Quality Infrastructure in Serbia, Association of accredited CABs in Strengthening cooperation among associations of accredited bodies in the CEFTA Region Quality Infrastructure in Serbia, Association of accredited CABs in Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia Ljubiša Dimitrijević, Secretary of the Association of Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT Conformity legislation is fully aligned with the main EU principles, meaning that definitions, safeguard procedures, obligations and liability of economic operators, conformity assessment procedures – modules, the ground for notification/designation of CABs and the role of accreditation – are all aligned with main principles of EU acquis in the respective areas The total number of CABs designated and registered within the Register maintained by the Ministry of Economy according to the regulations harmonized with the EU directives is 54 - New Approach designations: Machinery - 6, LVD - 3, EMC - 4, Lifts - 9, PPE - 5, ATEX - 2, PED - 19, SPVD -2, MID – 1, NAWI – 2, GAD – 1, and RT&TE – 3 Sarajevo, March 21st, 2017
ACCREDITATION The Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS) is the sole institution performing accreditation activities in accordance with the Law on Accreditation. ATS is a public institution and was registered as such. A law governing public administration services are applied in case of the ATS establishment, set-up, status and activities-related issues. The Law on Accreditation governs the accreditation procedure, establishment and scope of the ATS activities, its internal bodies and financing. It's in accordance with the relevant clauses of the Regulation (EC) No. 765/2008 According to the latest update, the total number of granted accreditations is 533 (303 testing laboratories, 55 calibration laboratories, 12 medical laboratories, 123 inspection bodies, 21 certification bodies operating certification of products, 14 certification bodies operating certification of management systems and 5 certification bodies operating certification of persons Sarajevo, March 21st, 2017
ACCREDITATION In May 2012, the Accreditation Body of Serbia (ABS) became a full-fledged member of EA when it signed the EA MLA Agreement for the following accreditation areas: testing laboratories, medical laboratories, calibration laboratories, controlling and certification bodies for the certification of products, management system and certification of persons ABS is a signatory to the ILAC MRA Agreement for the areas of testing and calibration and controlling ABS is a signatory to the IAF MLA Agreement for the area of the certification of products, management system and certification of persons. Sarajevo, March 21st, 2017
METROLOGY New Law on Metrology was adopted in February 25, 2016. The solutions in the law are, among others, further harmonization in the area of metrology in the Republic of Serbia with practice applied in the European Union The new Law on Amendments to the Law on Control of Precious Metals Articles was adopted in February 25, 2016, also Sarajevo, March 21st, 2017
STANDARDIZATION The Institute for Standardization of Serbia has adopted: 95 % CEN standards, 95 % CENELEC standards and 20,61% ETSI standards. All Serbian standards representing the implementations of European standards are fully aligned with them. 1556 European standards and 17 European deliverables were adopted by the translation method, and the rest were adopted by the “cover page” method The European Committee for Standardization (CEN) and the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC) have both decided to grant full membership status to the ISS, the National Standardization Body (NSB) of Serbia from January 01st, 2017, and represents an important step towards the full participation of Serbia in the European Single Market The ISS started to withdraw national standards that conflict with European Standards since 2007 and now there are no conflicting national standards to European standards Sarajevo, March 21st, 2017
MODERNIZATION OF THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY OF SERBIA STRENGTHENING THE ROLE OF CCIS IN LEGAL PROCEDURE IN SERBIA - CREATION OF REGULATORY FRAMEWORK – for all the laws relating to economy it is needed to have the opinion of businesspeople - REGULATORY IMPACT ANALYSIS – quarter analysis of sectorial and systemic regulations STRENGTHENING THE ROLE OF CCIS IN THE PROTECTION OF INTEREST OF THE ECONOMY, THE IMPROVEMENT OF BUSINESS CLIMATE LEGAL AND FINANCIAL CONSULTANCY SERVICES, TECHNICAL LEGISLATION ON LINE : credit worthiness, database, e-confirmations, e-certificates, business plan... INNOVATIONS- networking science and business, economic analysis, investment support... EDUCATION (FORMAL/DUAL AND NON-FORMAL EDUCATION) INVESTMENT PROMOTION PLANNING AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND THEIR IMPLEMENTATION ЕU PROJECTS- informing, project assessment, support to the application, matchmaking partners-consortia Sarajevo, March 21st, 2017
ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES Section M: group 69.20 – accounting, bookkeeping and auditing operations; tax consultancy group 70.10 – economic subject management group 70.22 – consultancy activities relating to business operating and other management group 71.20 – technical examination and analyses motor vehicle test group 72.11 – reasearch and experimental development on biotechnology group 72.19 – research and development on natural sciences and engineering group 74.90 – other professional, scientifi and technical activities Section N: group 82.99 – other business support service activities Section Q: group 86.90 – other human health activities Sarajevo, March 21st, 2017
COOPERATION OF THE ASSOCIATION OF ACCREDITED CABs In 2015, it established very effective cooperation with state institutions in the field of QI – Мinistry of Economy (Department of quality infrastructure and market product safety), АBS, Directorate of measures and previous metals, ISS, Мinistry of Trade, Tourism aand Telecommunications… In addition to the seminar held in March 2015 in CCIS, a few meetings and additional seminars were organized : AACAB, in the cooperation with the Ministry of Economy, has organized the meeting for the purpose of informing members on the Stratefy for the improvement of QI in the RS for the period 2015-2020 and action plans that will define concrete activities relating to the implementation of the strategic goals Sarajevo, March 21st, 2017
