TEACHING CMOS CIRCUIT DESIGN IN NANOSCALE TECHNOLOGIES USING MICROWIND Etienne Sicard Professor Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering INSA – University of Toulouse - France e-mail: etienne.sicard@insa-toulouse.fr Web site: www.microwind.org
INCREASED INTEGRATED CIRCUIT COMPLEXITY CONTEXT INCREASED INTEGRATED CIRCUIT COMPLEXITY 2004 130nm 100M Core+ DSP 1 Mb Mem 2006 90nm 250M Core DSPs 10 Mb Mem 2008 45nm 500M Dual core Dual DSP RF Graphic Process. 100 Mb Mem Sensors 2010 32nm 2G Quad Core Quad DSP 3D Image Proc Crypto processor Reconf FPGA, Multi RF 1 Gb Memories Multi-sensors 22nm 2012 7G 5nm 150 G 2020 ? Technology Complexity Packaging Embedded blocks
INCREASED SWITCHING PERFORMANCES CONTEXT Tri-Gate for increasing drive current and reducing leakage INCREASED SWITCHING PERFORMANCES High K Metal Gate to increase field effect 90 nm Strain to increase mobility Current drive (mA/µm) 2.0 1.5 Gate material 1.0 Strain 0.5 Intrinsic performances 0.0 130 nm 65 nm 45 nm 32 nm 22 nm 17 nm Technology node
DECREASED VOLTAGES AND NOISE MARGIN CONTEXT DECREASED VOLTAGES AND NOISE MARGIN 500 mV margin 100 mV margin Supply (V) 5.0 3.3 I/O supply 2.5 Core supply 1.8 1.2 Tension cœur: réduire la puissance consommée, fragilité des oxyde Tension I/O: reduction => aller + vite de 0 à VDD, mais – rapide pour des raison de compatibilité entre techno 1.0 0.5µ 0.35µ 0.18µ 130n 90n 65n 45n 32n 22n 17n Technology Adapted from ITRS roadmap for semiconductors, 2011 November 17
10µm Integrated Circuits… 1mm 1 µm 100 nm © Intel Xeon November 17
NANO-CMOS – SO MANY NEW THINGS TEACHING ISSUES NANO-CMOS – SO MANY NEW THINGS 2 supply Low K Double patterning Metal gate nMOS Strain Pocket implant pMOS Strain High K oxide 8 Metal Double gates
NANO-CMOS – BSIM4 MODEL TEACHING ISSUES Only 20 most important paramaters are implemented Full BSIM4 model: over 200 parameters for one MOS device
NANO-CMOS – SO MANY OPTIONS TEACHING ISSUES NANO-CMOS – SO MANY OPTIONS 1 10 100 1000 500 1500 Ion (µA/µm) Ioff (nA/µm) Parasitic consumption High (x 10) Moderate (x 1) Low (x 0.1) Speed Fast (+50%) (0%) ( - 50%) High end servers Servers Networking Computing Mobile Consumer 3G phone s 2G phones MP3 Digital camera speed General Purpose Low leakage Personal org. « Super high speed » « Super low leakage »
COMPLEXITY CHALLENGE TEACHING ISSUES Teaching physical design – still necessary ? Link Controller RF RS Host Interface Code Manager Complexity (Millions transistors) Technology always ahead 1000 System design IP design 100 Logic design 10 Microwind Layout design 1 0.1 1995 1998 2001 2004 2007 2010 2013
TEACHING NANO-CMOS – TRENDS EDUCATIONAL NEEDS TEACHING NANO-CMOS – TRENDS Physics CMOS design Teaching hours System integration Years Embedded software The commercial chip design tools available today are very powerful However, these tools are highly complex and need long time to learn. Teaching hours in Nano-CMOS are decreased Physics of semiconductors are exploding in complexity (100-1000 parameters in MOS models) Student and engineer diversity must be considered. Gaps in the background knowledge must be addressed
TEACHING NANO-CMOS – NEEDS EDUCATIONAL NEEDS TEACHING NANO-CMOS – NEEDS Professional tools Graduates Undergraduates PhDs Educational Short sessions : Simple design Concepts Long practical Ambitious designs L arge number of students Reduced number of students Tools should be used by large number of students at undergraduate level Design tools should provide intuitive design, simulation and visualization environments Design tools should be easily accessible. Most of the work is done out of regular teaching hours (e-learning, project-based..) Target course and practical training duration: 15 H Target level : Master year 1 Learning curve Hours Industry - oriented tools Education oriented tools Rapid progress 5 10 15 20 S low
COURSE CONTENTS (1-2 days) MICROWIND COURSE CONTENTS (1-2 days) Technology scale down, where we come from, where we are (45 nm), where we go.. A tutorial on MOS devices, based on problem- based learning The design of inverters, and a simple ring oscillator, and a small student contest. The design of basic logic gates introducing interconnect design, compact design strategies, and impact on switching speed and power consumption. The design of analog blocs introducing amplification, voltage reference, addition of analog signals, and mixed-signal blocs A design project, e.g. converter, processing unit, OpAmp, radio-frequency block, etc..
