The social, economic and environmental costs of globalisation What do these people have in common?
Key Enquiry Question 2: What are the impacts of globalisation for countries, different groups of people and cultures and the physical environment? Lesson 7 LO: To be able to explain why global shifts in economic activity bring a range of environmental, economic and social impacts. Concept Checker: 3.4a. The movement of the global economic centre of gravity to Asia via the global shift of manufacturing (China) and outsourcing of services (India) can lead to changes in the built environment that can bring benefits (infrastructure investment, waged work, poverty reduction, education and training) but also costs (loss of productive land, unplanned settlements, environmental and resource pressure. 3.4b. Some communities in developing countries have experienced major environmental problems (including air and water pollution, land degradation, over-exploitation of resources, and a loss of biodiversity), which impact on people’s health and well-being. 3.4c. Some deindustrialised regions in developing countries face social and environmental problems as a result of economic restructuring (dereliction, contamination, depopulation, crime and high unemployment). Key terms: Infrastructure Deindustrialisation
(your exam definitions must focus on this first!) Globalisation It is mainly an economic process (your exam definitions must focus on this first!) Social and environmental effects follow on from economic changes. These are called externalities. A global shift has occurred. Poorly paid manufacturing work has moved from richer to poorer countries. Externalities from this have been child labour, suppression of trade unions, pollution, exploitation etc.
Externalities of Globalisation Social Environmental Externalities of Globalisation Economic Whole class discuss what they already know as examples of externalities.
Negatives Deindustrialisation meant long term unemployment in previously industrial cities i.e. Manchester, Sheffield, leading to longer term social problems. Briefly remind pupils of the process of deindustrialisation.
Over to You In groups will be assigned one of the impacts (social, economic or environmental) and will be provided with a resource pack to assist in your understanding. You are to create a 10 minute presentation to the rest of the class on your impact. Don’t rely on PowerPoint! Try to be creative in how you present your knowledge. See shared area for resources.
Homework Actively read the iSlave article in Showbie and summarise the impacts globalisation has created in this case example.