeed, 61 percent much more likely. Expanding job and career opportunities for people with disabilities, so they can succeed just like anyone else, 59 percent much more likely.
Other policies receive strong support as well Now I am going to read you a list of things our leaders can do to address the challenges facing people with disabilities. For each, please tell me if this stand would make you much more likely, somewhat more, a little more or no more likely to support a candidate for elected office who makes this a priority. ALL 2016 LIKELY VOTERS Standing up against Hollywood bigotry and negative portrayals of people with disabilities. Ensuring that criminal justice reform specifically addresses the issues of the 750,000 people with disabilities incarcerated in America Promoting positive media portrayals of people with disabilities in TV, Hollywood movies, and books “Now I am going to read you a list of things our leaders can do to address the challenges facing people with disabilities. For each, please tell me if this stand would make you much more likely, somewhat more, a little more or no more likely to support a candidate for elected office who makes this a priority.” Among all 2016 likely voters: Standing up against Hollywood bigotry and negative portrayals of people with disabilities, 39 percent much more likely. Ensuring that criminal justice reform specifically addresses the issues of the 750,000 people with disabilities incarcerated in America, 30 percent much more likely. Promoting positive media portrayals of people with disabilities in TV, Hollywood movies, and books, 30 percent much more likely.
These policies are important to Democrats Now I am going to read you a list of things our leaders can do to address the challenges facing people with disabilities. For each, please tell me if this stand would make you much more likely, somewhat more, a little more or no more likely to support a candidate for elected office who makes this a priority. DEMOCRATS & DEMOCRATIC LEANING INDEPENDENTS Ensuring that children with disabilities get the education and training they need Ending rape and assault of children and adults with disabilities. Expanding job and career opportunities for people with disabilities Ensuring that criminal justice reform specifically addresses the people with disabilities Standing up against Hollywood bigotry Promoting positive media portrayals “Please tell me if this stand would make you much more likely, somewhat more, a little more or no more likely to support a candidate for elected office who makes this a priority.” Among Democrats and Democratic leaning independents: Ensuring that children with disabilities get the education and training they need, 77 percent much more likely. Ending rape and assault of children and adults with disabilities, 72 percent much more likely. Expanding job and career opportunities for people with disabilities, 67 percent much more likely. Ensuring that criminal justice reform specifically addresses the people with disabilities, 46 percent much more likely. Standing up against Hollywood bigotry, 45 percent much more likely. Promoting positive media portrayals, 40 percent much more likely.
Disability policies important to Republicans Now I am going to read you a list of things our leaders can do to address the challenges facing people with disabilities. For each, please tell me if this stand would make you much more likely, somewhat more, a little more or no more likely to support a candidate for elected office who makes this a priority. REPUBLICANS & REPUBLICAN LEANING INDEPENDENTS Ending rape and assault of children and adults with disabilities. Expanding job and career opportunities for people with disabilities Ensuring that children with disabilities get the education and training they need Standing up against Hollywood bigotry Promoting positive media portrayals Ensuring that criminal justice reform specifically addresses the people with disabilities “Please tell me if this stand would make you much more likely, somewhat more, a little more or no more likely to support a candidate for elected office who makes this a priority.” Among Republicans and Republican leaning independents: Ending rape and assault of children and adults with disabilities, 63 percent much more likely. Expanding job and career opportunities for people with disabilities, 49 percent much more likely. Ensuring that children with disabilities get the education and training they need, 42 percent much more likely. Standing up against Hollywood bigotry, 34 percent much more likely. Promoting positive media portrayals, 19 percent much more likely. Ensuring that criminal justice reform specifically addresses the people with disabilities, 12 percent much more likely.
