Future Vertical Lift: Insights From The Joint Multi-Role Technology Demonstrator
Joint Multi Role Technology Demonstration (JMR TD) Presented at: Center for Strategic and International Studies Joint Multi Role Technology Demonstration (JMR TD) Program Update DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Presented by: Mr. Dan Bailey JMR TD Program Director U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Research, Development, and Engineering Center Date: 23 Sep 2016
Joint Multi-Role (JMR) Technology Demonstrator (TD) Design, build, and fly two flight demonstration aircraft Execute two sub-system technology demonstrations Conduct three increasingly complex architecture Air Vehicle Demo (AVD) MILESTONES FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 Bell Sikorsky-Boeing Gov. Configurations Operational Analysis AVX Karem Industry Configurations Air Vehicle Demo Mission Systems Architecture Demo (MSAD) Mission Systems Arch Demo JCA Development FVL Spec Evolution Yesterday Tomorrow Outcomes: Platform level demos of advanced rotorcraft configurations to address FVL CS3 capability gaps Parametric government FVL CS3 design solutions and informed workforce for effective requirements trades and acquisition decisions Cost, sustainment, and survivability analysis to inform FVL CS3 decision points Standards, reference architectures and tools to implement truly open architectures that are affordable, efficient, effective, and enduring over the life of FVL CS3 Transition DVE-M SUMIT MIS/ROSAS FASTR Closed Hardware Architectures Closed Software Architectures Vendor prescribed modularity Tightly Coupled Hardware/Software Many Unique Integrations Hardware Reuse (LRU Level) Accidental Software Reuse Document oriented procurement Isolated analysis Test–fix-test mentality UCS Gov’t Prescribed Modularity Open Hardware Architectures Open Software Architectures Software portability & interchangeability Shared Integrations Strategic Reuse (HW, SW, artifacts) Model-based procurement & qualification Architecture Centric Virtual Integration Process UH-60V MH-60R/S Demonstrating advanced configurations, enabling technologies and architectures
Key Points of the AVD Effort Broad Agency Announcement / Model Perf Spec (MPS) requirements: MPS represents a snapshot of a desired FVL-M capability − 230+ kt 6K / 95 F HOGE at mission payload 424 km combat radius with a 30 minute loiter 4 crew + 12 troops (335 lb/troop) Self-deploy (2100nm) Highly integrated system – self protection; 360 SA; full DVE Flight test efforts will implement commercial airworthiness processes Enables significant learning with regards to Advanced technology implementation on high speed air vehicle configurations The refinement of analytical methods for coaxial and tilt rotor configurations The efficiencies a commercial airworthiness approach The extent to which the MPS describes an affordable FVL solution The collaboration of the rotary wing enterprise to provide an advanced, efficient, affordable aviation weapon system
Mission Systems Architecture Demo (MSAD) ► Effective Acquisition Competitive Opportunities Reduced Vendor Lock ► Efficient Integration Improved Affordability Reduced Time to Field ► Improved Capabilities Portable / Reusable Interoperable Security Assurance Upgradeable / Resilient Planned Variability ► Efficient Qualification We need tools that help do the job, not become the job! Purpose: Ensure that a potential FVL Program of Record (PoR) has the processes, tools and standards necessary to specify, design, analyze, implement, acquire, qualify, certify and sustain a mission systems architecture that meets the performance requirements and business goals of the DoD. Approach: Leverage existing standards where possible Execute a series of increasingly complex demos Examine and assess maturity, applicability, and effectiveness of emerging SW engineering and development techniques Learn by doing Focus Areas: Implementation of Open System Architectures (OSA) Joint Common Architecture (JCA) FACE™ Technical Standard Application of Model Based Engineering (MBE) Model-based specification/acquisition Execution of an Architecture Centric Virtual Integration Process (ACVIP) Predictive performance assessment FY 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 JCA DEMO AIPD Capstone Demo AIPD – Architecture Implementation Process Demo
Sikorsky – Boeing JMR Program September 23, 2016 This research was partially funded by the Government under Agreement No. W911W6-13-2-0003. The U.S. Government is authorized to reproduce and distribute reprints for Government purposes notwithstanding any copyright notation thereon. The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of the Aviation Applied Technology Directorate or the U.S. Government. Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. This briefing contains no technical data controlled by the EAR or ITAR © Unpublished Work, The Boeing Company & Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation 2015. All rights reserved. 7 7
Sikorsky / Boeing SB>1 DEFIANT X2TM Technology Advanced Rigid Rotor System Composite Fuselage Manual Blade Fold Advanced Drive System Pusher Prop with Clutch Active Vibration Control Lift Offset Co-Axial Rotor Active Rudders and Elevators Retractable Gear Crew of four Fly-by-Wire Flight controls Cabin for 12 Combat equipped troops Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. This briefing contains no technical data controlled by the EAR or ITAR, Information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the cover page of this document. © Unpublished Work, The Boeing Company & Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation 2015. All rights reserved.
Risk Reduction Activities Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. This briefing contains no technical data controlled by the EAR or ITAR, Information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the cover page of this document. © Unpublished Work, The Boeing Company & Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation 2015. All rights reserved.
