Introduction to assembly language programming and Computer Architecture By Anand George Copyright. All rights reserved. Content Owner - Meera R (meera at
Agenda Understanding of basic computer architecture Introduction to x86 CPU architecture. Introduction to x86 instruction sets. Examples and demos. Copyright. All rights reserved. Content Owner - Meera R (meera at
Why we need to learn assembly? Better understanding of the output code generated by the complier. Understand different C language features better, by looking at the assembly generated for them. Certain language features like pointers, calling conventions etc are very difficult to understand without knowing the equivalent assembly code. Many other … reverse engineering…debugging…optimizing etc are some incomplete list. Copyright. All rights reserved. Content Owner - Meera R (meera at
Basic Computer Architecture Motherboard Memory which contain instruction and data. Devices Bus Controllers DMA Disk CPU NIC Buses Buses USB Copyright. All rights reserved. Content Owner - Meera R (meera at
CPU Chip in the Motherboard. Connected to devices and memory directly via buses and bus controllers. Buses are practically wires. Fetch and execute instructions from memory. Copyright. All rights reserved. Content Owner - Meera R (meera at
CPU Registers. CPU contain small internal memory regions Small and very fast access compared to the main memory. They are called registers and are well defined for a particular make of CPU. Note ( Cache is not going be relevant to discussion ) Copyright. All rights reserved. Content Owner - Meera R (meera at
Working in a nutshell Programs are loaded into the memory. CPU start executing it from the memory. CPU Mostly does following 3 things Read data from memory or devices to some register Modify ( also can be said process ) the data Write back to memory or devices. Copyright. All rights reserved. Content Owner - Meera R (meera at
Example – Adding 2 numbers Suppose you have a program which add 2 number and display the output. You type the 2 input numbers in the keyboard. CPU read those 2 numbers from the Keyboard into CPU registers. ( read ) Add values in registers. ( modify / process ) Result is written to video memory to display.( write ) Copyright. All rights reserved. Content Owner - Meera R (meera at
Note CPU do the processing mainly on values in registers due to performance reason an not on memory or device directly. Registers are like wallet for a CPU – Wallet is what you use immediate purchases ( processing ) but we cant put entire bank ( memory ) account amount to wallet as wallet is small. Copyright. All rights reserved. Content Owner - Meera R (meera at
Understanding Data and Code Memory normally contain programs. Programs are nothing but binary data. The binary information constitutes a program can be divided in 2 types Code Data Copyright. All rights reserved. Content Owner - Meera R (meera at
Code and Data Code is command to the CPU and instruct the CPU what to do with the data already given or going to give. Example. Suppose a Baby is CPU and following are the instructions given to baby Drink Milk Smile Close eyes Go to Sleep Copyright. All rights reserved. Content Owner - Meera R (meera at
Code and Data Drink, Smile, Close, Goto are Code. Milk, Mouth, eyes, Sleep are data. Note that Mouth is implicit kind of data which is very common when it come to real CPU. Copyright. All rights reserved. Content Owner - Meera R (meera at
Intel 32 bit CPU registers Many – we concentrate on very few which are important for the time begin. All are 32 bit in size EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX, ESI, EDI, EBP ESP, EIP and EFLAGS. ESP, EIP are strictly special purpose. ECX, ESI, EDI are occasional special purpose. EAX, EBX, EBP, EDX are normally general purpose although use of EBP as special purpose is complier dependent. ( No restriction from CPU or any instruction dependents on them ) EFLAGS is also special purpose but it is different from other registers from the fact that it is the bits inside the registers are being used than the register as a whole ( details later ). Copyright. All rights reserved. Content Owner - Meera R (meera at
Demo View CPU registers in visual Studio in a hello world C application. Copyright. All rights reserved. Content Owner - Meera R (meera at
Intel x86 32 bit Registers CPU Mostly Used Registers EAX ESI EBX EDI ECX EBP ECX ESP EIP EFLAGS Control Register and others ( CR0 to CR4, DR0 to DR7, TR3 to TR7, GDTR, IDTR etc ) Segment Registers Special co processor registers like MMX, FL unit Reg etc Copyright. All rights reserved. Content Owner - Meera R (meera at
Registers and Programming Registers are the programmer visible part of the CPU. From a programmers perspective Registers are CPU. All the programming language complier ( or complier plus runtime ) create one way or the other binary instruction to the CPU to which the program is targeted to. No Exception whatsoever. ( C#, java, perl, javascript or C/C++) Copyright. All rights reserved. Content Owner - Meera R (meera at
Special Purpose registers Certain instructions uses some registers implicitly. In the example of Baby for the instruction SMILE the baby has to use the mouth ( special purpose register ). Again Mouth can be used for EATING as well so it is not strict special purpose. Lets consider the instruction HEAR to the baby now it has to use the EAR ( strict special purpose register ) to do it. And Ear normally cannot be used for anything else other than HEAR. Copyright. All rights reserved. Content Owner - Meera R (meera at
EIP ( Instruction pointer ) Very Strict Special Purpose Always points to CODE which is the next instruction the CPU is going execute. EIP is Extended Institution Pointer. All instructions depends on this register value. Controls the flow of the program in general. Like the steering of a CAR. Copyright. All rights reserved. Content Owner - Meera R (meera at
Demo EIP in visual Studio Copyright. All rights reserved. Content Owner - Meera R (meera at
