Master Property Planning and Facilitation Process Board of Education Update June 2, 2016
Presentation Overview Update on Master Property Planning and Facilitation Process Update from Community Forum Review of Concepts/Considerations Update from Request for Development/Proposals Process and Next Steps Questions/Answers
Review of Public Input, Concepts, and Considerations
Bloomin’ Preschool at Fox Hills Property Name Concept 1C Lahser Site Hold onto Property Maintain field house, gym, and locker rooms for BHS use Demolish remaining portion of facility Review possible lease spaces with long-term agreements for pool, auditorium, athletics facilities Concept 2A Concept 2B Concept 2C Hickory Grove Site Demolish facility Sell through “Packaged” RFP for residential development Maintain ownership of property for future consideration Maintain ownership of property Maintain facility and review for utilization of possible program(s) Concept 3A Bloomin’ Preschool at Fox Hills Maintain ownership of entire site Review market data relative to possibility of selling 10 acres for highest/best use Utilize funds from real estate sale for capital improvements Concept 4B Pine Lake Site Review market data relative to possibility of selling through “Packaged” RFP for residential development Concept 5A, 5B, 5C Wabeek Site Sell through “Packaged” RFP for residential development to maintain R-3 HOLD HOLD HOLD Note: Each concept for individual sites are independent and could stand alone as a task/next step for further consideration
Hickory Grove Site - 27.4 acres Properties for BHS Land Bank (92.1 acres) Pine Lake Site – 21.3 acres Lahser Site – 43.9 acres Fox Hills – 26.9 acres Properties for Disposition (45.4 acres) Hickory Grove Site – 27.4 acres Wabeek Site – 18.0 acres Fox Hills Site - 26.9 acres Hickory Grove Site - 27.4 acres Lahser Site - 43.9 acres Pine Lake Site - 21.3 acres Wabeek Site - 18 acres
Update on Request for Development/Proposals Review Process
Request for Development/Proposal (RFD/P) Review Process Publically advertise and issued RFD/P for single-family residential development on February 4, 2016 A total of (15) proposals were received on March 16, 2016 Provided update with Board of Education on April 14, 2016 PMC provided a high-level summary of proposals received for each site and discussed next steps in the process, including meeting with the Advisory Team, interviews, etc. Provided update with Advisory Team on April 20, 2016 Advisory Team indicated proposals should be reviewed in relation to high purchase price, type of housing unit (single family), price point of housing unit, and contextual site and housing units to surrounding properties.
Request for Development/Proposal Review Process Based on the criteria provided by the Advisory Team, Clark Hill and Plante Moran Cresa conducted legal and technical interviews for each site on May 4, 2016 with the highest (3) cost proposals with alignment of highest proposed home values Upon completion of the legal and technical reviews, each of the proposing interviewed developers interviewed were provided an opportunity to submit a “final and best” offer. Based on the proposals, clarifications from the interviews, revised offers, and additional due diligence conducted, BHS Administration, Clark Hill, and Plante Moran Cresa conducted an additional interview with the top ranked developer for each site on May 31, 2016 as follows:
As Submitted Denotes Developers Interviewed Developer A Developer B C Developer D Developer E Developer F Developer G Denotes Developers Interviewed
As Submitted ** Denotes Developers Interviewed Developer A Developer B C Developer D Developer E Developer F Developer G Developer H ** $3,250,000** ** denotes the developers “highest and best price increase Denotes Developers Interviewed
Questions + Answers
Helping to Plan the Future: Greg VanKirk, CPA Partner (248) 223-3395 Paul R. Wills, AIA, LEED AP (248) 223-3316