COOPERATION OF THE ASSOCIATION OF ACCREDITED CABs The Roundtable “Role and importance of accreditation for economic development” was organized with the ABS, and Accreditation Day in the Republic of Serbia was celebrated on 28 June Members of the Board had the opportunity to discuss problems and challenges faced by ACAB and to propose the best solutions for the future cooperation. The result of the successful cooperation of the two institutions is the development of a scheme for accreditation of certified bodies in accordance with the requirements of the economy. ABS was awared by CCIS Charter for its 15 years of fruitfull cooperation Sarajevo, March 21st, 2017
COOPERATION OF THE ASSOCIATION OF ACCREDITED CABs Directorate of Measures and Precious Metals and Metrology Group organized the meeting in order to introduce the authorized bodies for: verification of water meters and thermal energy measuring instruments, verification of measuring instruments and measurment systems for constant and dynamic measuring of quantity of liquids that are not water verification of electricity meter. With special requirements relating to the implementation of the Rulebook on measiring instruments that came into force on 1 January 2017. Sarajevo, March 21st, 2017
INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION At the initiative of the Group for Metrology, the Agreement on membership of the Group in EUROCAL was signed (the organization of European national associations of calibration laboratories, with a view to improving standards, harmonizing and promoting good practice in the field of calibration of measuring devices) The first meeting of the EUROCAL Executive Committee was held on 9 and 10 March 2016 in CCIS. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Group, members of EUROCAL from Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Croatia and Macedonia. Sarajevo, March 21st, 2017
INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION Members of the Group have designated coordinators for the work with EUROCAL in the special areas as follows: Technical Committee 01: Direct Current and Low Frequency и Technical Committee 13: Measurement Uncertainty - mr Draganа Nаumović Vuković, Electrical Engeenering Institute „Niкоlа Tеslа“ Bеlgrade Technical Committee 02: High Frequency and Optics и Technical Committee 04: Length – ankica Milinković, Vekom Geo Laboratory Belgrade Technical Committee 05: Temperature and Humidity - мр Zoran Marković, Nuclear Sciences Institute „Vinča“ Belgrade Technical Committee 06: Pressure and Vacuum – Јovan Perović, Wika Measurable Technique Belgrade Technical Committee 07: Mass and Weighing Instruments – Branislav Adžić, Vaga Legal Belgrade Technical Committee 11: Flow Measurends – Nevena Đurđević, Vukas Mering Belgrade General Issues - мр Vladan Lapčević, Meter&Control Belgrade Sarajevo, March 21st, 2017
COOPERATION WITHIN THE CSS CONCLUSIONS: improvement of cooperation, communication, data exchange, harmonization of work programs, organization of professional seminars, roundtables in the field of quality infrastructure, primarily conformity assessment impact on businesspeople, via conformity assessment bodies and sectorial associations, for the purpose of raising the awareness on the importance of standards and technical regulations for the strengthening of competitiveness and conquering new markets Sarajevo, March 21st, 2017
LEGAL ACTIVITIES Participation in the work of the Product Safety Council (established by the Government of the Republic of Serbia) Participation in the work of the Working Group of the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure on the elaboration of a proposal of the Construction Product Regulation Participation in the work of the CCIS Expert Team for monitoring the negotiations on the EU association, Chapter 1 – free movement of goods Initiative and coordination of the Working Group of the Ministry of Economy on application of the Rulebook on technical requirements for plywood boards for general use Sarajevo, March 21st, 2017
LEGAL ACTIVITIES Members of the Metrology Group take an active part in the creation of proposals: the Rulebook on conditions that an economic subject has to fulfill for the verification of measuring instruments the Rulebook on program, conditions and ways of passing the professional exam the Rulebook on criteria for defining the costs of verification of measuring instruments carried out by the authorized body the Rulebook on the ways of authorizing economic subjects and other legal entities for carrying out the verification of measuring instruments and keeping the register of authorized bodies Sarajevo, March 21st, 2017
PARTICIPATION IN PROJECTS The regional project “Quality Infrastructure in the Western Balkan Region” which is implemented by the consortium: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SIDA), CEN, CENELEC and EFTA The goals of the project: improvement and implementation of the legal framework within the Chapter 1 – free movement of goods, provision of consistency of measurement system and conformity assessment and support to the creation of better communication mechanisms among market supervisory bodies implementation of technical standards and regulations in CABs and SMEs, primarily directed towards the application of regulations in the field of construction, electronic and electric products organization of educative seminars and trainings in the field of standards and technical regulations for the purpose of strengthening competitiveness of SMEs and easier placing of products on the EU market Sarajevo, March 21st, 2017
PARTICIPATION IN PROJECTS The Project beneficiaries will be, among others, conformity assessment bodies (specially authorized bodies) through the implementation of practical trainings, networking of competent institutions and participation in practical training programmes (6 practical trainings) The cooperation with the current ACAB associations in the region will be continued as well as the work on stronger connecting of associations for the purpose of exchanging best practice, increasing the transparency of activities, encouraging accreditation and fulfilling ethical principles and good laboratory practice Creation of conditions for mutual recognition of documents on conformity in the CEFTA Region Sarajevo, March 21st, 2017