WELCOME TO NAVIANCE Kelly Troisi: Bellevue High Jamie Ginter: Big Picture Alicia Williams: Interlake High Susan La Rosa: International School Heather Erickson: Newport High Arty Christianto: Sammamish High Deb Kraft: Supervisor of K-12 Counseling Thank you Bellevue Schools Foundation!
Bellevue School District Instructional Initiatives
BSD – Our Guiding Principles Equity and Access for all: We will provide all students access to and support for what they need to achieve excellence. We will look at all district initiatives through the lens of equity.
Naviance Family Connection BSD is pleased to offer our families access to Naviance. It is a web-based college & career research and planning tool for students, parents, and counselors. How do students access Naviance? With the support of their school counselors, students will set up a password protected account. They will need to provide a personal e-mail address as part of the registration process. Once registered, students can access their account from any device.
Naviance: Four Year Overview 9th Grade: Four-Year College Ready Academic Plan, Resume Builder & one Interest Inventory 10th Grade: Personality Inventory & Career Interest Inventory 11th Grade: College Search, SAT PrepMe, College Visit Sign-Up , Scholarship Search 12th Grade: College Application Process, Requesting letters of Rec and Transcripts, Linking to Common App, College Visits, and Scholarship Search
Academic Planning
Self- Discovery
College Research, Planning and Applying
How To Use Colleges I am Applying To
PRIVATE SCHOOL APPLICATIONS USC: 174 Seattle University: 171 Stanford: 164 Santa Clara: 135 Gonzaga 132 Seattle Pacific: 106
PUBLIC SCHOOL APPLICATIONS University of Washington: 615 Washington State: 368 Western Washington: 349 UC Berkeley: 182 UCLA: 163 University of Wash Bothell: 170 Central Washington: 116 University of Oregon: 113
Thank you Bellevue Schools Foundation For funding Naviance and supporting our college and career curriculum Questions??????