Hanoi Parenting Club November
Activities for children at home If you’re happy, happy, happy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4WNrvVjiTw 12345 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ir_l7qTiZ4
Your toddler Understand much more than s/he can express Gains better control over fingers and hands and exploring toys and surroundings Is aware of the function of objects: stacking blocks, listening or talking into a toy phone, or pushing a toy car Starts pretend play
Children explore the world through their senses
1-2 years Sensory stage Children explore the world through touch Like to scribble with crayon or play with paint, play dough Children love story books and repetition Pbsorg/parents/childdevelopmenttracker http://handsonaswegrow.com/
3-4 years Increase in imaginary play Love stories-repetition Able to play cooperatively with other children Enjoy rhythm-beating on pots, drums., songs and rhymes Love to draw and paint= big paper, talk about their art Learn to share but not compete
3-4 year olds Correctly name familiar colors Understand the idea of same and different Pretend and fantasize more creatively Remember parts of a story Understand time better (for example, morning, afternoon, night) Count, and understand the concept of counting Sort objects by shape and color Complete age-appropriate puzzles Recognize and identify common objects and pictures
4-5 years Count ten or more objects Have a greater attention span Speak clearly using more complex sentences Correctly name at least four colors and three shapes Recognize some letters and possibly write his or her name Better understand the concept of time and the order of daily activities, like breakfast in the morning, lunch in the afternoon, and dinner at night
At this age your child Is becoming more independent Still confuses make-believe with reality Expresses anger verbally, rather than physically (most of the time)
Help your child’s learning Encourage child’s talking, thinking and imagination by reading together, telling stories, singing songs and reciting nursery rhymes. Cook with your child: Give her simple things to do. She’ll also learn new words – maths concepts – for example, ‘half’, ‘1 teaspoon’, ‘30 minutes’ – how to do things step by step, and how to be patient as she waits for food to be ready Play games that involve learning to share and take turns. Say ‘Now it’s my turn to build the tower, then it’s your turn’, and give lots of praise when you see him trying to share
Developing self expression Allow lots of playtime: messy play – in sand or mud or with paints – play with puppets or toys and outdoor play are all great ways for preschoolers to express feelings, particularly if they’re upset or angry. Make time for creative and artistic play: this might be craft, painting and drawing, or dress-up games. Musical play: dance, jump around and ‘act out’ to music or make music with simple instruments.
Next meeting? A discussion meeting? Suggestions/requests Thank you!