Electorally important to undecided voters in congressional race Now I am going to read you a list of things our leaders can do to address the challenges facing people with disabilities. For each, please tell me if this stand would make you much more likely, somewhat more, a little more or no more likely to support a candidate for elected office who makes this a priority. UNDECIDED IN CONGRESSIONAL BALLOT Ending rape and assault of children and adults with disabilities. Ensuring that children with disabilities get the education and training they need Expanding job and career opportunities for people with disabilities Standing up against Hollywood bigotry Ensuring that criminal justice reform specifically addresses the people with disabilities Promoting positive media portrayals “Please tell me if this stand would make you much more likely, somewhat more, a little more or no more likely to support a candidate for elected office who makes this a priority.” Among undecided voters in the congressional ballot: Ending rape and assault of children and adults with disabilities, 64 percent much more likely. Ensuring that children with disabilities get the education and training they need, 63 percent much more likely. Expanding job and career opportunities for people with disabilities, 61 percent much more likely. Standing up against Hollywood bigotry, 36 percent much more likely. Ensuring that criminal justice reform specifically addresses the people with disabilities, 36 percent much more likely. Promoting positive media portrayals, 27 percent much more likely.
People call to protect people with disabilities from rape, assault Now I am going to read you a list of things our leaders can do to address the challenges facing people with disabilities. For each, please tell me if this stand would make you much more likely, somewhat more, a little more or no more likely to support a candidate for elected office who makes this a priority. Ending rape and assault of children and adults with disabilities “Please tell me if this stand would make you much more likely, somewhat more, a little more or no more likely to support a candidate for elected office who makes this a priority.” Ending rape and assault of children and adults with disabilities: No disability connection, 68 percent much more likely. People with disabilities, 62 percent much more likely. Disability connection, 69 percent much more likely.
People with disabilities most likely to reward education policies Now I am going to read you a list of things our leaders can do to address the challenges facing people with disabilities. For each, please tell me if this stand would make you much more likely, somewhat more, a little more or no more likely to support a candidate for elected office who makes this a priority. Ensuring that children with disabilities get the education and training they need to succeed “Please tell me if this stand would make you much more likely, somewhat more, a little more or no more likely to support a candidate for elected office who makes this a priority.” Ensuring that children with disabilities get the education and training they need to succeed: No disability connection, 57 percent much more likely. People with disabilities, 78 percent much more likely. Disability connection, 63 percent much more likely.
Community very concerned with job opportunities Now I am going to read you a list of things our leaders can do to address the challenges facing people with disabilities. For each, please tell me if this stand would make you much more likely, somewhat more, a little more or no more likely to support a candidate for elected office who makes this a priority. Expanding job and career opportunities for people with disabilities, so they can succeed just like anyone else. “Please tell me if this stand would make you much more likely, somewhat more, a little more or no more likely to support a candidate for elected office who makes this a priority.” Expanding job and career opportunities for people with disabilities, so they can succeed just like anyone else: No disability connection, 55 percent much more likely. People with disabilities, 66 percent much more likely. Disability connection, 62 percent much more likely.
Contact Us WORLD HEADQUARTERS NEW YORK HEADQUARTERS EUROPEAN HEADQUARTERS CANADIAN HEADQUARTERS Greenberg Quinlan Rosner 10 G Street, NE Suite 500 Washington, DC 20002 Phone: +1 202 478 8300 Fax: +1 202 478 8301 Greenberg Quinlan Rosner 25 Broadway 9th Floor New York, NY 10004 T: (212) 231 0050 Greenberg Quinlan Rosner 3 Waterhouse Square 138 Holborn London, UK EC1N 2SW T: +44 20 3740 9029 Greenberg Quinlan Rosner 350-1 First Canadian Place Toronto Board of Trade Tower Toronto, ON M5K 1C1 Phone: +1 647 526 6754
