Global Challenge Research Fund Newton Fund Grants Academy 17th March 2017
Agenda of Today’s Workshop Overview on GCRF and Newton Funds. Professor Maggie Gill will present on ODA compliance and UK strategy. Case Studies from Professor Paul Hallett and Professor Jo Smith will help set the scene and spark discussions on the challenges and benefits of working in this funding landscape. Breakout Sessions will focus on key challenge areas. Group Discussions: A) Barriers to individuals, institution and the ODA context. B) Supporting Activity and Applications. Internal and External Pump-Priming Fund. Aberdeen Grants Academy Presents GCRF and Newton Fund
Launch of the Aberdeen Grants Academy Tuesday 21 March, 3.30pm, James Scotland Suite, MacRobert Building The Aberdeen Grants Academy aims to support our staff in all stages of the research grant cycle, from conception of ideas, through development and refinement of a funding application, to research delivery and realising the impact of the research we undertake. Come along to this event to find out more about the Aberdeen Grants Academy and how it can support you. For catering purposes, it would be appreciated if you could indicate your attendance to Aberdeen Grants Academy Presents GCRF and Newton Fund
New Twitter Account @UoAResInnov Research and Innovation at the University of Aberdeen. Follow for funding news, Grants Academy, internal grant and triage deadlines and bid development Support. Aberdeen Grants Academy Presents GCRF and Newton Fund
Global Development Research Funding Key UK funding opportunities in global development research funded by either a single funder (DFID, Wellcome Trust) or a group of funders (Newton Fund, GCRF, Ross Fund). DFID GCRF Newton Fund Research Councils Ross Fund Wellcome Trust Aberdeen Grants Academy Presents GCRF and Newton Fund
Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) Overview A 5-year £1.5 billion funding stream, to ensure that UK research takes a leading role in addressing the problems faced by developing countries. Managed by the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and will run from 2016-2021 Harnessing UK’s world-class research base to pioneer new ways of tackling global challenges, such as in strengthening resilience and response to crises, promoting global prosperity, tackling extreme poverty and helping the world’s most vulnerable. Aberdeen Grants Academy Presents GCRF and Newton Fund
GCRF Overview challenge-led disciplinary and interdisciplinary research. strengthening capacity for research and innovation within both the UK and developing countries. providing an agile response to emergencies where there is an urgent research need. Aberdeen Grants Academy Presents GCRF and Newton Fund
GCRF Delivery Overseen by Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS). Delivered through a number of partners and programmes. The Research Councils and the National Academies each have allocated annual amount of funding to support a collection of programmes. An interdisciplinary pot of funding, the 'GCRF Collective Fund' will promote research around Global Challenge themes such as health, clean energy, sustainable agriculture, conflict and humanitarian action and foundations for economic development. Aberdeen Grants Academy Presents GCRF and Newton Fund
Changing Funding Landscape Aberdeen Grants Academy Presents GCRF and Newton Fund
Where it Funds Research programmes must have the primary purpose of promoting the economic development and welfare of Low or Middle Income Countries (LMICs) on the DAC list of ODA recipients as its main objective. Aberdeen Grants Academy Presents GCRF and Newton Fund
Challenge-led Interdisciplinarity Support cutting edge research which addresses the problems faced by developing countries. Address global challenges through disciplinary and interdisciplinary research. Strengthen capability for research and innovation, within both UK and developing countries. Enable agile responses to emergencies and opportunities. Aberdeen Grants Academy Presents GCRF and Newton Fund
Newton Fund Initiated 2014, uses science and innovation partnerships with the UK and 16 countries to promote their economic development and social welfare. The Newton Fund is part of the UK’s ODA commitment with a total investment of £735 million. Between 2016-2021, £585 million will be available from the UK, for bi-lateral and multi-lateral programmes, with matched resources provided by partner countries. Managed by the UK's Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and delivered by delivery partners in the UK and partner countries. Aberdeen Grants Academy Presents GCRF and Newton Fund
How is the Newton Fund evolving? Launched in April 2014 for 5 years and £75M per year 2015 UK Spending review agreed to extend and expand Newton Fund Extension – Newton Fund extended to 2021 Expansion – Newton Fund £90M this year and up to £150M by 2021. £735M UK investment to 2021 with partner countries providing matched resources within the Fund Aberdeen Grants Academy Presents GCRF and Newton Fund
16 Partner Countries Aim to build strong, sustainable and systemic links between UK and partner country science and innovation bases. Egypt Turkey Kazakhstan Mexico China Colombia Philippines Vietnam Brazil Thailand Chile Malaysia Indonesia South Africa Kenya India *Chile may move off the list of DACs countries in 2017 then not be eligible for Newton funding Aberdeen Grants Academy Presents GCRF and Newton Fund
