The 1960s: Big Changes in America
John F. Kennedy (1961-1963) First Catholic elected as POTUS Promises to get “America moving again” The New Frontier Massive investment in the space program and military technology Minuteman missile program Man on the moon by the end of the decade Bay of Pigs disaster
Showdown with the Communists Ousting Fidel Castro in Cuba Renewing our commitment to Berlin Increasing the number of military advisors to Vietnam Cuban Missile Crisis
Cuban Missile Crisis
Dialogue with the Soviets After Cuban Missile Crisis, JFK & Khrushchev renew commitment to discuss peace Red line from the White House to the Kremlin Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
Commitment to Vietnam
Tackling Civil Rights 1st took office = not at the top of his agenda Numerous clashes in the South Urged by his brother, Bobby Kennedy, to take action Televised national address Introduction of new Civil Rights legislation Stalls because of Southern opposition
Kennedy Assassination November 22, 1963 Trip to Dallas to smooth over differences within the Democratic Party over Civil Rights Dealey Plaza = shots ring out Lee Harvey Oswald Warren Commission Report Conspiracy???
Dealey Plaza & The Book Depository
A Different View
JFK’s Burial Funeral patterned after Lincoln’s Buried at Arlington National Cemetery
Compare to his brothers’ gravesites at Arlington Nat’l Cemetary
LBJ’s Great Society Lyndon B. Johnson (1963-1969) From Texas = Very different from JFK Great Society Programs War on Poverty Massive increase in programs to fight hunger, poverty, homelessness, etc.
Civil Rights Legislation Civil Rights Act of 1964 = Outlawed discrimination in restaurants, housing, motels/hotels, public bathrooms, libraries, public schools, etc. Banned unequal interpretations of voter registration standards 24th Amendment = elimination of poll taxes Voting Rights Act of 1965 = Literacy tests & grandfather clauses are illegal; voter intimidation is illegal
Huge Escalation of Troops to Vietnam Domino Theory Tonkin Gulf Resolution Gave the president broad powers to wage war in Vietnam Massive increase in the number of troops sent to Vietnam To check communism US troops vs. peasant farmers (communist rebels led by Ho Chi Minh) Beginning of the War = Strong US support By the end = many had turned against it
Counter Culture of the ’60s
Election of 1968 Eugene McCarthy (D) = peace candidate forced to drop out because of RFK Robert Kennedy (D) = peace candidate who is assassinated Hubert Humphrey (D) = LBJ’s VP ends up being the Democratic nominee Richard Nixon (R) = secures the Republican nomination & wins a narrow election
Many Factors
Nixon Wins Richard Nixon wins the 1968 election Promises that he has a secret plan to get America out of Vietnam