Chapter 10 Jefferson Era 1800-1816
A New Party in Power Lesson 10.1 Election of 1800 Vote is Ties Jefferson’s Inauguration Jefferson as President Judiciary Act of 1801 The Growing Power of the Supreme Court
Election of 1800 In the election Federalist had President Adams and Charles Pinkney for vice President The Republicans wanted Vice President Thomas Jefferson to be president and Aaron Burr as his vice president Candidates wrote letters to people and newspapers. They would attack each other in their letters to gain support for themselves Remember that the Alien and Sedition Act hurt the Federalist
Vote is Tied Remember 1st place vote becomes president, 2nd place becomes vice president. Each elector got two votes. In the 1800 election, 73 electors voted for Jefferson and Burr without indicating which one would be president and which one would be vice president There was a tie and the House of Representatives had to decide who would win, Jefferson won the tie break After this, Congress passed the 12th Amendment in 1803, after that electors had a vote for president and one for vice president, specifically
Jefferson Inauguration Jefferson wanted a smaller federal government and give his support for state governments
Jefferson as President Judiciary Act of 1801 Growing Power of the Supreme Court
Judiciary Act of 1801 Federalist lost power in the election of 1800 (remember Alien Sedition Act) They lose the presidency and majority in congress After any election there are a couple of months of transition time. Elections are in November, but the new president/congress doesn’t start until March (1800s, now its January) In that transition period, Federalist passed the Judiciary Act of 1801- making a bunch of new courts and assign federalist judges to them. They figure this is the only way to stay in power. These were called “midnight judges” because it was like Adams was up passed midnight making people judges, over 60 new ones
In order to become a judge you needed your “certificate” In order to become a judge you needed your “certificate”. “Certificates” were being sent to all the judges to start. John Marshall- Secretary of State under Adams has the job of delivering these certificates. When Jefferson starts his presidency on March 4th a bunch of judges hadn’t received their certificates, including William Marbury. Jefferson tells his new Secretary of State James Madison not to send the rest of the certificates. Marbury sues. Marshall is no longer Secretary of State but now is Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
1803-Supreme Court decision-Marbury is right, he should be judge but the Court can’t force the president to give him his job because that would be unconstitutional. It also said since it saw this as unconstitutional, it had the job to see if any other laws passed would be constitutional or not, and if they are not, then those laws should be canceled- this is JUDICIAL REVIEW. This power is used to check the other branches
10.2 Louisiana Purchase Louisiana Territory belonged to Spain From New Orleans to the Rocky Mountains Americans allowed to sail the Mississippi River and trade in New Orleans
France has a revolution and emerged with a dictator, Napolean Bonaparte Spain secretly agreed to give Louisiana to France Jefferson felt France wanted to create an empire in France
Toussaint L’Ouverture, a slave in Haiti, started a rebellion and took over Haiti, a very influential island. The French had to leave Haiti
France now needed money, they sold the whole Louisiana territory to the US for $15 million It doubled the size of the US Lewis and Clark and a group of men led an expedition to the new territory Sacagawea was a Native American woman that guided the group
Federalist Plan to Secede Federalist were worried about westward expansion because they would lose control. Some wanted to secede, - leave the Union They asked Burr the VP to help. Hamilton accused Burr of treason and Burr challenged him to a duel Hamilton died and Burr fled
10.3 A Time of Conflict Ships began trading with China Pirates from the Barbary States- North Africa demanded tribute- protection money to go through their waters US paid but the price went up Jefferson refused to pay Pirates took the ship Philadelphia and threw the crew in jail Stephen Decatur, sailed to Tripoli harbor and burned the ship so the pirates couldn’t use it
Pirates took the ship Philadelphia and threw the crew in jail Stephen Decatur, sailed to Tripoli harbor and burned the ship so the pirates couldn’t use it
The war ended with a peace treaty The war ended with a peace treaty. No more tribute but the US had to pay $60,000 for the release of the prisoners
Violating Neutral Rights Jefferson won reeletion England and France were at war US wanted to remain neutral Neutral rights- its ships could sail the seas and trade with both sides
British abuses neutral rights British navy had terrible living conditions A lot of sailors, deserted Navy ships stopped American ships looking for deserters, impressed them and some Americans they thought were lying about being American and not British
British ship, Leopard stopped the American Chesapeake looking for deserters Chesapeake refused, British opened fire, killing 3 crew members
More problems for American trade Jefferson banned trade with Britain Embargo Act Embargo-prohibits trade with another country It backfired, American businesses lost money. The Embargo Act was repealed
Election of 1808 Democrat Republicans- James Madison won the election Federalist only had New England, which suffered most from the Embargo Act
France also began to seize and sell American ships Many Americans wanted to go to war but did not know with who
In Ohio, settlers broke treaties and continued moving into Indian land Natives asked the British for help Tecumseh is the leader He meets the Indiana governor, William Henry Harrison
Battle of Tippecanoe Harrison defeated the natives, but Tecumseh was not there Madison faced demands for war Henry Clay of Kentucky and John Calhoun of South Carolina were war hawks They wanted to increase military spending and the want to go to war to increase land Nationalism- loyalty to their country- patriotism
These voices pushed America to war England stopped seizing American ships but it was too late
Lesson 4: War of 1812 War hawks were happy to go to war but the army was small and not prepared US underestimated the strength of the British and Native American allies
American forces attacked York (Toronto), burning the parliament Tecumseh dies and British-native alliance comes to an end
1814, British attacked Washington DC, troops burned everything, including the Capitol building and the White House The troops left to Baltimore but the city was ready for them at Fort McHenry Francis Scott Key watched the bombing of Baltimore and saw the flag of the US still flying over the fort. He wrote the “Star-Spangled Banner”
The American won the war in the battle of Plattsburgh
End of War British and Americans met in Belgium to sign peace in December 1814 In January 1815, the news did not get to the US and the British attacked New Orleans even though the war was over Andrew Jackson led US to victory
Federalist opposed to the war lost power and disappeared War Hawks pushed a sense of patriotism after the win