Analytics Education and the Evolving Workforce Dr. Aric LaBarr Institute for Advanced Analytics North Carolina State University
Outside Pressure to have Data More and more we are reading articles with the headlines that we see here…
Data Flood Companies already had data problems to begin with, but with the outside pressures, now they are becoming more like this… The more companies adjust, the more data that they find.
Companies already had data problems to begin with, but with the outside pressures, now they are becoming more like this… The more companies adjust, the more data that they find.
The projected shortfall of people with the skills to handle this problem – data scientists (the new sexy phrase for them) – is projected to be scarce.
Data Driven Results New Employees
Data Driven Results Analytical Techniques? New Employees
Data Driven Results Analytical Techniques? New Employees
Analytical Techniques Data Driven Results Analytical Techniques New Employees
Analytical Techniques Data Driven Results Communication Teamwork Analytical Techniques Computing Business Savvy New Employees
Analytical Techniques Data Driven Results Business Savvy Computing Analytical Techniques Communication Teamwork New Employees
Practicum Project
Practicum Project $
3 Benefits of Practicum Projects Unparalleled Educational Experience Companies Understand Student Abilities Build Relationship with Company
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