Testing Facilities Flight Demonstrator Systems Integration Lab Propulsion System Test Bed West Palm Beach Test Facility Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. This briefing contains no technical data controlled by the EAR or ITAR, Information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the cover page of this document. © Unpublished Work, The Boeing Company & Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation 2015. All rights reserved.
Fabrication PROGRESS Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. This briefing contains no technical data controlled by the EAR or ITAR, Information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the cover page of this document. © Unpublished Work, The Boeing Company & Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation 2015. All rights reserved.
Over 65% Built
Vertical Lift Consortium Open Systems for Future Vertical Lift Opportunities and Challenges www.verticalliftconsortium.org Chris Van Buiten for Mr. Nick Lappos Chairman of the Board 1
FVL will be an Optionally Piloted Vehicle 2 Crew Mode Reduction in Training Requirements Level 1 Handling Qualities Operation in Degraded Visual Environment MUM-T (Manned Unmanned Teaming) Improved Safety 1 Crew Mode Minimally Trained Operator Flexible, Mission Oriented Interface Operator Located in Cockpit or Cabin 0 Crew Mode Minimally Trained Off board Operator Flexible, Mission Oriented Interface Management of Multiple Vehicles by One Operator Ability to Operate without Data Link
Required OPV Computing Power Open systems enable rapid, low cost improvement Year 2000 2005 2013 2016 15 KW 900 lbs $1M 5 KW 300 lbs $400K 200W 30 lbs $60K 2X Cores More Capability, Lower Cost
FVL Capability APPS for the Fleet Enabled by Open Software & Hardware $ $$$
But…….Systems will become fundamental elements of the FVL airworthiness Can these be open as well?
FVL Component Sizing and Life Traditional Sizing: Large heavy parts, Low lives LOAD Actual Usage: Smaller parts, tailored lives ACTUAL FROM TEST Real time computed loads TIME Can these flight critical systems be as open? This Pa g
FVL will Use Load Limiting Controls Traditional Sizing: Large heavy parts, Low lives Managed Usage: Even Smaller parts, longer lives LOAD ACTUAL FROM TEST Load limiting control TIME Can these flight critical systems be as open?
FVL will Use Fleet Data to Make Critical Decisions Sensors Computation Software Algorithms On Board & Off Board Can these flight critical systems be as open?
Takeaways FVL will provide game changing capabilities to the warfighter Open systems will enable constant capability expansion Success depends on new business and contracting models FVL airworthiness will become cyber-physical not just physical Need to define ownership boundaries
Future Vertical Lift: Insights From The Joint Multi-Role Technology Demonstrator
Why Is This Different? Risk of Successful FVL CS3 PoR JMR TD Model Perf. Spec (2013) S&T Portfolio Why Is This Different? Capability Sets 1-3 Min/Max Attributes Design Study (2014) Performance analysis for USAACE CDID (2014) Post-ID&RR ASSP Re-visit (2013) modeling of MPS and TD (ongoing) Vehicle type study for FVL Capability Sets 1-3 using JMR Excursion 10 (2013) Draft CDD Definition; Specification/ RFP (2018) Configuration Trades & Analysis (2012) FVL-Medium S&T Investment Strategy (2012) FVL Light/Heavy Conceptual Design Study (2014) Initial Design & Risk Reviews (ID&RR) with parallel Gov. designs (2014) AoA Design Iterations & Tech Assessment (2017) FVL S&T IPT Enterprise commitment and investment planning (ongoing) Initial design study for FVL Medium Capability Set using JMR Excursion 1 (2011) Initial FVL CapSet defined within FoS structure Notional FVL Family-of- Systems (FOS) Design Study (2015) Legend: FVL – Future Vertical Lift JMR TD – Joint Multirole Technology Demonstration ASSP – Aviation S&T Strategic Plan USAACE – US Army Aviation Center of Excellence CDID – Capability Development Integration Directorate TRAC – TRADOC Analysis Center PoR – Program of Record AoA – Analysis of Alternatives CDD – Capability Development Document RFP – Request for Proposal CS – Capability Set ICD – Initial Capability Document Capability Set 3 Conceptual Design Study (2016) FVL performance analysis for TRAC Attributes Study (2015) DDG – Destroyer Warship Requirement Example: At ICD approval in April 2013 – Army Assault capable aircraft compatible with the Navy DDG hanger restrictions FVL CS3 program is initiated based on ICD FVL CS3 spec and RFP include requirement Industry proposals (concepts) include requirement Source selection uninformed of technical infeasibility Development contract(s) awarded Industry begins concept design refinement Technical infeasibility discovered Requirement, spec, contracts, etc changes required S&T assessment indicates not technically feasible Two separate Capability Sets established Requirement not carried forward into FVL CS3 Spec Lower risk cost estimating and planning Industry proposals do not include DDG requirement Realistic and more definitive solutions
