The “New” Questionnaire Presented by Thu Hoang - Hanoi University Barcelona, May 25-27 2016
Overview Introduction to the Voyage questionnaire Adaptation of the questionnaire to the Vietnamese context Standardization vs. Localization Translation of the questionnaire The result - Voyage questionnaire Future plan
Data for the Voyage system University archive The Voyage questionnaire Administrative data (personal data and degree title) Course database (programs offered at each universities) Decoding table (geographical entities Personal information Competencies (i.e., language and IT skills) Academic experience and satisfaction Work experience and future career prospect
The Voyage system CVs for businesses, University archive HR agencies Student questionnaire Data for quality assurance
Adaptation to the Vietnamese context Remove information which is not applicable to Vietnamese context Adding new questions for local extension Standardization and Localization Standardization is necessary to: compare information necessary both at a National and International level automated translation Localization is useful to: better describe local peculiarities Translation of the questionnaire (multi language system)
Changes made Change how the information is presented (address, order of name) Narrow down the types of high school diploma National ID is used to identify respondent (instead of fiscal reg. code) Remove several sections which are not (less) relevant to the local context Type of course (pre- vs. post-reform) Military service Non-completion course/degree Formative debts Rights to education services City services, lifestyles, accommodation and transportation
Changes made Change the questions to fit with local standard Foreign languages Language skills (4 skills vs. speaking and writing) Job category/level (for family members) Change the questions to improve their clarity Experience with the course (e.g., from specific scale to agreement scale)
Questionnaire details Type of questions Open text Yes/No Scale (satisfaction, adequacy) Automatic assignment of value Respondents Associate degree graduates Bachelor degree graduates Master degree graduates Category of information Information for CV Information for Quality Assurance
Questionnaire structure Personal information Name Demographic information (gender, DOB) Contact details University information Course information Education and Training Highschool Diploma (school, type of qualifications, year of graduation, and distinction) Past Academic Experience (school, type of qualification, program, year of graduation and distinction) Current skills Foreign language skills IT skills (basic and advanced skills including programming languages)
Questionnaire structure Current academic program Motivation for university study (interest vs. employment prospects) Students experience Attendance Materials for exam preparation Exam organization Class workload GPA result as a measure of students knowledge Dissertation details (optional) Practical experience during the study Working during the program (part-time vs. full-time) Relevant to the programs Overall satisfaction
Questionnaire structure Current academic program Study abroad Program information (degree, level, duration, exam etc) Whether the dissertation is carried out abroad Transferability to the home country course Internship abroad Internship details Student satisfaction Overall and specific satisfaction (teaching, admin and support staff, peer) Facility (classroom, lab, library) Adequacy Availability Positive
Questionnaire structure Family details Parents occupations Level of jobs (regular workers vs. managers) Parents level of education Future intentions and job prospect Future study and advanced training Job types (private vs. public vs. freelance) Economic sector Business areas Expected job charactersitics and work value Prefered geographic of work Prefered company size Prefered labor contract
Future plan and transfer of know-how Add items which are more relevant to Vietnamese and university context Add items which helps Vietnamese universities to track more quality issues International accreditation ENQA (European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education) EQAR (European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education) ...