ESP ( Stack pointer ) Normally a program has 100s of instructions if not 1000s. All programs need some temporary storage to keep track of immediate states of variables, flow etc. To manage that all program uses a small chunk of memory called stack. ESP register always points to the top of the stack. PUSH, POP, RET are some of the instructions depends on ESP. Normally non of the compliers use ESP for any other purpose other than point to stack of a thread ( program ). So it is normally a strict special purpose register. Copyright. All rights reserved. Content Owner - Meera R (meera at
Demo ESP In Visual Studio Copyright. All rights reserved. Content Owner - Meera R (meera at
EFLAGS CF ZF SF DF OF Bit Label Description --------------------------- 0 CF Carry flag 2 PF Parity flag 4 AF Auxiliary carry flag 6 ZF Zero flag 7 SF Sign flag 8 TF Trap flag 9 IF Interrupt enable flag 10 DF Direction flag 11 OF Overflow flag 12-13 IOPL I/O Privilege level 14 NT Nested task flag 16 RF Resume flag 17 VM Virtual 8086 mode flag 18 AC Alignment check flag 19 VIF Virtual interrupt flag 20 VIP Virtual interrupt pending flag 21 ID ID flag Copyright. All rights reserved. Content Owner - Meera R (meera at
EFLAGS Set or cleared by results of operation like addition, subtraction etc. Some operations ( INC, DEC ) are “signed” which means the CPU will take care of the sign part of the number. Will restrict our discussion to Operation result based flags. Mainly Carry, Zero, Signed, Direction, Overflow. Copyright. All rights reserved. Content Owner - Meera R (meera at
Operation based flags. CPU clear or set the flag after an operation if required. That is how the programmer “Check” the result of certain operations. We will be revisiting this when we discuss Jump instruction later to get a complete picture. Copyright. All rights reserved. Content Owner - Meera R (meera at
Carry Flag Will be set ( value 1 ) if the result of previous operation is more than the maximum value the target register can hold. Mainly used for unsigned calculations. Result of a operation cannot be higher than the maximum value a register can hold. ( unlike the normal math ) Carry flag indicate that result of the operation is to huge and the value in the result register is not correct. Copyright. All rights reserved. Content Owner - Meera R (meera at
Zero Flag Will be set if the result of an operation is zero. Copyright. All rights reserved. Content Owner - Meera R (meera at
Sign Flag Will be set if the most significant bit of the result register after an operation is 1. Which mean the result number is negative. Used in signed arithmetic. Can be used to check the result of the operation was positive value or negative value. Copyright. All rights reserved. Content Owner - Meera R (meera at
Overflow flag Like a carry flag for signed operation. Copyright. All rights reserved. Content Owner - Meera R (meera at
Demo For assembly language practical - again all you need is Visual Studio no assembler etc. Copyright. All rights reserved. Content Owner - Meera R (meera at
Instructions - MOV One of the very basic x86 instructions. Move data between memory and CPU register and vice versa. Move data between 2 CPU registers. Lot of instruction which indirectly do what MOV does like LEA, PUSH, POP..some are faster than MOV. Copyright. All rights reserved. Content Owner - Meera R (meera at
Demo MOV instruction in visual studio. Copyright. All rights reserved. Content Owner - Meera R (meera at
Some common Operations Add – ADD Subtract – SUB OR AND XOR Shift Copyright. All rights reserved. Content Owner - Meera R (meera at
Demo Sum of 2 numbers Other operations Copyright. All rights reserved. Content Owner - Meera R (meera at
Jump instructions JMP – Unconditional Jump JNZ – jump if not zero. Jump instructions change EIP register which means it changes the flow of execution. So many types of Jumps based on all the flags we discussed. We don’t care them as we are not going to program in assembly but only going to understand. Copyright. All rights reserved. Content Owner - Meera R (meera at
Demo Jump instruction. Copyright. All rights reserved. Content Owner - Meera R (meera at
Instruction which uses stack pointer. PUSH POP RET PUSH and POP are more or less MOV instructions based on stack pointer. RET is more or less a JUMP based on stack pointer. All instructions used by Functions in C Copyright. All rights reserved. Content Owner - Meera R (meera at
CALL instruction Similar to Jump but again does some additional actions on stack. Normally used for function calls. Copyright. All rights reserved. Content Owner - Meera R (meera at
Demo PUSH, POP, RET and CALL Copyright. All rights reserved. Content Owner - Meera R (meera at
Functions and calling convention in C How the arguments are passed to the stack of callee. Who is cleaning up the ( incrementing the stack pointer) stack. C calling convention standard calling convention other exist like thiscall, fastcall, x64 etc. all depends on complier. caller and callee should follow the calling convention. Normally programmer don’t have to bother but if you linking to a dynamically loaded binary’s function pointer complier is not there to give error. Copyright. All rights reserved. Content Owner - Meera R (meera at
Pro-Con C-calling convention Std Caller cleans the stack Caller manage the stack Std Callee cleans the stack Callee manage the stack Copyright. All rights reserved. Content Owner - Meera R (meera at
Pro-Con C-calling convention Std support variable number of arg. will generate more code and binary will become big Std small binary no variable args. Copyright. All rights reserved. Content Owner - Meera R (meera at
Lot more on assembly..but we may not need.. How to go from here? Look at the assembly generated by the programs in previous sessions. Get acquainted with the assembly instruction pattern. Fill up if there is some gaps in required knowledge in the exercise. Make sure we are all set to start pointers in C. Copyright. All rights reserved. Content Owner - Meera R (meera at
Demo Cdecl or c calling convention. stdcall or standard calling convention. looking at assembly and understanding the difference. Copyright. All rights reserved. Content Owner - Meera R (meera at
Thank you Copyright. All rights reserved. Content Owner - Meera R (meera at