IEEE Computer Society Board Series, 7-11 Jun 2010, Denver TMRC Agenda IEEE Computer Society Board Series, 7-11 Jun 2010, Denver
TMRC Agenda, 8-Jun 2010, 8:30 AM Moving NSC to TCS and TCS to Financial Sponsorship (BP) TCS Evaluation Criteria and Fee (BP) Conference Business Project PIF (BP) New Online TCS Application (TB) Competitive Analysis - ACM Conference Business Model (BP / Paul Beame) Staff generated closing report (TB) Initial Technical Proposal Form (TB) CIMA Modifications for 2010 (BP) TMRF modification to allow showing a zero expense offset against a donation (BP) TMRF Timeline and Response Times (TB) Minimizing Budget Requirements Project (TB) 1. · What if NSC work goes away? NSCs help to offset our ability to offer discounts or "free" production to sponsored conferences o More NSCs do need to be evaluated for TSC consideration o Need to ensure TCs and CAC are ready to work with CPOC and staff to do this o Need to develop criteria for which NSCs to consider for migration - Usage - Papers/attendee ratio (new COG evaluation criteria item) - DL user/paper ratio (new COG evaluation criteria item) - # of years being held - Known volunteers involved - Volunteer CV and IEEE or other membership · How have volunteers contributed to IEEE events or activities? - Attendance - Passing CS criteria checks - Peer review process - Geographic, chronological placement of event vs. like events (does not compete too directly with other TC events) 2. Hal Fletcher - "In my society, to TCS a conf, we go through a lot of discussion of the technical area of the conf, the overlap, the timing vis a vis our confs, potential benefits to us and IEEE, etc."
Moving NSC and TCS up to TCS and Financial Sponsorship Should CS enforce 2 year maximum on NSC? Should CS move the best NSCs to TCS regardless of lack of TC support? OK to “park” NSCs moving to TCS in a CS managed Emerging Technology “TC”? Other ideas? Send to
TCS Evaluation Criteria and Fee Some IEEE and Society Executives feel there are too many TCS and OU management is too lax. Computer Society wants to see: Strong statement of benefit to CS by sponsoring TC Minimal overlap or conflict with financially sponsored CS conferences CS Members in some key organizing positions - GC & TPCC, VCTPC, FC and significant percentage of Program Committee Diversified TPC (region, nationality, gender, affiliation) Well-established & strong peer review practices Copyright assigned to IEEE Publish by CPS New $350 fee (with planned increase of $50 every two years) Use new TCS online application form (when posted) TCS request received 12 months prior to conference
Conference Business Project PIF Two-part TMRF Approval Process Technical Review first (18 mo.) to get IEEE Conference Number Budget Review later (9 mo.) to get Advances, MOUs, CB Bank/Card and Registration approval Simplified TMRF Budget – Option to enter only Expense and Revenue Subtotals Tiered Services with Budget By Appointment and Permanent assignment of COG Meeting Planner to Tier 4 conferences Watch List (Tier 1) for Marginal and Deficit Conferences
New Online TCS Application (TB) This new application focuses on technical program value and inclusion of TC members within event’s committees Simplified online form with minimized data requirements Designed to encourage conversion from NSC to TCS Linkage from CPS Web pages Collects necessary Program Quality information to eliminate additional quality compliance questionnaire Adopts IEEE’s proposed TCS application required data fields
Competitive Analysis - ACM Conference Business Model (BP / Paul Beame) Organizers report ACM full service model is “better” than IEEE-CS manual IEEE MCM offers similar services &view=frontpage&Itemid=66 IEEE and ACM are requiring stricter compliance to NY State and US Govt. laws Recruiting conference volunteers with ACM experience for participation in focus group
Staff Generated Closing Report (TB) Report provides an objective overview of a conference based on baseline conference data Standardizes reporting format for all CS conferences Should assist TCs in evaluating their conference portfolios Focuses on Margins (Budget-to-Actual) for Financials, Attendance, Program Statistics, etc. Provides data on latest closing and how conference series is doing based on legacy data Developed based on current data collection requirements (no new data necessary) Includes Tiered Support Level performance factors and TC entitlement results Distributed to Conference Chairs, Steering Committee Chair, TC Chair(s), T&C ExCom, and next Conference Chairs in meeting series.
Initial Technical Proposal Form (TB) First part of new two-part sponsorship approval process (second part is budget review) Form only required for new conferences initially requesting CS financial sponsorship Returning conferences only need complete simplified sponsorship renewal Designed to collect information necessary to demonstrate the proposed conference is not redundant and has been carefully planned out. Looks to establish if there is a real need for the conference and how strong the support is for the potential event. Collects minimal general conference information (based on IEEE requirements) Data collection secondary to technical review
CIMA Modifications for 2010 (BP) No changes for CIMA – CS IT thinks it would be too difficult to modify CIMA based on needs CS IT developing new systems and databases compatible with the new IEEE Business Platform (IBP) and IEEE Conference Exchange (ICX) Plan to use IEEE Web Account for access Plan to require only IEEE Budget Items Looking at rejuvenating and enhancing TMD database as stop-gap tool until new systems development completed
TMRF modification to allow showing a zero expense offset against a donation (BP) When a donation is received for “specific purpose”, allow the associated expenses to be deducted from the donation income line on the TMRF Budget (Otherwise the donation will not be made) Requires approval of T&C VP, CS–Finance, CS-ED, TAB-Finance, IEEE Finance, IEEE Audit
TMRF Timeline and Response Times (TB) Timelines will vary based on new two-part sponsorship process and tiered support levels New Conferences Technical Proposal (12-18 Months) Detailed Budget Review (9 Months) Sponsorship Renewal Renewal Presentation w/ Closing Report (9-12 Months) Simplified Budget Review (9 Months) “Watch List” Conferences (Tier 1) Detailed Budget Review (9-12 Months) Looking to generate automatic e-mail reminders using TMD database system Adding automatic acknowledgement messages for with timeline for staff response.
Minimizing Budget Requirements (TB) Only Minimal Budget Data Will Be Required for Healthy Conferences Copy of working budget file for our records Six(6) Expense Lines Advertising Expenses, Committee Expenses, Operating Expenses, Publication Expenses, Miscellaneous Meeting Expenses, Social Function Expenses Three (3) Revenue Lines Total Registration Income, Grants, and Other Income Minimal Non-Budgetary Information Conference Title, Submitter’s Name Paid Attendees, Total Attendees Primary Registration Fees (for statistical purposes)
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