Was Lee Harvey Oswald the lone shooter? JFK’s Assassination Was Lee Harvey Oswald the lone shooter?
Today’s Objective After today’s lesson, students will be able to… Assess the assassination of JFK and evaluate whether LHO acted alone Essential Skill: To explicitly assess information and draw conclusions
Assassination Dallas, November 22, 1963 Warren Commission Report Texas Book Depository Lee Harvey Oswald fired 3 shots Jack Ruby killed Oswald Warren Commission Report Conspiracy?
Oswald fled the scene He checked into his boarding house on 1026 Beckley Officer J. Tippit stops on the street to talk to Oswald Oswald shoots him 4 times to death
Oswald is captured Lee Harvey Oswald walked 8 blocks to Texas Theatre on Jefferson Boulevard
Arrested The cops beat Oswald up after he resists arrest at the theatre
Your Turn Abraham Zapruder film Beyond Conspiracy: The Kennedy Assassination (2003)
Who Wanted to Kill JFK? Castro – Kennedy wanted to kill him as well as overthrow the Communist government Mafia – RFK was putting pressure on organized crime FBI – JFK wanted to get rid of hoover CIA/Military – JFK did not want to escalate US involvement in Vietnam
Conspiracy Questions Could Oswald shoot 3 times accurately in under one minute? Was there another gunman on the “grassy knoll”? Was Oswald even involved in the assassination or was he just a patsy? Did Jack Ruby act alone or was he under orders from the mafia to dispose of Oswald Could the “Magic Bullet” have injured both Connally and Kennedy? Was there a cover up by the government to keep the identity of the real assassins secret?