TOPIC/PERSONALISED QUESTION: Would you like to live under the sea?


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Presentation transcript:

TOPIC/PERSONALISED QUESTION: Would you like to live under the sea? NUMERACY: -count forwards and backwards to 100 in 1s -read numbers up to 50 -write numbers up to 50 -give one more/ one less than a given number -identify numbers using objects, pictures or on a number line -memorise the number bonds to 10 -read and write numbers up to 10 in words -recall doubles and corresponding halves up to 10 -subtract a one digit number from a one digit number -add a one digit number to a one digit number Measurements -use non standard measures SCIENCE: Materials and their properties -distinguish between and object and the material of which it is made -identify and name a variety of everyday materials including: wood plastic, glass, metal, water and rock -describe the simple properties of a variety of everyday materials -compare and group together a variety of materials based on their physical properties Working scientifically -performing simple tests -observing closely using simple equipment -asking simple questions -use observations to answer questions -gather and record data ENTERPRISE: ORGANISING AND PLANNING- Under the sea showcase FINANCIAL LITERACY- Hold a bun sale to raise funds for a trip Hold a tuck shop TEAM WORK- Work collaboratively as a class in order to organise our under the sea showcase LITERACY: READING- Rainbow fish, Finding Nemo BIG book- twice a week throughout Autumn term -re tell key stories orally using narrative language -use picture cards to order key events in a story -make predictions based on events in the text WRITING Non fiction (4 weeks)- to create a class fact file on underwater animals -write simple labels, lists and captions -attempting to write a simple sentence -form lower case in the correct direction starting and finishing in the correct place. Non fiction writing (2 weeks) Poetry -use simple adjectives and verbs to create a senses poem -use simple sentences Narrative (6 weeks)- rewrite our own adventure story -punctuate sentences using capital letters, full stops and finger spaces -read a sentence out loud before I write it and then to check it makes sense -identify a range of simple adjectives -sequence sentences to form a short narrative -write from memory simple sentences that include GPCs and common exception words taught so far. Non fiction writing (1 week)- write a letter to Santa -Use capital for names, places, months of the year and days of the week AUTHORS -David Armitage TOPIC/PERSONALISED QUESTION: Would you like to live under the sea? AUDIENCE/PURPOSE: To create a non fiction text about animals that live under the sea for families to share. SMCS/LOCAL ISSUES (P4C/RP): -how can we can for wildlife in our local area -pollution ICT: -understand what algorithms are, how they are implemented as programmes on digital devices (J2E) (coding a rocket ship to the moon) RE/ETHICS: -simple version of the Christmas story -traditional festive celebration with symbolism -Magi and the meaning of their gifts HISTORY/GEOGRAPHY: -use aerial photographs and plan perspectives to recognise basic human and physical features -name and locate the world’s five oceans -name and locate of the four countries of the UK and its surrounding seas -use simple compass directions (North, South, East and West) MUSIC: -use their voices expressively and creatively by singing songs -listen with concentration to a range of high quality, live and recorded music D&T/ART: -design, make and evaluate something to sell at the Christmas fair. -use drawing and painting to explore and develop their ideas. -name the primary colours and use them in their work. PE: -Rugby EXTERNAL OPPORTUNITES: -pet shop -the deep -reel cinema EXTENDED LEARNING: