Common Readout Unit (CRU) workshop CERN Mars 2016


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Presentation transcript:

Common Readout Unit (CRU) workshop CERN 08-10 Mars 2016 Readout Chain Muon Identifier 08Mar2016 REGIONAL crate upgrade  () ALICE Common Readout Unit (CRU) workshop CERN 08-10 Mars 2016 07-Mar-2016 v1 Subatech, IN2P3/CNRS-l’UNAM, Nantes, F44307, France Ch. Renard, J.-L. Béney, P. Pichot, Alice-Muon-Trigger-Upgrade

Readout Chain Muon Identifier Actual Muon Trigger readout chain 2x 8 REGIONAL crates Actually, Muon-Trigger readout chain contains two times height REGIONAL crates. 07-Mar-2016 v1 Subatech, IN2P3/CNRS-l’UNAM, Nantes, F44307, France Ch. Renard, J.-L. Béney, P. Pichot, Alice-Muon-Trigger-Upgrade

Readout Chain Muon Identifier Actual Muon Trigger readout chain VME J1 backplane Custom J2 backplane Custom J3 backplane Each REGIONAL crate contains one REGIONAL card, sixteen LOCAL cards and three backplanes names J1, J2 and J3. 1 REGIONAL card 16 LOCAL cards 07-Mar-2016 v1 Subatech, IN2P3/CNRS-l’UNAM, Nantes, F44307, France Ch. Renard, J.-L. Béney, P. Pichot, Alice-Muon-Trigger-Upgrade

ALICE MUON ARM @SUBATECH-Elec xxMar2016 Service Electronique  (maintenance MTR) VME J1 backplane VME J2 backplane 1 VME proc Custom J3 backplane Each REGIONAL crate contains one REGIONAL card, sixteen LOCAL cards and three backplanes names J1, J2 and J3. 1 JTAG card 1 GLOBAL card 1 FET card 2 DARC cards 07-Mar-2016 v1 Subatech, IN2P3/CNRS-l’UNAM, Nantes, F44307, France Ch. Renard, J.-L. Béney, P. Pichot, Alice-Muon-Trigger-Upgrade

Readout Chain Muon Identifier REGIONAL crate upgrade (goal) Trig ACQ det contr Fpga LOCAL card (*16) 128*front end 1*local tracklet 1*e-link@320Mb/s (clk40+Din+Dout) 1*I²C (SDA +SCL) config (reset, card-position) power LOCAL with 128 LVDS inputs, 1 e-link@320Mb/s (clock@40MHz), 1 I²C, 1 FPGA, 1 LVDS output, 1 LHC-clock, 8x8 delay switch, power, config, USB3.0 8*8*delay switch 1*USB (32bit) 16*local tracklet 16*e-link@320Mb/s (clk40+Din+Dout) power J2 back plane config (reset, 16*card-position) config (reset, crate#) J2 with 16 LVDS lines, 16 e-link@320Mb/s, 16 I²C, power, config, 1-to-16 USB3.0 hub 1*USB3.0 slave 16*USB3.0 master 16*I²C (SDA +SCL) 16*I²C (SDA +SCL) USB3.0 1->16 hub Trig ACQ det contr Fpga REGIONAL card REGIONAL with 16 LVDS inputs, 16 e-link@320Mb/s (clock@40MHz), 2 GBTx, 2 GBT-SCA, 2 GBT links @3.2Gb/s, 1 FPGA, 1 LVDS output, power, config, USB3.0, 1-to-2 USB3.0 hub VTRx GBTx 1*GBT@3.2Gb/s 8*e-link@320Mb/s (clk40+Din+Dout) GBT SCA 8*I²C (SDA +SCL) 1*regional tracklet 16*local tracklet 2*e-link@320Mb/s (clk40+Din+Dout) config (reset, crate#) power LVDS buff 1*I²C (SDA +SCL) 1*USB (32bit) For the upgrade, we will keep almost the same organisation: One REGIONAL card, sixteen LOCAL cards but only a custom J2 backplane. 07-Mar-2016 v1 Subatech, IN2P3/CNRS-l’UNAM, Nantes, F44307, France Ch. Renard, J.-L. Béney, P. Pichot, Alice-Muon-Trigger-Upgrade