15 UK Delivery Partners The Fund is being delivered through 15 UK delivery partners. They develop and run calls, and allocate and manage the money they receive as part of the Newton Fund: Aberdeen Grants Academy Presents GCRF and Newton Fund
Newton Fund Programme Aims Support the development of a well trained research community at critical career points through skill transfer. Strengthen research excellence in Newton countries (and the UK) by supporting promising independent, early-career researchers and their research groups. Establishing long term collaborative research and innovation links between the UK and Newton countries. Aberdeen Grants Academy Presents GCRF and Newton Fund
What is the Newton Fund? The Newton Fund covers three broad activities: People: increasing capacity in science and innovation, individually and institutionally in partner countries. Research: research collaborations on development topics. Translation: creating collaborative solutions to development challenges and strengthening innovation systems. Aberdeen Grants Academy Presents GCRF and Newton Fund
Recurring Calls - Fellowship and Mobility Grants Newton International Fellowships: For non-UK scientists who are at an early stage of their research career and wish to conduct research in the UK. Newton Advanced Fellowships: For international researchers who wish to develop the research strengths and capabilities of their research group through training, collaboration and reciprocal visits with a partner in the UK. Newton Mobility Grants: Funding for international researchers towards travel, subsistence and research expenses for either a one-off short visit to explore opportunities Aberdeen Grants Academy Presents GCRF and Newton Fund
British Council Researcher Links (under an overarching Researcher Mobility programme) Workshops and travel grants for research visits, with a focus on early career researchers. Institutional Links Grants for establishing links between higher education, research institutions and businesses with the aim of translating research to drive economic development and social welfare in partner countries. PhD programme Facilitating the capacity building of individuals, and the building of sustainable, long-lasting links between UK and overseas institutions, through PhD scholarships, placements, and partnerships. Professional development and engagement Building the skills of researchers in areas such as communication and research management, as well as supporting good research governance, community and policymaker engagement. Technical training and employability Workforce planning and development for technical and vocational training in the research and innovation sector. Aberdeen Grants Academy Presents GCRF and Newton Fund
People School Student PhD Postdoc Young Prof Academician PhD Partnerships Newton Advanced Fellowships Newton International Fellowships STEM Pipeline Technical Training & Employability Developing People’s Science & Innovation Capability Leaders in Innovation Researcher Mobility Schemes Aberdeen Grants Academy Presents GCRF and Newton Fund 3
Newton Fund funding opportunities page Newton Directed Calls New calls from different delivery partners are released regularly by the Newton Fund and are available at Newton Fund funding opportunities page All new funding opportunities posted on the Newton Fund Twitter account @NewtonFund Aberdeen Grants Academy Presents GCRF and Newton Fund
Newton Directed Calls Calls Newton Fund Country Partner UK Delivery Partner In Country Partner Call Open Call Closes FORTHCOMING - India:UK Bio-technological solutions for reducing industrial waste India Innovate UK,Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC),Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Department of Bio-Technology (DBT) FORTHCOMING: UK-China Agri-Tech China Innovate UK,Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST) UK-Thailand Workshop on Infectious Diseases and Non-Communicable Diseases Thailand Medical Research Council (MRC) TRF, NSTDA 06-Mar-17 21-Mar-17 Newton International Fellowship Brazil,China,India,Mexico,South Africa,Turkey Academy of Medical Sciences NSFC, CONFAP, TUBITAK, CONACYT, DBT 24-Jan-17 22-Mar-17 Newton International Fellowships Royal Society Newton Advanced Fellowships China,Malaysia,South Africa,Thailand,Turkey 23-Jan-17 23-Mar-17 Fellowships for UK Researchers Turkey British Academy,Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng),Royal Society TUBITAK 25-May-16 31-Mar-17 Aberdeen Grants Academy Presents GCRF and Newton Fund
Newton Directed Calls Calls Newton Fund Country Partner UK Delivery Partner In Country Partner Call Open Call Closes Scoping study for prototype Urban Climate Services in China (CSSP China) China Met Office 13-Mar-17 11-Apr-17 Global Research Programme; addressing the health needs of women and children in disadvantaged populations globally India Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC),Medical Research Council (MRC) DBT, DFID, ESRC, MRC 14-Feb-17 12-Apr-17 GEOLOGICAL DISASTER MONITORING BASED ON SENSOR NETWORKS British Council 06-Mar-17 14-Apr-17 India-UK Water Quality Research Programme Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC),Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Department of Science & Technology (DST) 16-Feb-17 26-Apr-17 Urban innovation in Brazil Brazil Innovate UK Ministry of Industry, Foreign Trade and Services (MDIC) 07-Nov-16 03-May-17 Precision Medicine Programme in South Africa South Africa South Africa Medical Research Council 30-Jan-17 17-May-17 FORTHCOMING: Newton-Ungku Omar Fund Malaysia – UK Urban Innovation Malaysia (AIM) Malaysia Innovation Agency 01-May-17 01-Sep-17 Aberdeen Grants Academy Presents GCRF and Newton Fund