INTRODUCTION THE TOOL MICROWIND User-friendly and intuitive design tool for educational use. The student draws the masks of the circuit layout and performs analog simulation The tool displays the layout in 2D, static 3D and animated 3D
MICROWIND 1. 2. MOS DEVICE Traditional teaching : in-depth explanation of the potentials, fields, threshold voltage, and eventually the expression of the current Ids Our approach : step-by-step illustration of the most important relationships between layout and performance. Design of the MOS I/V Simulation 2D view Time domain analysis 4. 3.
BASIC GATE DESIGN MICROWIND 2. Illustration of the most important relationships between layout and performance. Design of pMOS Design of inverters Design of a VCO Try to optimize the VCO for highest possible speed Improve MOS size Change MOS options Make the layout more compact Keep an eye on power consumption 2. 1. 4. 3.
PROJECT EXAMPLES MICROWIND 2. engage students in a stimulating learning experience using latest CMOS technologies Circuit analysis and optimization using WinSpice Combinational and sequential circuit layouts ALU Design Power amplifier Bluetooth 2. 1. 3. 4.
EVALUATION AUDIENCE # Question 1 I have a clear idea of what is expected of me in this course. 2 The ways in which I was taught provided me with opportunities to pursue my own learning. 3 The course enabled me to develop and/or strengthen a number of the qualities of a [University of South Australia,INSA] graduate. 4 I felt there was a genuine interest in my learning needs and progress. 5 The course developed my understanding of concepts and principles 6 The workload for this course was reasonable given my other study commitments 7 I have received feedback that is constructive and helpful. 8 The assessment tasks were related to the qualities of a [University of South Australia, INSA] graduate. 9 The staff teaching in this course showed a genuine interest in their teaching. 10 Overall I was satisfied with the quality of this course The VLSI course was evaluated anonymously by the students UNISA course evaluation questionnaire containing ten core questions and open text response. The students rated the course very highly in all the evaluation items. The course in the in the top-5 courses offered in engineering in UniSA. (off-line: Dr. Aziz won the “top teacher of the year” in Australia 2009)
5. The course developed my understanding of concepts and principles EVALUATION RESULTS Answers to questionnaire UNISA 5. The course developed my understanding of concepts and principles INSA
STUDENT REPORTS ON-LINE EVALUATION STUDENT REPORTS ON-LINE The best student reports are put on-line on www.microwind.org > Student reports Student works from other institutes and countries are also placed on-line
EVALUATION COMMENTS Teachers Students “The tools along with the project-based course resources have assisted us to develop an educational program in our Bachelor of Engineering Program. The tools offer easy to use menus for design and simulation, and the choice of a range of technology models to enable students to develop critical design and analysis skills using the latest technologies.” (Malaysia). “Microwind and Dsch tools are used for VLSI teaching programs at both postgraduate and undergraduate levels. The project-based methodology supported by a variety of learning resources has made the learning of VLSI Design very stimulating.” (Bangladesh). “Exploring the tools is a lot of fun. The interface is very friendly, and the program is both educational and useful for designing CMOS chips.” (USA) Teachers Students “From just a few logic gates, we have created a 4-stage binary counter and compiled it into layout. It also gave us the basic concepts to understand the operation of the transistors in order to extract their models.” “The 24-hours clock project was a good exercise which permitted us to see how it is inside a semiconductor and how it works.” “We learned a lot about designing integrated circuit. We faced some practical problems, and tried to solve them or to understand them.” “This study allows us to understand the DAC running. In spite of some design problems, we managed to make the DAC work well.” “Before doing this project, we hadn’t thought that there are as many ways to realize an amplifier. It’s an area not easy to understand. Each technique has its limit. We tried to optimize our operational amplifier design to maximize the gain.”
