Mathematics Phase 1
Week 1
Numbers and Letters Which are numbers and which are letters Numbers and Letters Which are numbers and which are letters? Can you come and highlight the numbers? 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d 5 e
Now have a look at your number card Now have a look at your number card. Let’s go on a number hunt around the school. Don’t forget the camera!!!
Beats Listen to the song How many beats can you hear Beats Listen to the song How many beats can you hear? Can you show me using your fingers?
Repeat the beat Listen to the song Play along to the beat Repeat the beat Listen to the song Play along to the beat. Can you tap beats to match the number you have been given?
Counting Listen carefully to Louis counting to 5 Counting Listen carefully to Louis counting to 5. Is he missing any numbers when he counts?
Number snap Look at the number you are shown Number snap Look at the number you are shown. Can you go and find a matching number and shout ‘Snap!’
Week 2
Grouping Can you group all of your numbers that are the same together on your magnetic whiteboards?
Number Formation Look at the numbers below Number Formation Look at the numbers below. Let’s air write our numbers first! 0 1 2 3
Number Formation Look at the numbers below Number Formation Look at the numbers below. Let’s air write our numbers first! 0 1 2 3
Playdough Number Formation Look at the number on your playdough mat Playdough Number Formation Look at the number on your playdough mat. Use the playdough to form the number on your mat. 0 1 2 3
Number Formation Look at the numbers below Number Formation Look at the numbers below. Let’s air write our numbers first! Outside we will match dots to the number to show the quantity. 0 1 2 3
Which group has more? Drag and drop the objects out of the ring to count them to check. 0 1 2 3 4 5
Which group has more? Drag and drop the objects out of the ring to count them to check. 0 1 2 3 4 5
Which group has more? Drag and drop the objects out of the ring to count them to check. 0 1 2 3 4 5
Week 3
Can you find an animal with…?
How many are in the group How many are in the group? Drag and drop the total out of the group to check.
Number Songs Let’s sing some number songs where we add one more each time. Show me your fingers!! Have you got the same amount at the end of the song as you had at the beginning.
How many are in the group How many are in the group? Drag and drop one each time out of the group to check.
Number Songs Let’s sing some number songs where we take one away each time. Show me your fingers!! Have you got the same amount at the end of the song as you had at the beginning.
Week 4
Shape, Space and Measure Can you match the small 2D shapes to the large ones?
Shape, Space and Measure Can you use the colour key to find and shade all of the 2D shapes below?
Shape, Space and Measure Can you group all of the shapes that are the same size together?
Shape, Space and Measure Can you name any of the 2D shapes below on our shape hunt?
Can you spot any repeating patterns on our walk around the school?
Week 5 Consolidation
Week 5 Assessment