Are you putting yourself at risk for skin cancer? SUN SAFETY Are you putting yourself at risk for skin cancer?
What sort of experiences do you have with the sun? Sunburns? Suntans? Use of protection?
Short Term Effects of Sun Exposure Makes us feel good Makes us look good Vitamin D production Sunburns Pain Blisters
Long Term Effects of Sun Exposure Eye damage Wrinkles & age spots Suppression of protective function of immune system Skin cancer
UV Radiation UVA & UVB Rays Damage genetic blue print UVB responsible for sunburn UVA penetrate deeper: wrinkling, early aging, sun spots, and “leather look” medication
UV Index Helps determine how dangerous the sun’s rays are Higher the number, the less time it takes for the sun to damage your skin Stay out of the sun between 10 am – 4 pm
Skin Cancer Three types: Basal cell, squamous cell, and melanoma
Basal and Squamous Can be removed 90% of time Appear in sun-exposed areas Rarely spread to other parts of body Look like: pale, wax-like, red, scaly, sharply outlined patch, sore that does not heal
Melanoma Starts as a small, mole-like growth; then grows and changes Can be removed surgically Advanced stages may require chemotherapy Can spread to other parts of the body quickly Early detection is critical
ABCD’s of moles & birthmarks Asymmetry: one-half of a mole or birthmark does not match the other half Border: The edges are irregular, ragged, notched, or blurred. Color: The color is not the same all over. Diameter: The area is larger than the size of a pencil eraser.
Indoor Tanning Indoor tanning raises risk for skin cancer.mp4 Indoor tanning's dark side.mp4 There are a lot of Facts… The ONLY logical conclusion is… Increasing your exposure to cancer-producing UV rays, indoors and outdoors, increases your chances for skin cancer and skin damage.
A FEW MORE VIDEOS Dear 16-year-old Me.mp4 Melanoma patient's last wish includes warning about tanning beds.mp4
Slip! Slop! Slap! Slip on appropriate clothing. Slop on some sunscreen. SPF 15 or higher reapply frequently Slap on a hat or sunglasses