Forensic Investigation Solutions
Modern Technology in Document Examination The perfect solution for every stage of forensic document lab & field work examination
Docucenter Nirvis The new DC NIRVIS with its excellent optics, high resolution digital camera, fully controlled working sequences and functions permit investigations in various UV, IR and IR luminescence ranges The DC NIRVIS can be fully remote controlled by the PIA-7000 forensic software
Docucenter Nirvis - Application Analysis and examination of questioned documents like passports, banknotes, security paper, etc. Revealing and documenting of GSR on secured evidence like fabrics With the intelligent PIA-7000 software package the user is supported in Document analysis and comparison Writing of reports Building up of a database
Docucenter Nirvis – Key Benefits Motorized X/Y stage providing a fatigue free and controlled workflow for repeated precision measurement and analysis 12.5MPixel integrated high resolution IR color digital camera providing fast real-time preview and world class viewing capability Optical magnification zoom of up to 175x providing true (not digital) high-end resolution for optimal field-of-view Region-of-Interest (ROI) and detailed viewing performance Single-Click High Dynamic Range (HDR) image capture providing ease of use automatic ellimination of glare for clearer and enhanced detailed viewing Additional side lighting further enhancing image detail of embossed, intaglio and print relief evidence Hyper Spectral Imaging (HIS), graphical analysis and Look Up Table (LUT) providing for clearer differentiation of pen strokes for increased time efficiency and effective comparative analysis Networkable Database Intranet/Internet provisioned for high capacity and simultaneous multi-user centralized data storage and management capability
Docubox HD The DOCUBOX HD intelligent analysis system with unique “Capture and Share” feature and Full-HD resolution for efficient document examination The DOCUBOX HD ensures a quick investigation of travel documents, banknotes and security printed matter in the field as well as in the laboratory
Docubox HD - Application Analysis and examination of questioned documents like passports, banknotes, security paper, etc., in the visual and infrared range as well as short and long UV Assisting examiners in revealing evidence stand alone / mobile as well as in the laboratory extended by PC software The intelligent software package PIA-7 easily supports low experienced users in document comparison, writing of reports and measuring for dimensional scale determination
Docubox HD – Key Benefits (Standalone) Provide the capability to capture and export images in a standalone configuration Complete secure environment to limit system security from viruses Proven transportability and examination operation in a mobile forensic vehicle Built in SD card storage capability for easy and secure image capture and analysis Optical magnification of 75x providing true (not digital) high resolution images A minimum of 5 pre-configured sequences for quick and easy usage Provides 14 integrated light sources and motorized 20x zoom optics, IR- sensitive camera for comprehensive examination Easy operation via built-in touch panel for ease of use and control Easy connectivity to visual displays (i.e., projectors, monitors...) for convenience
Docubox HD – Key Benefits (PC Option) Includes same benefits as Standalone option Provides extended investigation possibilities with remote control lighting and filter settings/configuration Ideal for both non-frequent & experienced users Easy operation control and image analysis on a touch screen Direct interface to currency or passport reference databases
Inspec 8 The compact multi functional INSPEC-8 analysis system with unique “Capture and Share” feature and Full-HD resolution for efficient document examination The INSPEC-8 has been specifically designed for 2nd level inspection at immigration check points, banks, and police departments
Inspec 8 - Application Analysis and examination of questioned documents like passports, banknotes, security paper, etc., in the visual and infrared range as well as short and long UV Assisting examiners in revealing evidence stand alone / mobile as well as in the laboratory extended by PC software The intelligent software package PIA-7 easily supports low experienced users in document comparison, writing of reports and measuring for dimensional scale determination
Inspec 8 – Key Benefits (Standalone) Provides capability to capture and export images in standalone configuration Complete secure environment to limit system security from viruses Operational from 12V auxiliary outlet for added flexibility Proven transportability and examination operation in a mobile forensic vehicle Built in SD card storage capability for easy and secure image capture and analysis Optical magnification of 75x providing true (not digital) high resolution images A minimum of 5 pre-configured sequences for quick and easy usage Provides 9 different light sources: white, IR illumination,/luminescence, UV, UVA, UVC for quick light and illumination examination Ideal for non-frequent users due to simplified operation Easy connectivity to visual displays (i.e., projectors, monitors...) for convenience
Inspec 8 – Key Benefits (PC Option) Includes same benefits as Standalone option Provides image capture and image analysis/reporting through system software Extended image analysis operation on a touch screen with system software Direct interface to currency or passport reference databases with system software
Illumination on a new level The innovative light sources to illuminate the crime scene
SL 450 The new SL 450 is the ideal portable light for trace evidence and crime scene investigation The SL 450 features Xenon powered light with integrated filter wheel and a broad range of accessories
SL 450 – Application and Features Trace evidence investigation Features Seven built-in spectra Independent of mains supply High UV intensity Robust and lightweight construction Specially designed accessories
PAGLAB MSA-810 The PAGLAB MSA-810 is the ideal lamp for professional laboratory work The new light source is built for trace evidence investigation, verification and documentation
PAGLAB – Application and Features Latent & treated fingerprints Blood and other body fluids Hair, paint chips and fibers Features Multispectral light source 320-720 nm Power 120 W 10 wavelengths spectra Motorized filter changer Illuminated detachable remote control
CSL Shoe The battery powered CSL Shoe is perfect for investigating in shoe prints and tire tracks It’s battery powered high intensity LEDs provide a powerful illumination with changeable color filters
CSL Shoe – Application and Features Trace shoe and tire tracks Features Lightweight battery powered Telescopic arm for convenient investigation of large areas Variety of color filters Permanent power supply
High Quality Solutions for Forensic Investigations The superior and modular solution for ballistic trace evidence and comparisons
Universal Comparison Macroscope - UCM The UCM is a high sophisticated optical system for forensic investigations with a unique variety of accessories The UCM impresses by its ease of operation, compact and solid design, ergonomic and user-friendly position of controls Precision optical components are incorporated in the UCM, offering a unique magnification range
UCM – Key Benefits Motorized ; magnification, operating mode, height adjustment of 80mm (3.1in) for improved ergonomic operation Full image left; full image right; superimposed image; split-image vertical with laterally adjustable dividing line for efficient and effective evidence comparison Optical magnification range 1x - 135x for true (not digital) high-end resolution and detailed viewing performance Field-of-view 150 mm - 1.67 mm (5.9in – 0.07in) for optimal Region-of-Interest (ROI) analysis Working distance 100mm – 215mm (3.9in – 8.4in) for improved evidence handling and operation
COMAC The COMAC provides a simple, high-quality design for comparative investigations The COMAC is ideally suited to examine evidence, such as cartridge cases and bullets and tool-marks The COMAC’s modular design permits the easy adaption of special object holders and flexible lighting systems
UCM – Key Benefits Objective changer for macro optics, zoom objective and motorized Z height adjustment of 54mm (2.1in) for improved ergonomic operation Full image left; full image right; superimposed image; split-image vertical with laterally adjustable dividing line for efficient and effective evidence comparison Optical magnification range 2.5x - 72x for true (not digital) detailed image resolution and viewing performance Field of view 85 mm - 2.2 mm (3.3in – 0.09in) for greater Region- of-Interest (ROI) analysis Fixed working distance of 130mm (5.1in) for easier evidence handling and operation
Thank You Projectina AG Dammstrasse 2 CH-9435 Heerbrugg Switzerland Tel. + 41 71 727 28 00 Email: