Understanding Standards: Nominee Training Event Advanced Higher Business Management
Aims of the day To support Nominees in their understanding of national standards by: reviewing candidate evidence and making assessment decisions discussing the evidence and associated assessment standards with colleagues asking questions and seeking clarification about national standards have a clearer understanding of the national standards required at Advanced Higher level ensure a more a consistent approach to verification
Advanced Higher Business Management The Internal Business Environment Workshop 1 Advanced Higher Business Management The Internal Business Environment Evaluate the management and leadership of organisations 1.1 Analysing an approach to management 1.2 Explaining the features of effective leadership 1.3 Analysing how characteristics of a team can affect its success Evaluate the management of change 2.1 Explaining the stages of a change process 2.2 Evaluating methods of managing change
Advanced Higher Business Management The External Business Environment Workshop 2 Advanced Higher Business Management The External Business Environment Evaluate the impact of external factors on organisations 1.1 Explaining opportunities and threats to an organisation arising from changes in external factors 1.2 Evaluating the effectiveness of a course of action taken by an organisation in response to an external factor Evaluate the global business context 2.1 Explaining the effects of multinational companies on either the home country or the host country 2.2 Explaining the impact on domestic businesses of operating in a European context 2.3 Evaluating the effects of globalisation on business activity in terms of foreign direct investment
Advanced Higher Business Management Evaluating Business Information Workshop 3 Advanced Higher Business Management Evaluating Business Information Evaluate a range of information available to organisations to reach a conclusion 1.1 Evaluating business information using appropriate analytical techniques 1.2 Evaluating financial information and its use by organisations 1.3 Justifying a conclusion reached based on the evaluation of information
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