S&T Transition to FVL CS3 Knowledge: Performance, affordability, and scalability of advanced vertical lift configurations Comprehensive Open Architecture approach, practicality, and usefulness Standards: FACE/JCA/HOST/OSATE (SAE 5506) Draft Spec (ADSs 10, 33, 40, 89 relevance) Processes: S&T Transition to FVL CS3 Directed via GFE, subcontractors, specifications FVL requirements similarity to JMR TD specification Use of specific technologies to meet requirements Limits redesign and use of immature technology Incentivize thru aggressive cost and schedule metrics Evaluation criteria encouraging mature technology use Inherent based on competitive advantage Streamlined, more efficient commercial like airworthiness qualification Digital thread life cycle management OSA PM implementation handbook Specific Technologies: Advanced composites/large cell carbon core Electro-mechanical flight control actuation Optionally piloted and MUMT algorithms Program of Record S&T S&T investments have been deliberate Specific technologies identified and maturation timelines synched “Transition Valley of Death” Pre-MDD – final solution unknown; available pool of mature technology deeper based on large S&T investments
Now FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY09 FY10 USAACE/FVL Study FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY19 FY20 JMR TD Schedule Scope: Design, fabricate and test 2 vehicles Performance demonstration and verification Technology characterization Test predictions and correlation Value and readiness assessments Phase I Phase II Model Performance Specification Air Vehicle Config Trades Scope Trade space description Prioritize critical attributes/capabilities Establish success metrics Assess value and affordability Air Vehicle Demo BAA Award ID&RR FD&RR 1st flight Air Vehicle: Maturation of flight performance technologies; operational assessment of advanced configurations Mission Systems: Industry research for effectiveness trades; demo of JCA concept and representative architecture design Trades and Analyses Cockpit HMI Technologies Sensors and Sensor Fusion Weapons Architectures MS Trades Communications Survivability Verify JCA Standard 0.X Utilize JCA / FACE Ecosystem Exercise Partial Architecture Centric Virtual Integration Process (ACVIP) Demonstrate Software Portability, Modularity and Interchangeability Joint Common Architecture (JCA) Development Incremental efforts designed to investigate specific concepts / technologies Demonstrate benefits of Model Based Approach & Open Systems Architecture High level of collaboration between Government and industry Mature ACVIP tools and processes JCA Demo ACVIP Shadow AIPD Specification for a full mission systems architecture JCA/FACE Validation ACVIP Validation MSAD Capstone Demo
Complementary Open Systems Initiatives Solutions to mission systems architectural and qualification challenges are being informed through numerous open systems initiatives such as: Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE™) Army Common Operating Environment (COE) Joint Multi-Role Tech Demonstrator (JMR TD) Mission Systems Architecture Demonstrations (MSAD) Modular Integrated Survivability (MIS)/ Route Optimization for Survivability Against Sensors (ROSAS) Alignment of Multinational Open Systems Architectures (AMOSA) Vehicular Integration for C4ISR/EW Interoperability (VICTORY) Synergistic Unmanned Manned Intelligent Teaming (SUMIT) Functional Architecture for Strategic Reuse (FASTR) Degraded Visual Environment – Mitigation (DVE-M) Hardware Open Systems Technologies (HOST) Sensor Open Systems Architecture (SOSA) Universal Control Segment (UCS) Open Mission Systems (OMS) Crew Mission Station (CMS) Airworthiness IMPACT UH-60V – ... AMRDEC, as a founding member of FACE™, has transitioned its focus from development of the FACE technical standard to application and maturation of the FACE™ products US Army Program Executive Officer (PEO) for Aviation has adopted a strategy of incremental migration to the FACE™ technical standard as its response to US Army directives concerning the transition to the Common Operating Environment (COE). US Army senior leader support and policy direction (COE/FACE™) Blue text: AMRDEC significant involvement Complementary Open Systems Initiatives
Army designated as lead component in JROCM dated 10 April 2013 What is Future Vertical Lift (FVL)? What is FVL? A Joint and Department initiative to address vertical lift capability requirements and determine feasible and affordable solutions in support of the Joint Warfighter beyond 2030. Background Key Tenets Integrated IPT Structure Family of Systems Concept Single Service Led Joint Participation Army designated as lead component in JROCM dated 10 April 2013 Informed by JMR-TD Formal Industry Participation PM ITE/FVL Established by PEO AVN May 2015 TCM FVL Established by USAACE Aug 2015
Projected Road Ahead for FVL Now FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 Material Solutions Analysis FY19 FY20 Technology Development (TD) Pre-AoA Refinement ICD Projected Road Ahead for FVL MDD Oct 2016 Capabilities Assessment Aug 2013 Materiel Development Decision Services Agreed to Analysis Plan M&S Base Case Analysis RFP Proposal and Approval Contract Award Pre-MDD/Pre-AoA Questions AoA Execution Business Case Analysis-1 Draft Joint CDD (DJCDD) Development Draft CDD Refinement 11 CT&A Technology Assessment JMR Technology Demonstrator Phase 1 Spec Air Vehicle Demo MS T&A IDRR FDRR 1st flight Design Mature Significant Analytic Sweet Spot JCA Development Validation complete JMR Spec Dev Informs CDD JCA Demo Mission Systems Architecture Demo