Central Oregon Research Coalition DATE: MARCH 10, 2016 PRESENTED BY: Jackilen Shannon, PhD
The CORC Lifecycle 2012 First Working Group Retreat Partner with COHC, Announce first joint pilot project RFA Partner with OSU Cascades, Steering Committee CORC 2.0; Revitalize, Restructure Noted grassroots interest in wanting to partner on research projects -- Goal was to support networking and collaboration opportunities Six letters of intent and 4 full proposals submitted. 1 grant funded. Continued interest in developing sustainable structure for continuing to support local and collaborative research. Build a structure that will support long term interactions and research. Mission: To create sustained community and academic partnerships for health related research in Central Oregon. Changes in OHSU priorities, new structure for CORC realized and monetary support provided. New Partnerships identified - projects developed Solidified opportunities for partnership Central Oregon Research Coalition Moving Forward TOGETHER
What Have We Been Doing? Funding to the region: 2013 – 1 $50,000 pilot award in collaboration with COHC 2015 – 1 $20,000 award (Oregon Clinical & Translational Research Institute [OCTRI]) – 2 $25,000 awards (Knight Community Partnership Program [CPP]) – 3 $10,000 awards (CPP) 2016 – Upcoming calls for proposals: OCTRI, CPP, Integrated Program in Community Research Training in the Central Oregon region since 2014 2 Research Readiness Workshops (OSU-Cascades/COCC students); 1 pending 2 Putting Public Health Evidence in Action trainings [how to find / identify / implement] Evidence-Based Interventions; Knight CPP collaboration Technical Assistance Evaluation support provided to 14 Transformation fund projects Human Subjects’ Protection Consultations New COHC RHIP Proposal assistance – includes direct access to Evaluation Core
Technical Assistance The Central Oregon Health Council has recently released a funding announcement. Consultation with our office is listed as a requirement prior to proposal submission. We are really excited about this – we enjoyed doing this with Transformation Fund awardees and look forward to continue working directly with community project leaders.
What’s Next? Understand the Needs in our Community and the Gaps we can help fill Set Priorities as a Coalition Identify Coalition Leadership
Community Assessments Why ? Identify what is already here Understand what is important Identify where we can help Learn about projects in the community Instrument we used Started with: Interactive Systems Framework Implementation Model (Capacity + Motivation) Adapted it (a lot!): Community Research Hub, Input of Community Research Liaison Team So far…. 19 Interviews 7 Sectors 3 Counties (Deschutes, Crook, Jefferson)
Interview Question Who do you consider to be the strong health & wellness organizations/leaders in the community?
Who are the Perceived Health and Wellness Leaders and Organizations in our Community? “I would like to see a regional approach to bring Crook County into the regions health topics. We sit in a silo too often.”
Interview Question What would you say limits your community /organization in conducting research/asking/aswering questions you have around improving health ?
Barriers to Conducting Research
RESULTS for Immediate Polling Question: What would you say limits your community or organization from conducting research, that is, asking or answering questions you have around improving health? Response Count Competing internal priorities 9 Lack of funding/money 8 Human Resource bandwidth 7 Lack of knowledge/leaders 5 Less innovation due to less competition/Resistance to change 3 Data access, collection, sharing Mistrust of research 2 IRB navigation/HIPAA compliance 1 Lack of evidence-based interventions available Lack of impact on policy change Time needed to see results/pace of research Total 41
Interview Question What are your interests and priorities around research training?
Interests in Research Training “Data can be overwhelming and scary”
RESULTS for Immediate Polling Question: What type of training topics would benefit you and/or your organization most? Response Count Project Design 8 Grant Writing /Funding Mechanisms 5 Research Readiness/Research 101 Study coordination/research staff training 4 Literature Search/Interpreting Journal Articles 2 Data Collection/Analysis/Presentation Population health Schools and Science careers 1 Other--Use the 2nd side of your paper form to give us another answer Total 30
Interview Question Do you think that the idea of creating /supporting a research coalition to build research capacity, and a university partnership is a good idea? why?
Is a Research Coalition a Good Idea? Yes, there is interest and a need! “There is no umbrella organization that is helping us to grow health and wellness. It is more grass roots, working in silos.”
Interview Question Where would you say most of the motivation behind improving health and wellness in the community is coming from?
Motivation Behind Improving Health and Wellness “I think there is a high degree of interest on what is working and having expertise since health and wellness is a broad subject.”
RESULTS for Immediate Polling Question: From where would you say your interest and motivation behind improving health and wellness comes? Response Count Personal Stories/Passion/Compassion 12 Education 4 Parks and Recreation/Environment 3 Behavioral/Mental Health 2 Other--Use the 2nd side of your paper form to give us another answer 1 For profit/Business Model Total 23
“At the heart of it all we all want to do a better job. “At the heart of it all we all want to do a better job. Sometimes the surface level intention is around guidelines requirement and responsibilities. But at the end of the day, most want to make life better for those around them.”
What is a Coalition? - A group of individuals and/or organizations with a common interest (RESEARCH!) who agree to work together as a common goal
What is my Role as a Liaison? Help locate funding opportunities Project design & grant writing assistance Providing letters of support Identifying and accessing biostatistical expertise Connections to human subjects protection consultation Coordinating or leading training opportunities for research best practices
CORC Present CORC Mission: Create sustained community and academic partnerships for health related research in Central Oregon. CORC Vision: Increase funding and opportunities for innovative research to improve health outcomes in Central Oregon.
CORC’s Current Capabilities CORC now has employed a Community Liaison Identify and support existing research expertise in Central Oregon Statewide connections to support research best practices Originally developed by community leaders CORC Website
Our Future!