INTRODUCING TECHNOLOGY NODES APPLICATION NOTES INTRODUCING TECHNOLOGY NODES Application notes on 90, 65, 45 & 32nm technologies Evolution of MOS devices and interconnect performances Synthesis of the state of the art (Intel, Samsung, ST- microelectronics, ITRS…) Illustration and discussion on technology advances
INTRODUCING NEW ISSUES APPLICATION NOTES INTRODUCING NEW ISSUES Ion/Ioff trend including random I/V device performances Process variability implemented in Microwind,
MICROWIND USED IN 50+ SCIENTIFIC PAPERS APPLICATION NOTES MICROWIND USED IN 50+ SCIENTIFIC PAPERS 2011 A CMOS VLSI implementation of Mean Life Time(MLT) Detector for Bio-luminescence Sensor 4-Bit Fast Adder Design Topology and Layout with Self-Resetting Logic for Low Power VLSI Circuits AREA EFFICIENT 3.3GHZ PHASE LOCKED LOOP WITH FOUR MULTIPLE OUTPUT USING 45NM VLSI TECHNOLOGY Flip-Flop Circuit Families:Comparison of Layout and Topology for Low Power VLSI Circuits Low-Area Low-Power and High-Speed TCAMS POWER EFFICIENT DESIGN OF COUNTER ON .12 MICRON TECHNOLOGY Design and Performance Analysis of 5 GHz CMOS RF Front-End Circuits for IEEE 802.11 a Application DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF ANALOG TO DIGITAL CONVERTER USING DIFFERENTIAL RING OSCILLATOR Design and test challenges in Nano-scale analog and mixed CMOS technology Layout Design of a 2-bit Binary Parallel Ripple Carry Adder Using CMOS NAND Gates with Microwind A NOVEL DESIGN FOR HIGHLY COMPACT LOW POWER AREA EFFICIENT 1-BIT FULL ADDERS Area, Delay and Power Comparison of Adder Topologies Comparative Analysis of 7T and 6T SRAM Using 0.18μm Technology COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF ENERGY-EFFICIENT LOW POWER 1-BIT FULL ADDERS AT 120NM TECHNOLOGY 2012 Comparative Analysis of Low Power 4-bit Multipliers Using 120nm CMOS Technology COMPARISON AMONG DIFFERENT CMOS INVERTER WITH STACK KEEPER APPROACH IN VLSI DESIGN Comparison of Transistor count Optimized Full adders with modified CMOS Full adders Design and Analysis of Low Power Full Adder Using Adiabatic Technique Design and Performance of CMOS Circuits in MICROWIND Design of a Low Power Flip-Flop Using MTCMOS Technique Design of a Multiplexer In Multiple Logic Styles for Low Power VLSI Designing and Analysis of 8 Bit SRAM Cell with Low Subthreshold Leakage Power Implementation of LFSR Counter using CMOS Chip Technology Leakage Power Reduction in CMOS VLSI Circuits Novel keeper technique for Domino logic circuits in DSM Technology Ultra Wideband Low Noise Power Amplifier Low Power 8T Column Decoupled Sram Cell with Bit Line Decoupled Current Mode Sense Amplifier Interconnect Analysis of a Novel Multiplexer Based Full-Adder Cell for Power and Propagation Delay Optimizations Journals and Conferences International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology IEEE Int’l Conf. on Computer & Communication Technology IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Information, Telecommunication and Computing IEEE Trans Education International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering ICECE International Journal of VLSI design & Communication Systems International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications International Journal of Computer Applications International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering European Journal of Scientific Research World Journal of Science and Technology International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering International Conference on Emerging Frontiers in Technology for Rural Area Microelectronics Journal International Journal of Modern Engineering Research World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
SPPORT LATEST TECHNOLOGY ADVANCES PERSPECTIVES SPPORT LATEST TECHNOLOGY ADVANCES Application notes on 22 nm and 17 nm technologies Introduction of FinFET device Introduction to 3D-IC technology & design
CONCLUSION Intuitive and user friendly design tools enabled students to develop circuit design skills using nano-CMOS technologies Illustrations (2D, 3D, I/V) help to handle increased process complexity and refinements Effective project-based learning methodologies, helping to understand the impacts of technology scale down on factors such as speed, power and noise. Digital and analog basic bloc design with high levels of student satisfaction. Projects stimulate student curiosity and thinking. Software to be tuned to 22 nm technology, FinFET and 3D Microwind successfully used at Master level, also cited in research papers
The tool, manual and course slides are online at REFERENCES E. Sicard and S. Ben Dhia “Basic CMOS Cell Design” McGraw Hill professional series, 2006. E. Sicard and S. Ben Dhia “Advanced CMOS Cell Design” McGraw-Hill professional series, 2007. E. Sicard, “Microwind & Dsch User's Manual, Version 3.5”, June 2009. Online at www.microwind.org. S. M. Aziz, E. Sicard, S. Ben Dhia “Effective Teaching in Physical Design of Integrated Circuits using Educational Tools” IEEE Trans Education, Nov. 2010 The tool, manual and course slides are online at www.microwind.org
REFERENCES MICROWIND DOWNLOADS (NI2Designs, India) www.microwind.net