Leader Orientation Colleen.chancler@uphs.upenn.edu PPTA Orientation Leader Orientation Colleen.chancler@uphs.upenn.edu.


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Presentation transcript:

Leader Orientation Colleen.chancler@uphs.upenn.edu PPTA Orientation Leader Orientation Colleen.chancler@uphs.upenn.edu

Objectives Provide organization of the chapter staff and volunteer roles Provide schedules and resources for those in leadership roles Provide an overview for what occurs at Board meeting and Board work group meetings Provide brief description of roles within the Board and committees and Special interest Groups

PPTA Staff and volunteers Chapter office staff: Kim, Toni, Cindy Web Master: Jeff Rothman Payment Specialist: Carole Galetta Volunteers Majority of the work force

Players at the Table for a Board meeting Executive Committee President/elect, veep, sec, treasurer, chief delegate, member-at- large (district director) District Directors (DD) 7districts-geographically represented Yearly election of member at large (after BoD mtg in October) Executive Director: Kim Annibali Legal Counsel: Paul Welk

Players in the room for a Board meeting SIG leadership Committee Leadership Payment specialist Members Guests

Board of Directors (BoD) Consultants Members: observational person= student or newer to practice professional Appointed position and only renewable for one term One year term of office; non-voting Voting Members Executive Committee + District Directors + Chief Delegate

Toolkit Job Description (home page-about us-job descriptions) The Master Work sheet (sent by Chapter office) The volunteer pool list (maintained by chapter office and on web page under member protected section) Electronic resources GoToMeeting/GTM; freeconferencecalling; doodle poll Leadership development web page on www.ppta.org The person you just replaced

Schedule Yearly calendar Full calendar is sent to you by Chapter office (home page-about us- leadership-on left for leadership resources-2017 (or current year) calendar Monthly working group meetings=Board work group meetings (BWG) (online; 3rd Thursday of the month) Quarterly BoD meetings: Jan; April; August; October Report due BEFORE the meeting State Conference in October BoD meeting the day before the start of conference Quarterly newsletter articles Only one in print=October Three online

Board reports Email from chapter office-due date BoD format Motions Attachment to include the BoD report and motion sheet BoD format List of activities, address the master work list charges If you are not a chair of committee or SIG, your report would be sent to the chair to be included in the total report. Ex. Connect PA! sends info to membership committee Motions Method to make a suggestion for an action Not all requests for action/questions require a motion Sometimes motions come at the actual meeting

Board meetings January, April, August (exec.committee attendance only), October Monthly scheduled GoToWebinars/GTW Working meetings Special meetings Usually happens online Need to be time sensitive issue that is not able to wait until the next scheduled meeting

Meeting Format Start and end on time If you feed them they will come POPP/Point of Personal Privilege will be scheduled Come prepared Environment of trust Consensus Support the BoD decisions after they are made Discussion forums

Helpful Hints Keep all this information in one area Refer back to the packet during the time between the BoD meetings Arrive a few minutes early to the meeting to set up and catch a bite to eat Copy Kim on activities because members frequently call Chapter office for information (kannibali@ppta.org) Update your web page frequently OK to use the web master

Roles of the BoD members Represent the PPTA Disclosure signature Fiduciary responsibility/insured and bonded

Executive Director Coordinator of Chapter staff Lists of email and responsibilities on www.ppta.org Sending blast emails to members and member groups Assists in manages the schedules, reports, newsletters Takes minutes at the meetings Assists in Conference Planning Committee And a host of other things

Chapter Office Staff Assisting with schedules for meetings, reports, motions, directories and contact information Sending communications from PPTA to any number of groups: SIG, committee leadership Can assist with IT including GTW/GTM Chapter stationary Point of contact with our members

Chief Delegate Assists in the order of the business conducted at the BoD meetings Roberts Rules of Order/RRoO Coordinates and disseminates BoD decisions to the Delegates Resource for Rules of Order/RoO, motions, operations and other core documents APTA House of Delegates

Member-at-Large Elected yearly by the DD to represent on the BoD the needs and concerns of the DD This is the person that would provide updates to your report at the BoD meeting or ask questions related to operations Dissemination of information to DD Chair of the Award Committee for PPTA awards Call for nominees, coordinate the selection and notification, issue the award The general call for SIG awards is released with this call for nominations

Board Meeting Format Agenda Use RRoO Old business New business January meeting: oath of office for new DD New business Motion discussion groups Motions pending Use RRoO Voice vote Executive session

BoD monthly meeting Board Work Group Meeting All done online using GoToWebinar (GTW) Working groups and will move toward report out in more detail from committees, SIGs Minutes taken and disseminated Currently finalizing the schedule but should remain the 3rd Thursday of the month staring at 730PM February and May need to be adjusted to accommodate CSM and VTH HOD APTA

Governance Structure Purpose of recent re-structure Advantage: formation of work groups and task forces Faster and more nimble groups Ideas generated from the committees and SIGs rather than waiting for discussion or approvals at the BoD meetings Board Liaisons to Committees and SIGs

Committees Chairs as of Jan 2017 PPAC: Ivan Mulligan PRC: Kathy Brown Membership: Lauren Bilsky Ethics: MAW Awards: Bob Wellmon CCE: Shannon Scanlon Finance: Jeff Welk

PA PT PAC Monies regulated by the federal government Claire Peasley current chair of the PAC Allowed to accept money from cash, check and charge Funds people/legislators

Special Interest Groups Clinical and practice content experts Meeting monthly Provide online education and coordinate with CCE for conference Reside within the PRC

Finance (chair is Jeff Welk/Treasurer) Budget Finance committee Budget planning process Fiscal Impact of the Motions after the BoD meeting Expense report approval Hard line on 30 day rule Must send copy of receipts for all expenses Send to Jeff Welk and Kim completed form

Web Page Be part of the solution and post Contact information should be current (includes pictures) January meeting will provide opportunity of pictures so dress up (at least shoulder high) Web master: Jeff Rothman Member log in Reimbursement forms (excel and they auto-calculate) **caution for regular, HOD form

Thanks for your time www.ppta.org