Global Challenge Research Importance: Shifting Funding Landscape Global Challenge Research Current 2015/16 Non-ODA ODA Disciplinary Interdisciplinary Non-Newton ODA ~£86M RCUK Themes Energy Global Uncertainties Living With Environmental Change Lifelong Health and Well Being Global Food Security Digital Economy ~£460M Newton Fund ~£30M (£75M BIS) Aberdeen Grants Academy Presents GCRF and Newton Fund
Global Grand Challenge Target 2020/21 Non-ODA ODA Disciplinary Interdisciplinary Council(s) Challenge Programmes (£?M) Non-Newton ODA ~£135M Newton Fund (£150M BIS) Global Challenge Fund (£100M-£415M) ~£492M BIS RCUK Grand Challenge TBD Aberdeen Grants Academy Presents GCRF and Newton Fund
Professor Maggie Gill ODA compliance and UK strategy
Professor Paul Hallett Case Study 1
Professor Jo Smith Case Study 2
Challenge Areas / Breakout Groups During 2016 RCUK developed a list of challenge areas in consultation with the UK Department for International Development, with reference to: • UK Aid Strategy • UN Global Goals for Sustainable Development (SDGs) Aberdeen Grants Academy Presents GCRF and Newton Fund
Challenge Areas / Breakout Groups As part of registration we asked you to self-identify with one of the following 5 challenge areas. Secure and resilient food systems supported by sustainable agriculture Sustainable health and well being Inclusive and equitable quality education Clean air, water and sanitation Renewable energy and materials Aberdeen Grants Academy
Format for Breakout Groups Aberdeen Grants Academy Presents GCRF and Newton Fund
Feedback from Breakout Sessions Secure and resilient food systems supported by sustainable agriculture Sustainable health and well being Inclusive and equitable quality education Clean air, water and sanitation Renewable energy and materials Group Discussion A) Barriers to individuals, institution and the ODA context. B) Supporting Activity and Applications. Aberdeen Grants Academy
Group Discussion Group Discussion A) Barriers to individuals, institution and the ODA context. B) Supporting Activity and Applications. What are main barriers to participation in theses schemes. Either more generally, or for particular calls or institutional or within the ODA context or working within Developing Countries? Creating a University-wide approach, engagement from particular Schools or specific individuals? Support for Activities and Applications. Aberdeen Grants Academy Presents GCRF and Newton Fund
Fund to support GCRF and Newton Fund - Stakeholder development activities Pump priming to engage with ODA partners and develop relevant stakeholders. Preliminary data to demonstrate that proposed research is feasible in-country will be beneficial. Scoping out issues of delivery “in country” Research activity must be scope of the research councils Developing the case the impact Must have the potential to lever future GCRF or Newton (future outline plan evidenced) Engage with a resource to assist in bid development Aberdeen Grants Academy Presents GCRF and Newton Fund
Types of expenditure Travel to develop relationships with relevant stakeholders Workshops for scoping and bid development Preliminary data generation (can be staffing) Impact case development Sub-contracting for expert grant writers Demonstration of additional leverage would be beneficial Up to £10k per project, spend by end of July Call and application form will be located on staff net and emailed to all attendees Aberdeen Grants Academy Presents GCRF and Newton Fund
External Pump Prime Funding Sources Examples include The BBSRC International Travel Award Scheme ITAS enable BBSRC researchers in the UK to travel to anywhere else in the world. Usually one off trip to do activities such as collect data, write a full grant proposal or learn a technique (or other activities). Scheme open all year round, awards up to £3k for travel and subsistence costs only. BBSRC Partnering Awards to support collaborative activities over a period of up to 4 years (up to 50K) and International Workshops to develop relations in topics relevant to current BBSRC strategic priorities(up to 10k) run every year; usually open mid-September and close mid-November. Aberdeen Grants Academy Presents GCRF and Newton Fund
Research Connect Username: Your UoA email address Password: “aberdeen” (all lower case) “Configure, save and run and re-run funding searches against a comprehensive world-wide database of research funding opportunities. Download reports, set-up working groups, configure email alerts to receive information on targeted funding opportunities straight to your email inbox.” Aberdeen Grants Academy Presents GCRF and Newton Fund
Thank you - Questions? Summary Awareness of GCRF and Newton Funds. Understanding of ODA compliance and UK strategy. Case Studies to share best practice and the challenges and benefits of working in this funding landscape. Breakout Sessions will focus on key challenge areas. Identified Barriers and how we might start to overcome. Sources for Internal and External Pump-Priming Fund. Thank you - Questions? Aberdeen Grants Academy Presents GCRF and Newton Fund