#PwDsVote 2016 Disability Questionnaire We asked all presidential, gubernatorial and Senate candidates on both sides of the aisle to fill out a questionnaire on disability issues. Questions designed to bring attention to candidates about barriers to employment faced by people with disabilities and enable general population to become educated on their policies. Presidential Survey: January – February 2016 Senate and Governors Survey: July – October 2016
#PwDsVote 2016 Questionnaire Topics 16-17 questions sent to all candidates on these issues & more: Accessibility Housing Assistive Technology Independent Living Criminal Justice System International Disability Policy Education Sexual Assault & Rape Employment Stigma Transportation Healthcare Veterans with Disabilities
Down Ballot Questionnaire for Gubernatorial Candidates State Gubernatorial Candidate View Full Answers Delaware Colin Bonini (R) PwDsVoteBonini John Carney (D) PwDsVoteCarney Missouri Chris Koster (D) PwDsVoteKoster Montana Steve Bullock (D) PwDsVoteBullock Greg Gianforte (R) PwDsVoteGianforte New Hampshire (lost primary) Derek Dextraze (D) PwDsVoteDextraze Oregon Bud Pierce (R) PwDsVotePierce Utah Mike Weinholtz (D) PwDsVoteWeinholtz Vermont Sue Minter (D) PwDsVoteMinter Phil Scott (R) PwDsVoteScott Washington Bill Bryant (R) PwDsVoteBryant
Down Ballot Questionnaire for Senate Candidates 1 State Senate Candidate View Full Answers Alabama Ron Crumpton (D) PwDsVoteCrumpton California Kamala Harris (D) PwDsVoteHarris Loretta Sanchez (D) PwDsVoteSanchez Florida (lost primary) Dwight Young (R) PwDsVoteYoung Hawaii John Carroll (R) PwDsVoteCarroll Illinois Tammy Duckworth (D) PwDsVoteDuckworth Mark Kirk (R) PwDsVoteKirk Kansas Patrick Wiesner (R) PwDsVoteWiesner Louisiana Foster Campell (D) PwDsVoteCampbell Caroline Fayard (D) PwDsVoteFayard Abhay Patel (R) PwDsVotePatel Maryland Kathy Szeliga (R) PwDsVoteSzeliga Chris Van Hollen (D) PwDsVoteVanHollen
Down Ballot Questionnaire for Senate Candidates 2 State Senate Candidate View Full Answers Missouri Jason Kander (D) PwDsVoteKander Nevada Joe Heck (R) PwDsVoteHeck Catherine Cortez Masto (D) PwDsVoteMasto New Hampshire Kelly Ayotte (R) PwDsVoteAyotte Maggie Hassan (D) PwDsVoteHassan North Carolina Richard Burr (R) PwDsVoteBurr Deborah Ross (D) PwDsVoteRoss Ohio Joe DeMare (Green) PwDsVoteDeMare Oregon Mark Callahan (R) PwDsVoteCallahan Pennsylvania Katie McGinty (D) PwDsVoteMcGinty South Dakota Jay Williams (D) PwDsVoteWilliams Vermont Patrick Leahy (D) PwDsVoteLeahy Wisconsin Russ Feingold (D) PwDsVoteFeingold
Importance of Down Ballot Elections 39 total responses including 26 Senate and 11 Gubernatorial candidates Bipartisan response (24 D, 14 R, 1 Green) Responses also geographically-diverse Such a diverse response shows that politicians are paying more and more attention to disability community
Voter Guides Used questionnaire to create individual state voter guides Also included ranking in employment data for state, comments on WIOA drafts and best practices (if available) in each state
Community-Based Living Police Violence / Crime Rape and Assault Issue-Based Pieces Accessibility Healthcare Assistive Technology Housing Community-Based Living Police Violence / Crime Rape and Assault Criminal Justice Transportation Education Veterans Rights Employment Foreign Policy Linked pieces have been posted as of Nov. 2; the rest will be posted the same week. All pieces can be found on The RespectAbility Report
Use Facebook, Email and Tweets! Lists of influential people: Hillary Clinton Campaign Staff Donald Trump Campaign Staff Gary Johnson Campaign Staff Jill Stein Campaign Staff 2016 Candidates for Governor 2016 Candidates for Senator Tweet the presidential, senate and gubernatorial candidates! Don’t just tweet the candidates; tweet their staff as well. Remember, disability rights is not a partisan issue.
Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi, President RespectAbility Contact Information We have many resources for policy makers and employers on our website and are ready to help! RespectAbilityUSA 11333 Woodglen Drive, #102 Rockville, MD 20852 www.RespectAbilityUSA.org Cell: (202) 365 – 0787 Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi, President JenniferM@RespectAbilityUSA.org