Real Estate OBN Why a Real Estate OBN
Real Estate OBN Mission “to maintain and develop the existing network of students, alumni and affiliated professionals interested in the largest investment asset class”
Aims Real Estate OBN Share experiences and educate each other Network with alumni Develop connections with the wider industry
How? Michealmas Term 2011 Real Estate OBN Share skills among core students Educate the wider SBS student body Start connecting with alumni network (LinkedIn)
How? Hillary Term 2012 Real Estate OBN Company specific presentations Larger career events (in collaboration with PE OBN) Alumni dinner (London)
How? Trinity Term 2012: Day conference Real Estate OBN “RE & Infrastructure investment in developing countries” In collaboration with: PE OBN, SE OBN, Skoll Centre and OxHubs.
Key Performance Indicators Real Estate OBN Key Performance Indicators Committee meetings: 2 formal per term 2 informal (pub) per term Include Prof. Andrew Baum (Reading?) and Alumni Chair Internal presentations: 2 in Michealmass 20 people attendance
Key Performance Indicators Real Estate OBN Key Performance Indicators Alumni Network: Alumni Vice-Chair (LinkedIn management) 1 dinner in Hillary + 1 in Summer 5-10 alumni participants Alumni database Career events: 2 company presentations – 20 people each 1 larger career fair with PE OBN in Hillary
Key Performance Indicators Real Estate OBN Key Performance Indicators RE in development conference : 2 Project Finance - HSBC, SC, IFC (?) 2 Private Equity RE – Actis, Blackstone SA, Ariya 1 Large developers (??) 1 Keynote speaker from political sphere (??) Networking reception & dinner Trinity to coincide with RE dinner
Budget Total = £1700 Real Estate OBN Michaelmas Hillary Trinity Total N/A Presentations 2x150 Career Ev. 1x200 Dinner Sub 300 Conference 1000 Total = £1700