Readout Chain Muon Identifier REGIONAL crate upgrade (data format) At each e-link input in CRU Coding of heartbeat event in LOCAL Number of bits Coding of physics (self triggered) event in LOCAL Coding of heartbeat event in REGIONAL Coding of physics (self triggered) event in REGIONAL START BIT (always '1') LOCAL BUSY ('0'=OK; '1'=FIFO full) LOCAL DECISION (tracklet) CARD TYPE (always '1'=LOCAL) HEARTBEAT (always '1') ACQUISITION ('0'=OFF; '1'=ON) ("11"=RST; "10"=EOR; "01"=SOR; "00"=other) 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 START BIT (always '1') LOCAL BUSY ('0'=OK; '1'=FIFO full) LOCAL DECISION (tracklet) CARD TYPE (always '1'=LOCAL) HEARTBEAT (always '0') ACQUISITION (always '1'=ON) Free bits (always '0') 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 START BIT (always '1') REGIONAL BUSY ('0'=OK; '1'=FIFO full) REGIONAL DECISION (tracklet) CARD TYPE (always '0'=REGIONAL) HEARTBEAT (always '1') ACQUISITION ('0'=OFF; '1'=ON) ("11"=RST; "10"=EOR; "01"=SOR; "00"=other) 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 START BIT (always '1') REGIONAL BUSY ('0'=OK; '1'=FIFO full) REGIONAL DECISION (tracklet) CARD TYPE (always '0'=REGIONAL) HEARTBEAT (always '0') ACQUISITION (always '1'=ON) Free bits (always '0') LOCAL bunch counter (~1.6ms) 16 REGIONAL bunch counter (~1.6ms) LOCAL board position in crate (0-15) 4 REGIONAL crate number (0-15) Status: "0xF" Data: Non zero detector plane(s) (1 bit / word) Status: Masks on tracklet inputs Data: Non zero tracklet inputs Status: Masks on inputs [(X4, Y4), (X3, Y3), (X2, Y2), (X1, Y1)] 32*4 Data: Non zero strip pattern(s) [(X4, Y4), (X3, Y3), (X2, Y2), (X1, Y1)] 32*i (i=0 to 4) N/A Total number of bits 32*5 32*i (i=2 to 5) 32 number of bunch needed to send 20 8 to 20 07-Mar-2016 v1 Subatech, IN2P3/CNRS-l’UNAM, Nantes, F44307, France Ch. Renard, J.-L. Béney, P. Pichot, Alice-Muon-Trigger-Upgrade

Readout Chain Muon Identifier REGIONAL crate upgrade (heartbeat [1]) CRU Code sent by CRU to FEE REGIONAL LOCAL FRONT END TEST SOR Prepare Update internal Orbit and BCID counters Transmit command to all e-links Reset event buffers Start assembling events 0x80 Reset internal bunch counter Reset acquisition FIFO Start writing into acquisition FIFO (First event = status) SOR Start sending events N/A EOR Prepare 0x40 Stop writing into acquisition FIFO (Last event = status) EOR Stop assembling events Stop sending events PAUSE 0x20 RESUME 0x10 CALIBRATE 0x08 Send LVDS pulse to Front-End cards DUMP 0x04 Write one event = status into acquisition FIFO RESET 0x02 Stop writing into acquisition FIFO CLOSE TIMEFRAME Send NEW TIMEFRAME event 0x01 SYNC [1] O2 Project CWG4. Proposal of an Heartbeat trigger for ALICE Run 3. Technical report, The ALICE Collaboration, 2013 07-Mar-2016 v1 Subatech, IN2P3/CNRS-l’UNAM, Nantes, F44307, France Ch. Renard, J.-L. Béney, P. Pichot, Alice-Muon-Trigger-Upgrade

Readout Chain Muon Identifier REGIONAL crate upgrade (DCS) CRU (x1? X2?) REGIONAL (x16) LOCAL (x256) FRONT END TEST (x1) r- ID Date Status Rw Config mask Mask rw GBTx0 status GBTx status GBTx1 status 07-Mar-2016 v1 Subatech, IN2P3/CNRS-l’UNAM, Nantes, F44307, France Ch. Renard, J.-L. Béney, P. Pichot, Alice-Muon-Trigger-Upgrade

Readout Chain Muon Identifier REGIONAL crate upgrade (prototype) Trig ACQ det contr Fpga LOCAL part 7*local tracklet 7*e-link@320Mb/s (clk40+Din+Dout) 7*I²C (SDA +SCL) config (reset, card-position) 1*USB (8bit) MID_PROTO card Trig ACQ det contr Fpga REGIONAL part 1*regional tracklet 7*local tracklet VTRx GBTx 1*GBT@3.2Gb/s 7*e-link@320Mb/s (clk40+Din+Dout) GBT SCA 7*I²C (SDA +SCL) 2*e-link@320Mb/s (clk40+Din+Dout) config (reset, crate#) LVDS buff 1*I²C (SDA +SCL) 1*USB (8bit) Quartz 40MHz 2*card clock Roboclock 1->8 JTAG mux power “LOCAL” with 7 e-link@320Mb/s (clock@40MHz), 7 I²C, 1 FPGA, 7 LVDS output, config, USB (8bit) “REGIONAL” with 7 LVDS inputs, 9 e-link@320Mb/s (clock@40MHz), 1 GBTx,1 GBT-SCA, 8 I²C, 1 GBT links @3.2Gb/s, 1 FPGA, 1 LVDS output, config, USB (8bit) 07-Mar-2016 v1 Subatech, IN2P3/CNRS-l’UNAM, Nantes, F44307, France Ch. Renard, J.-L. Béney, P. Pichot, Alice-Muon-Trigger-Upgrade

