Building Community for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Scientists: The Rochester Training Pipeline EXPERIENCE Scott Smith, Gerard Buckley, James DeCaro, Steve Barnett, and Steve Dewhurst National Technical Institute for the Deaf, Rochester Institute of Technology University of Rochester Medical Center
Unique characteristics of deaf/hard-of-hearing individuals that contribute both to their historical obstacles accessing science careers and to the diversity benefits that they can bring to the science workforce Unique elements important to successfully train and work with deaf/hard-of-hearing scientists The Rochester training pipeline and vision for future
DEFINING DEAFNESS AND DEAFHOOD pathology (deficit model) medical treatment with aim to cure focused on listening and speaking socialize with hearing people cultural (language, cultural habits, shared sense of self, focus on positive abilities) sign language = spoken language encourage the development of ALL communication modes socialize with other deaf as well as with hearing
GROWING UP DEAF/HARD-of-HEARING depending on family and educational background… variable communication strategies American Sign Language English-based Signing Systems Speechreading and Speaking Writing variable English language development average reading at high school graduation is 4th grade, but wide variability
GROWING UP DEAF/HARD-of-HEARING with almost no exception, inconsistent and incomplete access to informal and incidental information this “wall” impacts fund of information (world knowledge, art of politics, etc.) personal and social development “soft skills” deficits
GROWING UP DEAF/HARD-of-HEARING the social stigma of D/HH as a disability diminishes career awareness, career expectations, and career efficacy parents and many hearing people are often not exposed to successful D/HH adults this stigma is also often internalized (self- stigma) and decreases students’ career exploration and planning D/HH children and young adults are often not exposed to successful D/HH adults
THE RESULT: REDUCED EDUCATIONAL ATTAIMENT D/HH individuals possess doctorates at one-third the rate of hearing individuals
WHAT WE CAN DO? educate everybody, especially leaders and administrators ensure effective communication access use visuals address writing skills include deaf/HH mentors/role models
ENSURE EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION ACCESS customize communication access for each individual deaf/hard-of-hearing scientist specialized interpreters and other communication technologies be creative and flexible when possible use I-Pad under a lab hood
USE VISUALS!!! increased awareness of mentor and research team about advantages of using visual communication
ADDRESS WRITING SKILLS provide additional mentoring and support with writing grants, papers, and posters constructive feedback examples provide supplemental science and grant writing courses and seminars
INCLUDE DEAF/HH ROLE MODELS Elevate Elevate career awareness and expectations Overcome Overcome social and internalized stigma to increase self-confidence, self-efficacy, and psychological resilience Bridge Bridge gaps in “soft skills” caused by incomplete access to contextual (incidental) information
ROCHESTER SUMMER RESEARCH TRAINING INSTITUTE More than 80 participants from all over the USA For some, first time meeting and networking with other D/HH researchers
THE VISION: National Hub of Excellence for D/HH SCIENTISTS collaborate with institutions, industry, and government throughout the country conduct multi-disciplinary programs of research to implement, evaluate, and disseminate best practices for cultivating successful D/HH scientists serve as a national outreach and technical assistance resource provide a virtual community of D/HH mentors and role models for D/HH scientists nationally
RESOURCES The Rochester Summer Research Training Institute https:/ for meeting proceedings: The National Hub of Excellence for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Scientists The Rochester Postdoctoral Partnership Program scholars.aspx The Rochester Bridges to Doctorate Program The RIT-RISE Scientists-In-Training Program (website still under construction)
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