Readout Chain Muon Identifier REGIONAL crate upgrade (prototype) JTAG mux 1 REGIONAL card Up to 7 LOCAL cards in one FPGA VTRx GBT-SCA GBTx 07-Mar-2016 v1 Subatech, IN2P3/CNRS-l’UNAM, Nantes, F44307, France Ch. Renard, J.-L. Béney, P. Pichot, Alice-Muon-Trigger-Upgrade

Readout Chain Muon Identifier REGIONAL crate upgrade (prototype) Ongoing simulations Parts to test Tools needed Results Comments/Next steps Simulate response of MID_PROTO_LOC to heartbeat triggers (SYNC, SOR, EOR, RESET) ALTERA Quartus Prime 15. ModelSim-Altera 10,4b Latest fpga_mid_proto_local Firmware Latest fpga_mid_proto VHDL testbench OK 22 December 2015 Simulate response of MID_PROTO_LOC to FEE data with zero suppression ALTERA Quartus Prime 15.1 programmer Simulate reception of MID_PROTO_LOC data in CRU Simulate response of MID_PROTO_LOC to USB slow-control read OK 18 January 2016 But some compilations disconnect the input data of bidir bus Find a way to fix the effect of compilation Simulate response of MID_PROTO_REG to heartbeat trigger (SYNC, SOR, EOR, RESET) Latest fpga_mid_proto_regional Firmware Simulate response of MID_PROTO_REG to FEE data with zero suppression Simulate reception of MID_PROTO_REG data in CRU Simulate response of MID_PROTO_REG to USB slow-control read 07-Mar-2016 v1 Subatech, IN2P3/CNRS-l’UNAM, Nantes, F44307, France Ch. Renard, J.-L. Béney, P. Pichot, Alice-Muon-Trigger-Upgrade

Readout Chain Muon Identifier REGIONAL crate upgrade (prototype) Ongoing tests Parts to test Tools needed Results Comments/Next steps Download Firmware into JTAG_SWITCH (ALTERA® MAX®V: 5M160ZT100C5) FPGA ALTERA Quartus Prime 15.1 programmer ALTERA® USB-Blaster Latest fpga_mid_proto_mux_jtag file OK 21 January 2016 Download Firmware into MID_PROTO_LOC (ALTERA® Cyclone®V: 5CEBA7F31C7) FPGA JTAG_SWITCH FPGA Latest fpga_mid_proto_mux_local file OK 01 February 2016 Download Firmware into MID_PROTO_LOC (ALTERA® EPCQ64SI16N) EEPROM Latest fpga_mid_proto_mux_regional file Failed 21 January 2016 Try again without protection diodes and capacitors Download Firmware into MID_PROTO_REG (ALTERA® Cyclone®V: 5CEBA7F31C7) FPGA Download Firmware into MID_PROTO_REG (ALTERA® EPCQ64SI16N) EEPROM Configure FTDI® (FT240X) USB to serial chip FTDI® “FT Prog” 3.0 software OK 24 February 2016 Recognised as USB-Blaster by ALTERA Quartus Prime 15.1 programmer Configure FTDI® (FT2232HLT) USB to dual FIFO chip FTDI® “FT Prog” 1.12 software Open link to USB-to-FIFO interface (local part) National-Instruments® LabVIEW® 2011 OK 02 February 2016 Open link to USB-to-FIFO interface (regional part) Read ID register in MID_PROTO_LOC FPGA Failed 02 February 2016 Spy with ALTERA® SignalTap tool and/or oscilloscope Read ID register in MID_PROTO_REG FPGA Generate configuration file for the GBTx GBT team web page OK 25 August 2015 Install configuration Software from GBT team Local configuration of the GBTx GBTx I²C address: 0x1 USB-to-I²C dongle from GBT team Configuration Software from GBT team Configuration file generated from GBT team web page Failed 10 February 2016 See image next slide Talk with GBT team 07-Mar-2016 v1 Subatech, IN2P3/CNRS-l’UNAM, Nantes, F44307, France Ch. Renard, J.-L. Béney, P. Pichot, Alice-Muon-Trigger-Upgrade

Readout Chain Muon Identifier REGIONAL crate upgrade (prototype) GBTx configuration 07-Mar-2016 v1 Subatech, IN2P3/CNRS-l’UNAM, Nantes, F44307, France Ch. Renard, J.-L. Béney, P. Pichot, Alice-Muon-Trigger-Upgrade

Readout Chain Muon Identifier REGIONAL crate upgrade () STATUS Firmware simulated in VHDL testbench continuous readout heartbeat triggers USB slow-control Embedded USB-Blaster validated USB slow-control not working yet Started inquiry with SignalTap GBTx not configured yet Will be happy to use a C-RORC as testbench 07-Mar-2016 v1 Subatech, IN2P3/CNRS-l’UNAM, Nantes, F44307, France Ch. Renard, J.-L. Béney, P. Pichot, Alice-Muon-Trigger-Upgrade